Operation story: GT-3

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Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter B icon.png

Before operation

With Big Bob's assistance, the group is able to move forward smoothly. An encounter with the mysterious operator, Skadi, devolves into an all-out brawl when she unexpectedly draws her blade against her fellow operator.
<Background black>
Bounty Hunter Ngh...
You... you took out all my buddies?
...S-stay away from me! I'm begging you!
I, I'll give you all my coins! My weapons! Anything you want...
??? Where's the girl?
Bounty Hunter What are you talking about...?
Don't come any closer...!
You monster—!
Clear \ Visibility: 14 km
Forest at the foot of Mt. Terrat
<Background 1>
Big Bob This rock...
Stay close to me, you two. Watch your step, and stay inside my footprints. Don't go around touching things either.
I'm afraid this forest is even more dangerous than we suspected.
Grani Is something carved on that rock?
Big Bob These are marks left behind by bounty hunters. We need to take heed of these, or we may well end up stepping in a trap.
Grani So, how are we going to avoid the traps?
Big Bob Just watch me.
An animal trap on a rope... how old-fashioned.
<Background fade in and out>
Big Bob Here's a rolling log trap, hidden by the foliage. Would've tripped it if we rushed forward.
Miss Carol, watch your step.
Carol Uh, huh?
Big Bob If you take another step in that direction, there's probably a spiked pitfall waiting for you.
Carol Oh...!
Grani You sure are the real deal. You're pretty good at this.
Big Bob Of course. After all, I used to...
It's not realistic to go around all the traps. Looks like we'll have to disarm some of them after all.
The most perilous path for them will soon become the safest path for us.
Let's go.
<Background fade in and out>
Big Bob Wait.
Something's not right here.
Grani Is it a trap?
Big Bob No...
A symbol drawn with blood...
What's the meaning of this? In all my years, I've never seen a symbol like this.
Grani ...Oh...
Is this what I think it is...
Bounty Hunter Monster... Monster!
D-don't come this way!
[The Ægirian-speaking bounty huntress from before appears.]
??? ...
Grani ...
??? ...
Grani It was you!
Skadi, you're Skadi, right?
Skadi ...So, the chief of Dewville was with you?
Grani Huh? You know Carol...?
Skadi Hand her over to me. Now.
Big Bob Grani, something's not right about her eyes.
Grani I can't just do that. Let's talk this over peacefully—
[The Ægirian-speaking bounty huntress, now known as Skadi, attacks Grani.]
Grani Oww!
Skadi That was just a warning.
Grani No! Miss Carol, Big Bob...
Big Bob Wh-why would she attack you?
You know each other right, so why—
Grani No time to explain! Run for it!
<Background fade in and out>
[Grani, Carol, and Big Bob runs away from Skadi...]
Grani *gasp* *gasp*... Is she still after us?
Carol G-Grani... I, I can't run for any longer...
Big Bob That woman... is she really a monster? She's not even short of breath!
[...but she managed to catch up with the trio...]
Skadi Why must I waste my time on you?
[...and attacks them.]
Grani She's really gonna kill me! Whoa, what is she doing to Miss Carol?
Carol Her eyes, they're so red... G-Grani!
Grani No, no, no! This can't be happening!
Big Bob Ambush!
"Captain" Now! Fiiire!
[The ambushing bounty hunters fire several crossbow shots at the trio...]
Skadi Hmm?
"Captain" That's her right there, the walking Catastrophe! Hurry, shoot her down!
[...including Skadi, but Grani stands to protect her.]
Grani Stop it!
"Captain" What do you think you're doing, kid?
Grani I don't know why she's after us, but she's still my coworker!
[Skadi retaliates against the bounty hunters.]
"Captain" G-get out of my way, you rascal—!
Skadi ...
Grani Hurry up and run!
Big Bob —There's an opening to the east! Hurry!
Bounty Hunter No way we're letting you escape! Die, monster!!
Skadi (Ægirian) Scatter and fall!

During operation

Skadi Is that all you got?

After operation

In the battle that ensues, Big Bob is injured, the Originium crystals on his leg revealing the fact that he is an Infected. Grani shows no concern towards this and bandages his wound.
<Background 1>
[Grani and Big Bob managed to defeat most of the bounty hunters pursuing them and Carol.]
Grani We're in the clear!
You okay, Big Bob—
Huh? That wound on your leg...
Bounty Hunter There are some stragglers over there! They're probably from the Valk Vanguards!
Big Bob I can handle this on my own! Go after the ones who are fleeing!
Grani Sure.
Bounty Hunter Hmm?
This kid...
Hey, hey, why are you giving me that look?
G-get away from me or I'll put a hole through you!
[Grani dealt with the rest of the bounty hunters by herself.]
Big Bob You took care of them all?
Grani That's right.
Big Bob Impressive. This kid's got talent.
Grani Stay there and don't move. I'll patch you up.
Big Bob It's fine, I can take care of myself.
Grani No means no.
Big Bob You saw it, right?
Grani Mhm.
Big Bob You saw the crystalization on my body, right? Are you trying to get yourself infected?!
Grani Our mission at Rhodes Island is to help all the Infected.
Big Bob Rhodes Island...
Carol Rhodes Island? Aren't you from Victoria...?
Grani Former Victoria Mounted Police. Now, I'm a Rhodes Island operator!
Big Bob Stay back, lass. I'm an Infected.
Carol I...
Grani Miss Carol, this might get a bit messy. You should step back a bit.
<Background fades out and in>
Grani All right, I stopped the bleeding.
Big Bob You do this a lot, huh? For the Infected?
You're not afraid of me...
Grani A lot of my coworkers are already Infected, but I can't tell who is and who isn't.
Big Bob Huh?
Grani Well, it's sometimes hard to tell until it's time to hit the showers, right?
Big Bob ...Hmph.
Thanks, shorty. You're naive, but you're a good person.
Big Bob ...