Tutorial: IC-TR-1

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[An Alcohol Lover spawns.]
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Steward Self-Driver Launchpoints often appear on Zeruertzan roadsides. I haven't tried one yet, but apparently, you can use it to launch a Self-Driving Cart.
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[Steward engages the Alcohol Lover.]
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Steward <The Launchpoint is highlighted> There's a Self-Driver Launchpoint right here.
<Game unpaused>
Steward Once Self-Driver Launchpoint are all ready, you can spend a certain amount of DP to launch a Self-Driving Cart in a fixed-direction. I'll give it a shot... [The player selects the Launchpoint and activates its skill]
[A Self-Driving Cart appears from the Launchpoint and heads downward, ramming the Originium Slugs in its path which takes damage and are momentarily Stunned.]
<Game paused>
Steward <The Cart is highlighted> Once a Self-Driving Cart is launched, it'll follow a predetermined course in a straight line, and deal Physical Damage that ignores Dodge along with a brief stun to any enemies it collides with.
<Game unpaused>
[The Cart eventually crashes into a wall and destroyed.]
<Game paused>
Steward <The Cart is highlighted> Once it hits impassable terrain, the Self-Driving Cart is basically out. It looks like you have to be sure about it before you launch.
<Game unpaused>
[The Alcohol Lover starts moving.]
<Game paused>
Steward It looks like there's a way to make these self-drivers turn so they avoid running into anything. Let me look through the manual they hand out with these...
Cardigan Steward, this is super easy! If it passes through an allied unit, it goes straight in the direction they're facing!
<Game unpaused>
Cardigan Let me drop right here and give a hands-on demonstration! [The player places Cardigan on the position where the Cart crashes earlier]
Remember to face me left, okay! [The player sets Cardigan's facing to the left]
<Game paused>
Cardigan <The Launchpoint is highlighted> Great! Now try launching another Self-Driving Cart!
<Game unpaused>
[(The player activates the Launchpoint's skill) Another Cart shows up and crushes the Originium Slugs, but instead of ramming through Cardigan, it turns toward where she is facing and crushes the Alcohol Lover. More Alcohol Lovers and Originium Slugs show up; (the player continues spawning Carts) while the Cart aids Steward and Cardigan in dispatching the Alcohol Lovers – who are able to dodge every single of Cardigan's attacks for a while after showing up yet unable to dodge the Cart's collision, it cannot reach most of the Originium Slugs due to the Cart going straight ahead past Cardigan.]
<Game paused>
Cardigan Wow, a whole new bunch of Originium slugs showed up! Steward, once they get in front of me, use the Self-Driving Cart to deal with them, and I'll block the rest!
Steward Hold on, Cardigan, we've got an even better option. We can use the Self-Driver One-Way Road to change our Self-Driving Cart's course, and extend the route it takes.
<Game unpaused>
Steward Just get the Self-Driver One-Way Road deployed right here... [The player places a One-Way Road on the position above the Originium Slugs]
Cardigan And then face it up, and we're set. [The player sets the One-Way Road's facing up]
[The One-Way Road is deployed.]
<Game paused>
Steward This way, when the Self-Driving Cart passes through, it'll change its original direction and travel upward!
But we have to pay attention, because each Self-Driver One-Way Road or allied unit can only turn any one Self-Driving Cart once.
<The Launchpoint is highlighted> Cardigan, let the Self-Driving Cart wipe out those Originium slugs at range, and we'll focus on handling the enemy in front of us. That way, we can steady our defensive line.
<Game unpaused>
[(The player activates the Launchpoint's skill) Yet another Cart shows up, which now turns upward upon driving towards the One-Way Road, allowing it to ram through the Originium Slugs and crush them. Even more enemies including Lakeside Volunteers show up, but Cardigan and Steward exploits their knowledge regarding Self-Driving Carts to dispatch them without much complications.]
<Game paused>
Steward Uh, we also got this really fancy magazine. Let me take a look... This says we can go to a place called a Gear Trading Center, and collect all kinds of Self-Driving Cart gear.
If we modify Self-Driving Carts at the Backyard Garage with the gear we get, we can give our self-drivers personalized appearances and extra functionality... Seems pretty interesting. Cardi, do you want to try it out after combat wraps up?
Cardigan Sure thing! Once this battle's over, let's go check out the Gear Trading Center too!
<Game unpaused>
[All of the enemies are defeated. In the result screen, a notice says that the Backyard Workshop has been unlocked. Have fun customizing the Self-Driving Cart to your taste and preference, and use it to make your Ideal City playthrough easier!]