Operation story: GT-5

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Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Bounty Hunter
Reunion Soldier B icon.png
Reunion Member
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Violent Bounty Hunter
Cave Entrance

Before operation

In order to allow Carol to reach the treasure safely, Grani stays behind to secure the cave's entrance, one enemy at a time. Meanwhile, a three-way brawl between Reunion, the bounty hunters, and Skadi breaks loose.
<Background 1>
Grani So, this really is the only entrance to the cave, huh?
Carol Mhm. It's like a maze inside the cave, but the village elders have brought me here several times before, including when I succeeded the previous chief...
...Um, I might just be imagining things, but don't you think the shouts from inside the forest are getting louder...?
Grani Things are only going to get worse if we run into any more delays.
Carol, you know your way around inside the cave, right? I'd like you to go inside and retrieve the treasure right now.
Carol Huh? What about you...
Grani I'll stay at the entrance.
Carol No way!
Grani Huh? Carol...
Carol You're going to face the bounty hunters alone? That's too dangerous! You'll be...
Grani If I can't help you secure that treasure, I'd be letting down the entire village, and you as well.
Carol ...But, I don't want to lose you.
This... isn't the time or place for you to be playing hero...!
Grani What's wrong with playing the hero?
"Even with their hearts impaled by the enemy's blades, the King's knights still held on to their spears."
I refuse to run away.
Carol Grani...
Grani Besides, Carol, this isn't just my battle.
It's also your battle. Perhaps you will run into dangers along the way, but as long as we can restore peace to this land...
We must face our duties head-on.
I trust that you'll find the treasure.
Carol But... if I'm alone...
The treasure...
Grani Trust me.
No matter what, I'll protect you. Back when I rescued you, I promised that nobody would ever hurt you again.
Not even a single strand of hair on your head.
Carol Even though you're just a kid...
Grani I'm no such thing... I'm just vertically challenged!
Carol Haha!
...Mm, I'll do as you said, Grani.
<Background fades out and in>
Bounty Hunter Those damn whitemasks... Why do they always show up at the worst times?!
Reunion Member Worthless scum, all of you.
You don't even have the right to challenge us for the treasure.
Bounty Hunter Haaah? What are you talking about? This has long been our turn, so you'd better get lost, or else!
[A fight breaks out between the Reunion fighter and the bounty hunter.]
Grani (From this angle, I can see the fighting... It seems that the bounty hunters have gotten into a brawl with Reunion.)
(No matter who approaches this cave, I'll make sure I...)
Bounty Hunter Let's make a run for the cave while those imbeciles duke it out!
Wait, what's that kid doing there?!
Grani You shall not pass.
[Grani keeps the bounty hunter from entering the cave.]
Bounty Hunter Gwaah...!
<Background fades out and in>
[Skadi appears...]
Bounty Hunter You, it's you—
[...and strikes the bounty hunter down.]
Skadi Out of my way, all of you.
I'm not in the mood to play around.

After operation

Facing down the indomitable Skadi and swarms of bounty hunters, Grani has no choice but to retreat into the cave and meet Carol. However, waiting for her within the cave's depths is a familiar comrade...
<Background 1>
[Grani struggles against the bounty hunters...]
Grani Gah...!
Bounty Hunter You... You meddling brat!
Your head's practically split open, just do what's good for you and get out of our way!
Grani Heh, this is nothing. I've been through worse in my daily training!
[...but she managed to gain the upper hand.]
Bounty Hunter Guh—
Grani How many of them are left...?
Forget it, I lost track. As long as they don't make it inside...
<Background fades out and in>
[A loud slash can be heard, followed by the ground trembling...]
Grani E-Earthquake?
[...and a rockslide nearby.]
Grani Huh? Is that an avalanche over there? Why though?
<Background fades out and in>
[Skadi emerges from a hole on the cave.]
Skadi ...
<Background fades out and in>
Grani You've gotta be kidding... She can even smash through a stone wall that thick?
<Background fades out and in>
Bounty Hunter A new entrance opened up over there! Hurry, let's go in there!
[The bounty hunters entered the cave from the hole where Skadi emerges.]
Grani Damn it, those guys are definitely going to swarm in through that new passageway Skadi just created!
I have to find Carol—
Skadi Stop right there.
Grani Skadi...
Unbelievable... Not even a mountain can stand in her way. Those rumors really were true.
Skadi Where's the girl?
Grani I'm not telling you.
Skadi I'm not the only one after that... thing.
You ought to cooperate before I'm forced to do things the hard way.
Grani I can't just hand Carol over to you if you don't tell me what's going on!
Skadi So... you intend to impede a mission from Rhodes Island?
Grani What mission? You didn't even tell me anything about that!
Unless you...
[Skadi swings her greatsword at Grani.]
Grani Hey, don't just start swinging at your comrades!
Skadi I'm not your comrade.
This is your last chance. Take me to see that girl.
Grani No chance in hell. My mission is to keep her safe.
Skadi ...
[Skadi strikes Grani down.]
Grani Aaaaghh...
Damn... All she did was tap her sword against my lance, but it feels like my arm is about to snap...
Skadi Do you think you can really protect her with abilities of this caliber?
Grani Whether or not I can... has nothing to do with whether or not I will!
Skadi ...
Grani Huh? Wait a second!
Watch out!
[The bounty hunters ambushed Grani and Skadi, but they survived.]
Bounty Hunter Tch, that ought to have done the trick!
Violent Bounty Hunter Yeah, we... no, we didn't get her?! She's still unscathed!
Skadi ...You again?
Bounty Hunter Gah...!
Violent Bounty Hunter The l-living Catastrophe! You're the one who hurt the captain! We can't let you leave alive—
Grani Now's my chance!
Bounty Hunter Don't you even think about it!
Grani You guys really should worry about holding her back first!
[Grani jumps high over the bounty hunters...]
Bounty Hunter ...Huh?
What just happened? ! That kid just vaulted over our heads?
Grani See you later, Skadi!
Skadi You...
Grani Sorry! When you're ready to explain to me what's going on, maybe then we can talk about Carol!
Skadi Stop, get back here!
Grani Sorry again!
[...and heads into the cave, leaving Skadi alone with the bounty hunters.]
Violent Bounty Hunter How could you just let her go like that?!
Bounty Hunter She's too fast for us to catch!
Skadi ...
Violent Bounty Hunter Whatever, let's just deal with this one first.
With how much bigger you are, I bet you can't leap over us.
Skadi ...You're all dead.
<Background 2>
[Grani traverses the cave's labyrinthine chambers.]
Grani It really is like a maze in here with all these winding paths. Carol was right.
Hmm? What's a bounty hunter doing here—
Bounty Hunter Ugh... save me...
Grani Poor guy...
He looks like he got pummeled a few times...
B-but Skadi is still outside the cave, right?
What's this opening? It looks like the wall was blasted open...
That must mean—
You already figured it out.
[Reunion fighters appear with someone familiar alongside them.]
??? ...
I'm a pretty good actor, right?
Grani So it was your doing...