Operation story: GT-6

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Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Reunion Soldier B icon.png
Reunion Member
Village Blurry
Village Outskirts

Before operation

Skadi, Big Bob, and Grani face off, each insisting that they have something they're fighting for. But Carol's surprised yell of having discovered the treasure breaks the deadlock, and another battle is about to begin.
<Background 1>
Big Bob A few years ago, we became the Infected.
We were forced to live among the shadows. Overnight, peace became a luxury for us.
Originally, we thought that the Reunion Movement would be able to change our lives, but...
Still, nobody would sell us bread or provide us shelter. Nothing had changed at all.
My brothers and I left, and we drifted from place to place until we heard about the treasure. That is what brought me here.
This time, if we're able to get our hands on the treasure...
We'd be able to travel to Columbia, far, far away. There, the Infected can form communities and even own land.
That is why... Grani, for my brothers, I need this treasure.
It's not far... I can feel it. You did well, but it's a shame...
Reunion Member Hey, lady! You...!
Skadi Out of my way.
[Skadi strikes the Reunion member down...]
Reunion Member Woah!!
Big Bob ...
[...and approaches Big Bob and Grani.]
Skadi I don't care who you are, or what you plan on doing.
But you will shall disappear from my sight.
Mexican Standoff.png
Big Bob If there's really no other way, Skadi... then I'll fight you to the very end.
Skadi So these are the types of people you've chosen to ally yourself with?
Grani What will happen to Dewville after you take the treasure?
Big Bob No matter what happens, they will still survive. The same cannot be said for us.
Even though I haven't known you for long, I can tell what kind of person you are.
You aren't prejudiced against the Infected, unlike that monster standing next to you.
Grani (Skadi probably isn't prejudiced either... She just wants you out of her way, Infected or not...)
Big Bob Grani, tell me where Carol is!
You know how much this treasure means to us!
Grani Sorry, Big Bob, but that's not a part of my mission.
My only mission is to help Carol find the treasure, and restore peace to her village.
Skadi I don't care about any of that. Just hand Carol over to me.
Big Bob What do you need that girl for anyway, you monster?
Do you plan to skin her alive? Drink her blood?
You already heard the kid. She won't hand the chief over to you no matter what!
However, I just want the treasure. I won't lay a finger on the girl!
<Background 1>
Skadi I've had enough of this... Grani, tell me where Carol is.
Grani All Carol wants is to protect her village. She doesn't even care about the treasure itself.
Big Bob In that case, let me have the treasure then!
Skadi There is little difference between Reunion and the bounty hunters.
Big Bob I'm nothing like you greed-driven lot!
I used to be a good-for-nothing just like you, but I've seen the world for what it is.
Right now, things like status or wealth aren't worth shit.
All we want is to survive, and the treasure is going to make that happen!
Skadi I'll say it one more time. Hand Carol over to me.
Grani I won't hand over Carol, or the treasure.
This is my mission.
Big Bob Grani! You still have a choice! I don't want to fight you when it doesn't do either of us any good!
Just let me have the treasure, and everyone walks away happy!
Grani We already agreed that we'd give you a share of the treasure, Big Bob!
Big Bob But think about my brothers! At least let me see how much treasure there is first!
Skadi If we have to resort to violence, both of you know that you're no match for me.
Grani I might not be confident in my abilities, but if I have to fight both of you, then so be it!
Big Bob At least the two of us can talk things through, Grani!
Grani No.
Big Bob Then, let's team up and take her down first!
Skadi Are you done talking?
Grani If we start fighting here, then there really will be no turning back!
Big Bob We...
??? Grani!
Look, I found the it! I found the treasure!
Carol It was really hard to drag it all the way out here...
Mister Bob!
I'm glad that you're okay—
Grani Stay back!
Carol Huh? !
Skadi ...Tsk!
[Big Bob threw a grenade towards Carol, which detonates shortly after...]
Big Bob *huff*...*huff*...
There was... never any turning back for us!
Grani Huh? Carol!
[...but Skadi shields her from the blast.]
Grani Skadi!
Skadi Why did you use a non-damaging explosive?
Big Bob I owe these girls a favor.
But next time, I'll be using the real ones.
Grani Skadi...
You don't care about the treasure. Nor do you want to hurt Miss Carol.
Skadi ...
Grani That's why you shielded her instead of grabbing the treasure and making a run for it.
Skadi I'm not after the treasure. What I want is the answer that Carol holds.
Grani Why didn't you say so in the first place?!
What's the point of playing the villain anyway? Wouldn't kill you to be a bit more frank.
Skadi I don't want... for others to get caught up in my mission.
But the mission objective this time... is very important to me.
Grani Of course, I can imagine. Even though we have different missions, we're working towards the same thing, right?
We should be helping each other out instead!
Skadi Tch.
Grani I guess we're going to have to fight over the treasure after all.
Skadi, make sure not to hurt him too badly!
Big Bob Gra...ni...!
Grani I'm really sorry, Big Bob, but this might hurt a little!

After operation

Grani chooses to sacrifice her blood to open the treasure, and drags Skadi into helping the village solve the problem of intruding bounty hunters. After receiving his share of the treasure, Big Bob was able to make it to the faraway land of Columbia.
<Background 1>
Big Bob Hah... As I thought...
Reunion Member Bob! Y-you're bleeding!
We can't let you bleed for nothing! I can still—
Big Bob No, that's enough.
Reunion Member Bob...
Big Bob How much blood have we shed over the years?
Skadi Do you intend to continue?
Big Bob Hmph. We fight for our survival, so why would we throw away our lives?
I admit defeat. I'm not strong enough.
Grani ...
Carol Sorry, Mister Bob... But without this treasure, our village is doomed.
Skadi Step away from that chest. Give me the key.
Carol H-huh?
Skadi The moment you unlock that chest, you will die.
Carol But I...
This is something that we've safeguarded for generations. My father once said that taking care of this key was one of our most important duties—
Skadi —After you use that key, it will cut open your hand and drink your blood. If it comes in contact with someone not of the Kuranta bloodline, it will break.
Hand the key over to me!
Carol I can't... This key holds the future of everyone in the village.
Grani Ugh...
Is that true, Skadi?
Skadi The person who hid the Knight's Treasure took drastic measures in order to protect their secrets. Only—
Carol —Only those who possess the true, dauntless bloodline of Kazimierz may open the path.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
Carol "Only those who fear not sacrifice and possess the true, dauntless bloodline of Kazimierz may open the path."
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Carol Although I knew I would have to make some sort of sacrifice to open the chest, I didn't expect it to be like this.
Grani ...
Carol But I've already made up my mind for the sake of everyone in the village. I must open this chest!
Grani, if something happens to me, please sell the treasure and distribute the money among the villagers!
I'm sorry, father...
Grani Wait!
Carol Huh?
Grani Carol, can I see that key real quick?
Carol Um... sure.
Grani This key isn't that big, is it?
Skadi Even though it's not too big, the average person won't be able to survive losing this much blood.
Grani In other words, this monstrous key only sucks out a fixed amount of blood?
I'll open the chest.
Skadi What?!
Carol Huh? But if you do that, Grani, you'll...
Grani It's okay.
Sorry, Carol.
<Background black>
Grani Hey Skadi, make sure to catch me if I pass out, all right?
Carol Stop, Grani! Don't!
Grani Hnnf!!!
Carol Grani!
A few days later
Clear \ Visibility: 12 km
Outside the bounty hunter camp
<Background 3>
[The bounty hunters' captain appears...]
"Captain" You bunch... How dare you show your faces here!
Assemble! Everyone, get over here!
[...and summons the rest of the bounty hunters to his side.]
Skadi What a pain. Why do I have to deal with these bounty hunters?
Grani Well, we helped you find the key you wanted, so it's your turn to help me with my mission.
As a matter of fact, if you were here earlier, we wouldn't have even needed to hire other people to help the villagers.
Skadi Tsk. Not my problem.
There are quite a few of them. Considering you just recovered from... that... Are you sure you can handle them?
Grani Isn't that why you're here?
Grani and Skadi.png
Skadi Let's just get this over with. I'd like to get back to Rhodes Island.
Grani All right, let's do this then!
Carol is waiting for us too!
<Background 4>
Big Bob Sorry, I wasn't able to help you after all...
Carol It's fine. The villagers would probably be shocked to see Infected around here...
So, let's just keep this between us.
Big Bob Anyway, thanks again.
I'm grateful for the decision you and Grani made...
Grani Don't mention it!
Skadi If we're all done here, then I'm going home.
Grani Hey, wait up!
Sorry, Carol! Let's head back to the village first. There are plenty of things we still need to do...
Carol Okay!
Grani Also, Big Bob, make sure to take care of yourself! If you ever need treatment, remember to swing by Rhodes Island!
Big Bob Wait, kid!
Here, this coin is for you!
Bounty Hunter Coin.png
Grani Oh!
I'll be sure to cherish this!
<Background black>
Months later...
(Letter from Big Bob)
Good day.
Bob here.
I'm writing this letter to you from a manor in the outskirts of Columbia.
We've all been doing well. Even though some problems never go away as the Infected, just being able to live with the sun shining upon our faces is more joy than we could ever have imagined.
Thanks to the kindness of Grani and a little girl named Carol, who decided to leave us with the remainder of the treasure after repairing their village, I was able to settle down peacefully with my brothers.
We already have everything we need to be self sufficient, and we're even planning to try growing hops.
This was all made possible by that Dewville treasure.
That, of course, is an entirely different story. Real interesting. But, I won't go into the details here.
I've also slightly changed my views about some things.
And I know that you've long held your own opinions about this too. Just know that Reunion is not the only place that the Infected can go.
I know you'll be able to make the decision that is right for you.
I miss you a lot. I hope that I will see you in Columbia one day.
To, Mudrock.
??? ...
I'm glad to hear that.