Operation story: GT-4

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Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member A
Reunion Soldier B icon.png
Reunion Member B
Cave Entrance

Before operation

After reaching safety, Big Bob and Grani get into a debate over the issue of Skadi and Rhodes Island. Before they can reach a resoulution[sic], they are interrupted by the sudden appearance of Reunion.
<Background 1>
Clear \ Visibility: 14 km
Mt. Terrat tunnel
Big Bob We'll be safe after we enter this tunnel. At the other end of this tunnel is Mt. Mortica, which won't have very many bounty hunters.
As for that Skadi... I used to scoff at those rumors that described her as a living avalanche. Turns out, I learned the truth today.
I was expecting her to be a bit stronger than your average shmuck, but those rumors turned out to not be exaggerated after all.
No wonder why the guys at the bar always looked at me like I'm crazy when I laughed at them for being terrified of her.
Now it's my turn to be terrified, hah.
Grani It's true! I heard those same rumors going around in Rhodes Island too.
I've also never been sent on a mission with her before. I knew that she was really powerful, but I never expected this to happen...
I didn't even know that she was a bounty hunter before.
Big Bob She's one of the most infamous bounty hunters out there.
Now that she's also after the treasure, we're going to have our work cut out for us.
I have no idea if the two of us will be able to beat her to it.
Carol If that's the case, does that mean my village...
Big Bob Don't worry. I think she'll drive the rest of the bounty hunters away.
Though... she might destroy a few villages in the process.
Carol Ugh...
Grani I don't think she's here for the treasure. I can't let something like that happen.
Big Bob So, your Rhodes Island or whatever, will hire just about anyone?
Grani No Rhodes Island operator would ever harm others recklessly for their own selfish gain.
Big Bob Hmph. Well, you seem nice enough, and even did me a favor. However, the fact that your Rhodes Island is enabling Skadi, an entity who knows only destruction, makes me question whether your organization truly seeks to help the Infected.
Furthermore, as someone stricken with Oripathy, I've never seen Rhodes Island do anything to help those like me. We're still abused wherever we go.
Grani Big Bob...
Big Bob What, got nothing to say to that? Honestly, I have no idea why you have so much faith in an organization like that.
As far as I can tell, their claim of wanting to help the Infected is just lip service. In the end, all they see is money.
Hmph, what's the deal with Rhodes Island anyway? In this world, there's nothing that speaks louder than the coins in my hand!
Grani Sorry...
Big Bob What are you apologizing for? You're still a kid, and you still can't tell between ideals and reality, nor do you know your worth. But all of this is perfectly normal.
Grani No, that's not what I meant. I know that I'm still lacking.
It's just that... whether as a police officer, or as an operator, I've met a lot of Infected.
...I wasn't able to save them all, because I was lacking.
Rhodes Island is the same.
Big Bob In other words, they're useless? Hah!
That's right. When the Infected were slaving away underground, locked away in remote places, or being killed for no reason, where was Rhodes Island?
Grani Even when we try our hardest, we sometimes still come up short. That's true for both me and for Rhodes Island.
Despite that, I'll never give up on any innocent Infected who I see.
Rhodes Island is the same.
Big Bob Tch.
Grani Sorry, Big Bob...
Big Bob ...I told you, you're just a kid. What good does it do to hammer you with my grievances?
But that Skadi, your coworker, would not hesitate to point her weapon at you, or abduct Carol to seize the treasure.
Can you say with confidence that someone like that would share your ideals and work with you to help the Infected?
I don't know what Skadi plans on doing, so I can't answer that.
Grani However, I trust that if Rhodes Island took her in, then she must have her reasons.
Big Bob You can forget my rambling then. I overstepped my bounds.
Grani It's okay.
Anyway, our priority right now is to help Miss Carol find the treasure.
Big Bob I'm just dead weight now, with this injured leg. Heh, I never thought I'd be the one burdening two little girls.
Grani Big Bob, we'll only consider you a burden on one condition...
...and that's if you don't plan on sharing the treasure with us.
Big Bob Oh? Hahaha!
Carol Mister Bob, I wasn't disgusted by your condition. It's just that... I was a bit scared.
I'm from the sticks, and I haven't seen many Infected people. But even I can tell... that you've endured a lot of hardship.
I apologize if I was rude to you before.
Big Bob Don't worry about it. Heh, as long as we find the treasure and you get me my share, I'll be a happy camper.
Carol Mhm... The treasure is important to our village, but we only need enough to resolve our problems. Mister Bob, you'll be able to get your fair share.
That's why Grani and I need help, and will aid you as well.
Right, Grani?
Grani Of course. In any case, we need to get moving soon.
Big Bob Our next destination should be Mt. Mortica. That mountain was named after some knight who died long ago.
If my intuition is correct, then that should be where the treasure is located, right?
Carol However, there are a lot of caves up ahead. It'd take an average person weeks to search them all.
Big Bob Of course. That's why we can't do this without you. There's no way we're going to hand you to that red-eyed woman.
Carol Please lead the way then.
Big Bob Sounds like a plan.
Wait a moment.
There's some movement near the tunnel's exit...
<Background fades out and in>
??? Aaaagh—
"Captain" Someone... help... save me...
It's... the Infected...
[Two Reunion fighters are seen dealing with the bounty hunters' captain.]
Reunion Member A ...What'd you do to him?
Reunion Member B I didn't even do anything. He just tripped over himself...
Reunion Member A ...
<Background fades out and in>
Grani They're... from Reunion?
Big Bob You guys...
Grani Big Bob, what are you doing?
These guys aren't your ordinary...
Big Bob Say no more. We're going to have to fight!
Reunion Member ...
Quick, capture them before they get away!

During operation

PRTS Some areas in the cave are eroding away. They will compromise the protection of Operators standing on them. Be careful!

After operation

Facing Reunion's onslaught, Big Bob volunteers to hold the line to give Grani and Carol a glimmer of hope. With the treasure right ahead, the battles are only going to grow more intense.
<Background 1>
Big Bob Ngh...
Reunion Member This one's limping! Take him out first!
[The Reunion fighters attack Big Bob...]
Big Bob Grani! At this rate, we're all gonna be dead meat!
[...but Grani fends them off.]
Grani Even if that's the case...!
Big Bob Quick! Take Carol and go!
I'll only end up slowing you down with this bad leg!
I'll find a way to meet up with you later! Hurry!
[The Reunion fighters attack.]
Grani ...
It's a promise then! Make sure to come get your share of the treasure!
Big Bob ...Heh.
Just go!
[Grani and Carol runs away...]
Reunion Member They ran away!
[...as Big Bob revs his chainsaw to hold off the Reunion fighters.]
Big Bob All right, who wants to play?
<Background 2>
Grani ...The sounds of fighting are quieting down.
But we can't afford to rest yet, Carol. Sorry...
Carol I'm fine... But, Mister Bob... what about him...?!
Grani He might need some time.
Carol Need some time...? Are you saying...
Grani Carol! Are you okay?
Carol Sorry, I just tripped over this root...
Grani Here, take my hand.
Carol ...Thank you.
Grani Can you walk?
Carol ...I'm fine, it's just a bruise. As you said, it's best that we keep moving...
Once we cross this forest, we'll reach the foot of Mt. Mortica. We need to find the second cave halfway up the mountain.
Grani We can only get in through the cave entrance?
Carol Yeah. Once inside, we'll still have to follow some paths in the darkness, but I know the way. The treasure is hidden in the deepest part of the cave.
Grani Mhm. Well, in that case...
[An explosion is heard.]
Carol Woah?! Was that an explosion going off in the distance...? Th-that can't be good...
Grani Listen closely, there's the sound of screaming as well.
Someone's fighting. It's not over yet.
...Carol, are you scared?
Carol I'm...
...Yes, I am.
But in order to protect my village and return peace to these lands... I have to do this.
Grani I see...
You're really brave.
Carol Huh?
Grani Don't worry about it. Anyway, let's keep moving.