Operation story: OF-1

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Hotel Room

Before operation

Provence and Skyfire head to the foot of a volcano for a field trip, but notice there's something rather unusual about the volcano.
However, before they can get a better grasp of the situation, they hear a call for help.
<Background 1>
[Provence and Skyfire emerges from the woods.]
Skyfire Provence.
Provence, you're absolutely, positively sure I can't burn this place down to the ground?
All these useless branches and weeds are really getting on my nerves.
Provence This is the tenth time I've heard you complaining this hour, princess.
Besides, I originally planned on just checking out some stuff alone while collecting some samples for Eyjafjalla along the way.
You offered to join me in this investigation yourself, so nobody's forcing you to stay if you can't handle it.
Right now, the others are having fun at the beach. You should join them instead of going through this mess here with me.
Skyfire I can't leave you alone, not with your tendencies.
Even though you're a Catastrophe Messenger, only my knowledge can keep you safe in this kind of fire hazard area.
Provence All the more reason we can't set this entire mountain on fire.
Even though I know this is your specialty... we're on vacation this time. It'd be best to keep a low profile.
Otherwise, Amiya and the Doctor will end up having to clean up the mess again.
Skyfire Fine, for their sake, I'll try to put up with this a bit longer.
Hey, do you see that black-colored outcropping over there?
Looks like it might be obsidian. Let's go check it out.
Provence Careful now, don't just go running around. And especially, don't set stuff on fire.
Phew... Keeping her in check is more tiring than the investigation itself.
But something's off... Even if it's summer, this kind of heat... doesn't seem natural.
<Background fades out and in>
[As Provence and Skyfire searches the woods...]
Skyfire Big tail.
Provence ...
Skyfire Hey, Big tail!
Provence Hmm? Wait, you mean me?
Skyfire Did you notice a weird smell earlier?
Provence Now that you mention it...
Hmm. Very faint, but it's definitely there.
Skyfire The volcano is expelling more gas than I expected, and the test rune Eyjafjalla gave me is reacting.
By the looks of things, this place is going to go up in flames even without my help.
Provence Something doesn't seem right about this volcano...
But the most we can do is turn to Eyjafjalla for confirmation.
Skyfire Over here, we can get some samples from this outcropping.
Provence Ha!
There, that should be enough!
[After gathering the samples, Provence and Skyfire are about to test them.]
Skyfire We can do some preliminary tests on this sample with our equipment before sending it back to Rhodes Island.
Eyjafjalla should be able to turn the test results around right away.
Provence Just based upon how this obsidian feels to the touch... I can't say for sure, but there's something different about it.
Also taking the smell and the temperature around here into consideration...
I can't say for certain, but...
Skyfire What are you trying to say? Spit it out already!
??? Come at me! What are a few slugs going to do?! I'll take you all out right here!
Curses, the hem of my skirt got stuck...
C-can anyone hear me?! Why are there so many Originium slugs here?!
N-no! Stay away from me! Someone help me!
Provence Someone's calling for help! It's coming from the beach!
Let's hurry over there!
Skyfire Hey, wait for me!

After operation

The pair rescue Ceylon Doykos, a young woman who happens to be a daughter of Siesta's mayor.
As the three of them discuss and share information, the threat of an imminent volcanic eruption emerges.
<Background 2>
Doctor So that's what happened...
Provence Yeah, that's how we met Ceylon in the forest at the base of the volcano.
Ceylon I have a question.
Did you really have to give an entire dissertation on how you saved me?
Skyfire I'm with the lassie here. Plus, did I hear you say something about how you found me annoying?
Provence Ah, um, you must have heard me wrong!
Doctor Regardless, what's important is that everyone is safe.
Ceylon Umm, well, even though it's rather late for this, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Ceylon Doykos, and I'm a graduate of Victoria National University as well an Originium researcher. I'm also the daughter of this city's mayor.
Doctor The mayor's daughter?!
Skyfire Who would've expected the mayor's daughter to be wandering around alone on the volcano?
Ceylon Well, academic curiosity necessarily comes with its share of dangers...
Provence Let's continue talking about that volcano...
<Background 1>
Ceylon A-ahem.
Thank you very much, strangers.
Provence Don't mention it.
But, what brings you here alone?
Isn't this a bit too far for a long walk on the beach?
Hmm, judging by the tools you have on you...
Skyfire Provence, she's here to investigate, just like us.
Provence Huh, is that so?
Skyfire She has a notebook with her, but she's also dressed to the nines.
Assuming she's not just a simpleton, then that means...
She had a flash of inspiration and rushed out of the house without even bothering to change, and then ran into trouble while still dressed like this.
I can't begin to tell you how many dresses I've gotten burnt this way.
Provence Uhh, don't you think that's just a little abnormal?
Ceylon Well, setting aside the thing with the dresses, you've pretty much got the gist of it.
Provence I do have to say, it's rather dangerous to do that... especially if you're not prepared.
Skyfire Don't worry. As long as I'm here, you could even come empty-handed and still be fine.
Ceylon Anyways, thanks for saving me.
Come find me after I get back to town, and I'll be sure to repay you.
However, I have something important to do right now, so pardon me for my rudeness.
Provence Oh, if you're still busy, then sorry for interrupting. However, it's best not to go to the volcano alone.
You should know how dangerous it is by yourself since you got attacked by these Originium slugs.
Ceylon Well, that was just an accident. I was in a a hurry, so I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings.
I grew up in this city. If the Originium slugs really are that dangerous, the mayor would've done something about it.
Provence ...Hmm, all right. However, if you ask me, I'd say they gathered here for a reason.
Ceylon Nothing's different about this place, so why would...
Wait, agitation due to changes in the environment.... So that's what's going on! Thank you, I have another line of evidence!
Skyfire ...Provence, by the looks of things, she reached the same conclusion as you.
Even though I'm not an expert on volcanoes, I do have a degree of understanding as a professional and comprehensive scholar.
Ceylon Could you two also be here to look for proof?
Proof that the volcano is going to erupt?
<Background 2>
Doctor The volcano's going to erupt?! / Are you kidding?!
Provence An unusual and irritating odor, a higher temperature than normal, and aggressive Originium slugs...
Also, based on the presence of these infected creatures, this may be no ordinary volcano. The mining companies would go crazy if they found out that there might be Originium in this volcano.
Ceylon Not many people know about the actual conditions of the volcano, and information about it is controlled by the City Council's relevant departments.
Agitation due to environmental changes... At least that gives me something to work with.
I've been looking for experts in this field to help ensure the safety of the city and its residents.
Please help me, and the city of Siesta, make it through these dangerous times.