Operator dialogue: Gavial

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Appointed as Assistant Yeah, yeah, I get it, you're deserve a nice rest in your off time! But you gotta get your treatment right now.
Talk 1 Huh? You want me to be gentle and caring? That's nurse's stuff, pal. I'm a doctor, from top to toe. That means healing, treatment. Don't waste my time with the pluff.
Talk 2 Strange, why does Dr. Kal'tsit keep telling me to be nice to patients? She's been doing it ever since I got here.
Talk 3 Your average doctor's biggest concern is keeping herself safe. Mine on the other hand... is getting my patients to stop being scared of me.
Talk after Promotion 1 Treatment time, ears open! Eyes on me! Hands up! Don't move!
Talk after Promotion 2 Doctors and fighters... livesavers and livetakers. People think we're polar opposites, but I think we're one and the same—we're both sacrifice.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Huh? I didn't beat anyone up. I just wanted to say hi. Watch, lemme demo... I initiate physical contact, and that how I get closer to people, see?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I kinda miss my hometown now... I picked this career path myself, but I never imagined that this is how I'd end up. I chose the path less taken... and it made all the difference.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor... you and I are both travelers on a lonely road. I guess that's why we understand each other so well.
Idle What the... you're asleep, huh? Hahaha.
Onboard I'm Medic Operator Gavial. First things first... don't judge me by the way I look. Got it?
Watching Battle Record Tch, I thought we were gonna have combat class.
Promotion 1 Everyone is so scarred of me treating them... you're the only one who accepts me for what I am. Thanks for that
Promotion 2 All right, no more fooling around. I'll be serious from now on.
Added to Squad Leave the route to me. Go show 'em what you're made of!
Appointed as Squad Leader All right, get in line, everyone!
Depart All right, ladies, let's keep it cool.
Begin Operation Coming!
Selecting Operator 1 Let's begin.
Selecting Operator 2 What would you like me to do?
Deployment 1 Ready to heal!
Deployment 2 Who needs healing, come over!
In Battle 1 If you want treatment, you gotta come closer!
In Battle 2 Don't get yourself killed, dummy!
In Battle 3 Come on, get it together!
In Battle 4 Hang in there, I'm coming!
4-star Result Meh, pushovers... I wasn't even breaking a sweat.
3-star Result Man, those guys were weak. I regret not giving them a few whacks with this staff here.
Sub 3-star Result Have you guys never taken emergency response training courses?
Operation Failure Darn it... I'm not giving up yet!
Assigned to Facility Let's see if there are any interesting people here!
Tap Hey, knock it off!
Trust Tap You want me to just nod and listen? No-fricking-way!
Greeting Hey, Doctor.
Title Arknights.