Operator file: Gavial

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Gavial is a former mercenary, forced to leave home after contracting Oripathy and ultimately joining Rhodes Island after a period of instability.
Above-average in physical strength, destructive prowess and tactical skills, she nonetheless opted to be a combat medic.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Gavial (the Invincible)
Imaging tests for this Operator showed blurry outlines of internal organs with visible dark spots. Unusually high concentrations of Originium particles were present in her circulatory system, indicating infection and confirming her as Infected at this stage.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 15%
Minor infection, nothing to be concerned about!

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.26u/L
I know my own body the best, of course. Rhodes Island's course of treatment has been effective in controlling and stabilizing the disease. However, physical performance has been affected considerably, down peak levels. Guess it's time to do some rehab...
— Gavial
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Gavial (the Invincible)
Gavial is a doctor who defies all conventional definitions of the word, people assume she'd sooner smash someone's head in with her staff than use it to heal the sick.
She is straightforward, and it becomes clear she is a very dedicated physician only after frequent contact. Until then, she often has a lot of work to do to convince patients of her skills.
Generally will not let anyone touch her tail.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Gavial (the Invincible)
To most people, the Archosauria are a warrior race, all of whom are combat ready. Thus, a physician like Gavial is indeed a one-of-a-kind anomaly.
What's even more curious is that while she does possess the natural aptitude for healing that is so rare in an Archosaurian, that is not to say she should shy away from battle. Quite the opposite, her overall fighting prowess is rather remarkable. So why did she choose to become a healer? Fortunately, she doesn't mind elaborating on her past:
She was one of the most renowned warriors of her tribe, but once she realized she has the talent for healing Arts, she chose to save lives rather than end them.
...Yes, it was simple as that, just like Gavial. Even when she was ostracized and eventually exiled from her home, she's never wavered or regretted it.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Gavial (the Invincible)
How Gavial came to contract Oripathy, she explained it as succinctly as how she became a healer:
Ran into a mining area to save lives and got infected herself.
She speaks of getting ostracized by her kin for becoming a healer and the discrimination she faced due to her infection as if they were trivial matters.
She finds it fulfilling to be here at Rhodes Island, treating wounds and illnesses.
We all owe Gavial our respect, and should learn from her generous spirit.