Operation story: MN-1

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Kazimierz Bar
Nearl Estate Living Room
Kazimierz Streets

Before operation

An Angry Zofia goes looking for Maria, trying to convince her to give up knight competition. Instead, she is convinced to become Maria's coach.
<Background 1>
Old Craftsman Maria! How is it looking?!
[Maria is fixing a jukebox together with the old Ursus craftsman.]
Maria Hold on just a little longer! Let me get this last screw!
Old Craftsman Tighten it up! Really get it in there!
Maria Got it! Wait, hold on! I think I know what's wrong with the battery slot connection down here—!
Old Craftsman Hurry up! You know how heavy the jukebox is! I can't hold it much longer!
["Bald" Marcin, an old Liberi bartender, gives a cheese to the old Kuranta knight.]
Bald Marcin Your cheese, V.
Old Knight ...This isn't going to blow up on us like last time now, is it?
Bald Marcin A jukebox blowing up? That would be quite a sight to behold.
Old Knight How can you be sure it won't happen? If it's got something to do with Originium, Kowal will find a way to mess it up.
Old Craftsman Who's talking behind my back?!
Maria Master Kowal! C-Careful! Stop shaking it!
Old Craftsman Ughh, my bad. Sorry, Maria.
V! Once I'm done over here, I'm going to teach you a lesson!
Old Knight Good, I'll be waiting!
Bald Marcin I can always count on you two to liven things up here. Just remember, if you end up fighting, anything you break, you'll have to pay for.
Old Knight You've heard him babble on and on like that for years, but when did you ever see him win?
Bald Marcin He handed you your behind just the other day.
Old Knight Ugh... I was drunk last time. Plus, I had arthritis... That didn't count!
*Chugging intensifies*—Hah! When we made that trip to the borderlands back in the day, he wouldn't dare talk to me like this...
Old Craftsman V! What kind of lies are you on about this time?!
Old Knight You followed me to that hellhole! Who were you, if not just a retainer?!
Old Craftsman That was years ago! All of your retainers made it big enough to be your king by now!
[Suddenly, a Kuranta lady enters the bar by force and calls out Maria's name.]
??? Maria!
<Background fades out and in>
Maria Eek!
Old Craftsman Uagh—! Son of a bitch! What'd you let go for?!
Maria M-My bad... Let me hide here for a minute...
Bald Marcin Zofia, go easy on the door. I've had to replace it more than a few times just this month.
*Sigh*... This is exactly why I haven't forked out the money for an automatic door.
Old Knight What's going on? Why are you so worked up?
[The Kuranta lady, now known as Zofia, looks for Maria around the bar.]
Zofia ......
You're there, aren't you?
<Background fades out and in>
Maria Eeek—!
Old Craftsman Hey, Maria, she's coming this way. Doesn't look like that jukebox's keeping you out of sight.
Maria Ugh... Why is this jukebox so small...?
How's she looking?
Old Craftsman Bad. I haven't seen her this mad since that time she threw that drunken knight prick out.
Old Craftsman —Oh, now she's smiling.
Maria That's even worse!
Zofia Kowal?
Old Craftsman Ahem—V! Time to hit the bottle! You were talking about me behind my back, weren't you?! I'll show you I meant it when I said I could drink you under the table!
Old Knight Tsk, you coward. You're just running away!
Bald Marcin Then perhaps you should try and see if you can help Maria's case?
Old Knight I-I don't even know what's going on with the two of them! I'm staying out of it!
[Zofia approaches the bewildered Maria.]
Zofia Ma-ri-a, what are you hiding here for?
Maria ...Uhh...
Zofia You're trying to keep something from me, aren't you? Not that I don't already know what's going on.
Maria Ha, haha...
Zofia ...*Sigh*.
You know what it means to enter the Major, right?
Bald Marcin ......
Old Knight Ohh... No wonder Zofia's furious.
Zofia Why didn't you come talk to me first?
Maria Cause I knew you'd be mad, Zofia...
Zofia You bet I am! You don't have the faintest idea what you're going up against!
Maria Umm...
I-I know a little about it...
Zofia ...Through your sister? The Radiant Knight of Kazimierz, one of the youngest miracles to grace the Major? Yes, of course you'd know a lot about that.
Maria D-Don't pinch my ear—!
But, but! The family's in really hot water right now!
I'm not kidding! I may not even have a bed to sleep in come next year! We'll be out of furniture to sell!
The Association doesn't recognize a noble family without a Knight Primus. I've lost track of how many times they've come to complain about that... I-I don't have any other choice...
Zofia ...If it comes to that, you can come live at my place. We've got a big bath and two gardens...
In any case, you shouldn't have signed up for the Major... That's way too rash of you...
Maria ...Even before my grandfather passed, my uncle never wanted anything to do with the Association, let alone after.
And it's been a while since my sister was kicked out of Kazimierz. If I don't even try to step up here...
Zofia ...*Sigh*.
Even so, you should've at least talked to us... Don't just blindly chase whatever idea pops into your head.
Maria I'm really sorry... but I knew you'd stop me if I told you...
Zofia Of course I would!
Maria ...What about now?
Zofia ..."The Radiant Knight appears once more? Will the debuting knight of the Nearl family restore honor to the nobles?"
The headline on today's sports page.
Maria Ahaha... Margaret's as popular as ever...
Zofia This is no joke!
The media may be hyping things up with their weird headlines and lies, but It's not too late to quit, I'm telling you.
Maria But if I don't do this, the Nearl family will go bankrupt and lose our status as nobles!
I know what I'm doing, Zofia... I... I have to do this.
Zofia Geez... Marcin, you know what knight sports are like. Help me out here—
Bald Marcin Yeah, I say let her try.
Zofia —What!?
Maria Marcin! Thanks!
Zofia No, no, no. With the way she is, she wouldn't win in a fight against me even if I tied one hand behind my back! Are you sure?
Maria What a mean thing to say!
Old Knight Now, now. You made it to the Final 16 in the Major. She'd be earning more than a passing grade to take you with just one hand.
Old Craftsman That's right. V here wouldn't even stand a chance even if you tied one hand behind your back.
Old Knight You wanna say that again!?
Old Craftsman All of us regulars here may all be old, retired folks past our prime, but we still got an eye for people, and we know what potential looks like... creepy old men that we are... Eh, she'll do fine.
Old Knight That's no way to talk! That's not even a compliment!
Old Craftsman You know what I'm talking about! Don't tell me you knights don't get sick of talking like a walking encyclopedia!
Bald Marcin Ahem—V is right.
I trust Maria's talent. Her Arts and swordsmanship isn't bad at all. You of all people should know. You've been practicing with her since she was just a kid.
Zofia But she's been so into mechanical work these last few years. I thought she wanted to become a mechanic...
Maria That's just a hobby. I don't want to give it up... but you've got to do what you've got to do, right?
[Zofia slaps Maria on the face.]
Maria Ow!
Zofia ...I still haven't forgiven you for making that decision on your own. This really isn't a joke.
Bald Marcin ...I agree with Zofia on that.
I admire you doing everything you can for your family, and with a smile on your face, but knight sports aren't all fun and games like they are for tourists and the crowd.
In fact, you'll find there's nothing fun about it.
Marcin lifts his hand up—Much of his arm has been replaced with robotic parts. The joint rattles metallically.
Maria Oh...
Bald Marcin This is what happens if you let your guard down.
Old Knight Yeah... I remember that. You were up against a Victorian with two blades.
You still won, in the end.
Bald Marcin Yes, but at what price?
This is the kind of glory you get in the Major. Now even cleaning a wine glass is a chore.
Old Knight The Major, hmph.
Bald Marcin There's no mercy or respect in the arena. The only thing real there is the blood that splatters the ground.
The audience cheers for their entertainment, and the sponsors treat you well because it fills their coffers.
Think it through, look at all the difficulties you'll face, and only then should you press on. That's what makes a real knight.
Maria I... I understand...
Zofia ...Maria.
Maria ...Yeah. I'm serious.
Maria Uncle's always said that even if we're stripped of our nobility and the family crest falls, it won't be the end of our lineage...
But I still want to protect everything that my sister and grandfather fought to defend.
Margaret isn't here anymore, and as one of the youngest members of the Nearl family, I can't just stand by and watch my family fall from grace.
If I do that, I'll end up hating myself to death.
Zofia ......
Old Knight Even when you know the path ahead will be ruthless and treacherous, you still embark on the journey. That's what it means to be a knight.
You can do it. This one's for you.
Old Craftsman Hear, hear. To Maria!
Bald Marcin (Holds mug up)
Zofia ...*Sigh*, I was hoping you people would help me talk her out of it. Turns out, you're encouraging her.
Maria Oh... Zofia. Please, Auntie Zofia! Please, I beg you!
Zofia Stop it! Leave my age out of this! I'm only five years older than you!
...Well, I'm part of the Nearl family. I know how you feel, but I still think—
Maria I'll work on my swordsmanship skills! I'll be good! Please, you can trust me!
Oh yeah! Why don't you be my coach—
Zofia Oh...?
Maria (Whoops—)
Zofia Now that reminds me. When was the last time we trained together?
Maria ...Probably before Margaret left Kazimierz?
Zofia And what was the last technique I taught you? Where did it come from? How do you apply it in combat?
Maria Uh... Hahaha... I-I wonder?
Zofia Yes, this is perfect.
We'll meet at the training grounds in the garden tomorrow morning. You won't be late, will you? Lady Maria, the Knightess?
Maria Hm? Y-Yeah... I'll be there.

After operation

Despite her Uncle's objections, Maria spends several weeks training under Zofia and sees some improvement.
<Background 2>
Maria (My equipment's all good. My sword... it's the one Margaret used when she was training. It should still be usable, right?)
(Okay, I'm all set. Time to go...)
[A middle-aged male Kuranta enters the room.]
??? ......
Maria Oh... Uncle Młynar.
Młynar Let me guess. Off to blemish our family's reputation?
Maria Am not—!
Młynar I've already heard about the Major from my colleagues.
You don't deserve to stand in an arena for knights. What's more, the Major doesn't deserve the Nearls.
Maria ......
Młynar Was it Zofia who gave you the idea?
Maria No! I signed up myself!
Młynar I figured as much. She may just be a lady-in-waiting to our family, but she nonetheless made a name for herself in that capitalist charade... She is a knight, for all that's worth.
But what does that make you?
Maria I... I just want to defend our...
Młynar Even if we're stripped of our nobility, our ideals remain unchanged. We have nothing to defend.
Maria Even so...
Młynar Above all, there is nothing we need you to defend.
Don't be like your sister. Just because she's still young and full of beans, she lost all self-control—
[Młynar's phone rings, prompting him to answer.]
Młynar —Yes, Chief?
Good evening. Yes, that's right, it's me...
Worry not. If you have any questions about what we discussed in our last meeting, please do not hesitate... I beg your pardon? No, please. Please reconsider... Yes...
Młynar glares at Maria and walks upstairs indifferently.
Młynar My apologies. I take full responsibility. I will have the corrected documents sent to you right away... Tomorrow, yes, I will have it ready for you tomorrow... I am very sorry.
Please. Please reconsider. Definitely. I won't ever make such a mistake again.
—Maria, I'll deal with you another time. I hope you'll know your place.
[Młynar leaves.]
Maria Uncle Młynar...
Getting intimidated won't do me any good here... If I don't hurry, I'll be late for practice.
<Background 2>
[Maria is training her swordsmanship in the courtyard under Zofia's oversight, where she is guarding herself from Zofia's attacks.]
Maria Nnngg—!
Zofia Watch your footing. And keep your rhythm.
[Maria still guards herself from Zofia's strikes.]
Zofia Hnn—
It's been ten minutes, and you haven't returned my attacks once.
Maria Uhh... You said you'd take me on with just one hand, but that's a one-handed sword!
Zofia I wouldn't be using one hand If I really fought you. Or would you rather try a Leithanien style?
Maria I knew knights from other countries had different fighting styles... Are you telling me you can fight like them too? You're actually picking on me, aren't you!?
Zofia Only a copycat. I lost that fight not for a lack of preparation, you know.
Maria Auntie...?
Zofia Well, it's all in the past. It's not something I lose sleep over.
I'm more worried about you. Look how unprepared you are... you're just sending yourself to a quick death, wanting to fight in the Major.
Maria Hnng...
Zofia Alright, let's get back to it.
Maria O-Okay, but give me just another minute... My legs are still trembling...
Zofia If you can't even handle this much, you'd better give up now.
Maria Nnngg—! Okay, let's go!
[Maria continues her training.]
<Background fades out and in>
The next day.
Maria Haa.... Haaah... H-How's that?
Zofia What do you mean, "How's that?" You're barely standing upright.
Maria Aside from sleeping and eating... we've basically... been working out the whole time... Don't you get tired at all, Zofia...?
Zofia ...You know about the team melees?
Those are the matches draw the crowds to the Kazimierz Major. Each knightclub sends a single representative—Well, in your case, you're joining the fray as an individual.
You have somewhere around a couple dozen people all in a huge, man-made arena. You rack up points by striking your opponents' armor, and those are added to your overall score.
Of course... if you're defeated or incapacitated before the time limit, you're immediately eliminated, and you score zero points.
Maria ...I-I know at least that much...
Zofia Uh huh. Then, tell me, do you know how long a single melee lasts?
Maria ...A few hours?
Zofia The longest melee match ever lasted the entire day and well into the night, after the audience kept cheering and the corporations kept tacking on overtime.
The knights in that match were like a bunch of Gloompincers locked in a cage together. They had to rally themselves over and over to keep fighting each other.
Maria Umm...?
Zofia One by one, the contestants fell either from exhaustion or injury, and no one got anything to show for it. On the other hand, the three who lasted till the very end raked in more than enough points to immediately advance to the main competitions.
Maria I-I see... so the match lasted a whole day, and only three made it through...
Zofia Once we got the first division sponsor pushing that kind of ruleset, the copycats started to show up left and right across all divisions like Originium Slugs.
It's certainly not a pretty sight, but what's worse is that the audience likes it. So nothing else matters.
Zofia Which means you'll have to be ready to fight an entire day!
Maria —An entire day?!
<Background fades out and in>
A week later.
[Maria continues her training and seems to perform better than before.]
Zofia Phew...
Let's call it here. You're getting better at this.
Maria Ahh—
Zofia Don't just lie down right after you're done working out. Get up and walk around a little. Maybe think about what to have for dinner tonight.
Maria O-Okay. Hmm! My legs are so sore...!
Zofia Well, of course. Your pacing is terrible.
We can probably forget about winning the sprint race... All the top knightclubs have members who specialize in that, and if they show up, we've got no hope there.
That said, mobility is still very important in artificial terrain.
Naturally, how well you do in the races has to do with how well-equipped you are. We've got to work on your stamina, but the real bottleneck there is our budget...
...Are you even listening?
Maria Ahh—! I got it!
Zofia Hmm?
Maria I just remembered Marcin gave me two meal coupons for fixing the jukebox the other day! Why don't we have dinner there tonight?
Zofia What should I even do with you...
Maria D-Don't be mad! I just wanted to do something for you to show my gratitude!
Zofia I'm not mad. So, when are we leaving?
Maria We don't eat out together often... Is it okay if I take a shower and get a change of clothes first?
Zofia Okay... but we'll get right back to training after dinner. We don't have time for you to slack off.
Maria Yeah!
[Maria runs off in excitement.]
Zofia ......
(Maria is clearly making progress. And here I thought she decided to do this on a whim...)
(She's serious about this... and she's more serious than she looks. I was thinking she wouldn't be ready with so little training... I was even going to talk her out of it.)
(She's working so hard to get there, but she's just as cheerful as always... I wonder who she learned that from.)
(Is this her fighting spirit...?)
Zofia lifts her head up. In the distance, far away from the garden overgrown with weeds, the lights of the towering skyscrapers glitter brilliantly in the city's skyline.
She quietly places her oft-unused hand on her sword's hilt, like she's deceiving herself.
<Background black>
Just as she expected, before she's even managed to unsheathe her sword, she feels an intense muscle pain shoot up her arm from her waist. She quickly lets go before she loses consciousness.
Three weeks later.
<Background 4>
Old Craftsman When was the last time those two brats showed their faces here? Could've paid the bar a visit on their time off. What are they being so shy for?
Old Craftsman Are kids finally coming around to the idea of shutting yourself inside and training all day?
Old Knight ...When did anyone ever do that?
Old Craftsman I did, back when I was a kid.
Old Knight Knights train as they roam the world. Who ever heard of shutting yourself indoors just to train?
Old Craftsman ...*Sigh*. Filthy rich knights wouldn't know how hard life is for us common folk, with all the Catastrophe Messengers money can buy and the means to travel anywhere... You can't imagine how much hard work went into that sword of yours...
Old Knight What are you mumbling on about now? If you're trying to pick a fight, then do it. I'm not afraid of you!
Old Craftsman You can't possibly think I'm talking about you?!
[The two old men hear a mock swordfighting at a distance.]
Old Knight Quiet down!
...You hear that...? They're working on her swordfighting.
Old Craftsman I'm not deaf! Yeah, not bad. You know those shoddy practice swords on the market? Those are way too light to do any actual training with. Those trash manufacturers are always cutting corners.
Not these ones, though. They even sound beautiful. You can tell they're very fine blades... but how come I think I've heard this sword before?
Old Knight Because you're old.
Old Craftsman Why do I even bother talking to you? Get a move on!
<Background 3>
Old Craftsman ...You aren't lost, are you? Got dementia or something?
Old Knight What's the hurry?! Zofia's garden is huge—We should've asked the servant at the gate for a motorcycle.
Old Craftsman You aren't getting anywhere with a motorcycle here. There's more weeds than an overgrown forest.
Old Knight Hey, watch your step.
Old Craftsman Whew—Almost fell... What's this? An engine cover? In a garden?
<Background fades out and in>
Zofia Watch your step! Control your breath!
Maria Y-Yes, ma'am!
[Maria trains together with Zofia by launching several strikes while the old Kuranta knight and Ursus craftsman are watching them.]
Old Craftsman Hm... still the basics.
They've been training for a month, and they're still working on the basics. Looks like we're going to miss out on a lot of points.
Old Knight ...Maybe you're the one with dementia here, Kowal.
Old Craftsman You wanna say that again?!
Old Knight Yes, they've been working on the basics for a month, but Maria's from the Nearl family.
Do you think she didn't practice these "basics" back when Ol' Pegasus and Margaret were around?
Old Craftsman Well... now that you mention it.
Old Knight Area of expertise? Their standings? Why does any of that matter?
A real Kazimierz knight should always be working on his technique.
[Maria keeps striking at Zofia, who guards them.]
Maria Haah... haah...
Zofia Don't stop. Good momentum. Let's keep going!
Maria But... I'm really...
Zofia Right, right, I hear you. Let's make sure you stay in bed for the next three days, then—!
Maria —!
[Maria thrusts her sword with Zofia parrying it. The old Kuranta knight and Ursus craftsman are astonished upon seeing it.]
Old Knight (Whistle)
Old Craftsman Whew, that one thrust was something.
Bald Marcin It's a backhand thrust, it's fast, and above all, it hits where it matters, the vitals. So her training's paying off?
Old Craftsman ...How long have you been there?
Bald Marcin Just got here.
Hohoh, watching her reminds me of the good old times when Margaret was still around.
[Maria unbeknowingly strikes Zofia's sword off her hand.]
Zofia ......
Did you just...
Maria Huh? Oh? I did that out of habit... Um... Did I do something?
Um... Where's your sword?
Zofia T-That hit just now flung it away...
Maria ......
Zofia ......
Maria Huh?!
Zofia Don't get cocky! I'm just upset you managed to strike my opening!
Maria Oh? So you do leave openings, Auntie Zofia.
Zofia Tsk...
Maria So...?
Zofia ...Fine, a promise is a promise. You can fight in the Major.
Maria For real?
Zofia But I'll be there coaching you the whole time. You know nothing about the basics of the competitions, and there's still lots for you to learn... the scheduling, the scoring, how to analyze all the intel—
—Don't lie down! Get up! We still have lots of preparation to do!
Maria Come on... Just let me... take a short break...
Zofia Don't fall asleep on me!