Faction trivia: Kazdel

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  • Kazdel does not seem to be based on any particular state, and many comparisons to historic states and peoples can be drawn. As a matter of fact, this is somewhat contentious among the Western Arknights community. Currently, it is somewhat accepted that Kazdel could have been a blend of both the German Reich/Holy Roman Empire and the Biblical Israel (or the Levant as a whole):
    • Kazdel's disunity and internal strife are parallel with the dissolution of the HRE and its division into numerous principalities, and internal power struggles that followed such as the Seven Weeks' War. It also parallels with the split of the Kingdom of Israel upon Solomon's death.[1]
      • Furthermore, the unification of the German states was largely opposed by the four great powers of Europe at the time, who feared their hold was threatened by the emergence of potential a new power, in an extreme case leading to the Franco-Prussian War. In the same way, many nations of Terra also found it in their best interest that Kazdel not unite under one banner, leading to heavy interference in the region's affairs.
      • Theresa's attempt to unite Kazdel is similar to Pan-Germanism, yet its subsequent descent into ultranationalism (Lebensraum and Nazism) is parallel to Theresis and the Military Commission of Kazdel.
    • The representation of Sarkaz as people without a homeland and a strong, nationalistic desire to reclaim their promised, historical land are to some extent comparable to Zionism.
    • The numerous disintegrations of Kazdel in history and the Westward Relocation are likely inspired by the historical exoduses experienced by the worldwide Jewish diaspora such as the Assyrian/Babylonian captivities and the Romans' repulsion of Jews right after the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE and the Bar Kokhba revolt in 132 CE. The most recent disintegration in the year 893 is highly reminiscent of the Crusades, notably the Third Crusade in which the force was mainly made up of England (Victoria), France (Gaul), and Germany (Leithanien).
    • The hatred, discrimination, and even demonization of the Sarkaz parallels to Antisemitism. The tarnished relationship between the Sarkaz and the Sankta in Laterano caused by their shared origin echoes the historical tensions between Christians and Jews.
      • The depiction of the Sarkaz as barbarians by other races also mirrors the ancient Roman depictions of Germania and its inhabitants. The word Sarkaz itself appears to be Proto-Germanic in origin.
    • The Royal Court is also likely an allusion to the princes of the HRE, such as those of the German Confederation. It is also reminiscent to the Zekenim/Council of Elders (זְקֵנִים) in the Biblical Israel or the Great Assembly, the Knesset Hagedolah (כְּנֶסֶת הַגְּדוֹלָה).
    • Images of Kazdel itself from flashbacks have shown forests of birch, a cold-loving tree native to the Northern hemisphere, probably implying a temperate and (albeit by real-world standards) northern climate for Kazdel. It could be an allegory to the forests of Lebanon known for its Mediterranean climate and its cedar forests, or Germany. However, this also lends support for many other potential bases such as the Balkans.
    • The German elements in modern Kazdelians could be a parallel to the Ashkenazi Jews, Jewish descendants from Germany who mainly makes up of the current worldwide Jewish diaspora.
    • The legend of the "Lord of Fiends" might be a reference to the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation.
    • Kazdelian Sarkaz are known for doing unpleasant mercenary work, which is akin to German mercenaries (e.g. Landsknechte) who were renowned and later became infamous throughout Europe.
      • Similarly, many European states' Jewish population were also treated in such way throughout history as well; though in this case, it was as tax collectors, due a perceived proficiency in mathematics, leading to the Antisemitic trope of Jewish people being greedy; akin to the stereotyping of Kazdelians in general being violent.
    • The Terran clothing brand Marthe is known to be based in Kazdel. It draws visual inspiration from Adidas, a German sports brand founded in the period following World War I.
    • The association of Sarkaz and their brand of Arts dubbed "witchcraft" as well as their religious and esoteric theming allude to the pre-Abrahamic paganism such as the worship of Baal that was once practiced across the Levant, including pre-Abrahamic Jews, which was often portrayed as dark, mysterious, and primitive in medieval and pre-modern eras.
    • The synonymous association of Kazdel/Teekaz and Terra as a whole, their utopianistic view of such past, and their biased detest of them being banished from their homeland by "invaders" are likely allusions to the Garden of Eden or the Promised Land, a.k.a. the "Land of Milk and Honey," found in the Bible.
    • Arknights has noticeable Biblical references like Noah's Ark and Babel. Adding to this is Rhodes Island's ambition to bring peace to Kazdel which is highly reminiscent of the Messaic prophecy or the promise of the New Jerusalem.
  • Other than that, Kazdel and the Sarkaz also have common themes with various oppressed and disenfranchised peoples and cultures.
    • Their rootlessness shares with other races like the Kurds and the Romani people, and their exoduses might take inspirations from many forced migrations in history and modern refugee crises across the world.
    • The discrimination towards the Sarkaz are also likely intended to represent various longstanding racism and xenophobia in history (e.g. Antiziganism).
