Operation story: GT-1

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Male Old Kuranta A icon.png
Villager (Luke)
Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Violent Bounty Hunter
Village Blurry

Before operation

Dewville, a remote mountainous village that had become turbulent due to legends of buried treasure, ushers in the arrival of a dashing member of the Victorian Mounted Police: Grani. After rescuing Carol, who was being tortured by bounty hunters, Grani makes a pledge to aid Dewville through their plight.
<Background black>
??? ...
Bounty Hunters 1.png
??? (...It burns...)
(...It hurts...)
Bounty Hunter So, the wench still won't speak up?
??? (So thirsty... My throat feels like it's on fire...)
(...How long have I been here...?)
Bounty Hunters 2.png
Bounty Hunter Hah, what a trooper... She's been dangling here for more than a day, but still won't crack.
Violent Bounty Hunter Oi, don't kill her off just yet. She still hasn't told us where the treasure is!
<Background 1>
Carol ...I'm not... Telling you anything...
Bounty Hunter Have it your way then. Don't give her any water until she decides to cooperate!
<Background black>
Carol (Am I... going to die?)
[A footstep is heard.]
??? ...
So, even in Kazimierz...
...the ruffians run amok everywhere.
[The bounty hunter noticed the footsteps and saw a female Kuranta carrying a pike.]
Bounty Hunter Hmm? Huh? Who the hell are you? You got a death wish?
Violent Bounty Hunter Oi, kiddo, hurry and scram before...
[The female Kuranta attacks the bounty hunters.]
Violent Bounty Hunter Gaaah! That... that hurt...!
That outfit of his... He's not from these parts.
Bounty Hunter Who the hell cares where he's from! The moron sure doesn't value his life if he wants to fight us all by himself!
Grani So, I'm guessing the diplomatic approach isn't going to work?
[The female Kuranta, revealed to be Grani, fights the bounty hunters...]
Violent Bounty Hunter Unngh!
[...and defeats them.]
Bounty Hunter Guhh...
<Background fades out and in>
Grani Good. They won't be bothering us for a while. Let's leave while we still can.
Carol Who... are you...?
Grani Don't be afraid. Nobody's going to hurt you anymore. I'll get you out of here.
Carol ...
I'm sorry... My head is... still spinning...
Grani You look pretty pale. Don't worry, let me carry you then.
Hold on tight.
Carol Mm...
<Background black>
Clear \ Visibility: 14 km
Nearby Village
<Background 2>
Bounty Hunter Have any of you seen a kid with a spear?
Villager I was inside the whole time. I didn't see what was going on outside.
Bounty Hunter You're gonna be real damn sorry if I find out you've been hiding them!
[The bounty hunters leave the villager alone.]
Villager ...
<Background black>
Villager They've left, Miss Grani. It's safe for you two to come out now.
<Background 2>
[Grani and Carol comes out of hiding nearby.]
Grani Hup~!
Looks like I owe you another one, Mister!
Villager Are you okay, Carol? I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Carol Thank you, Mister Luke. I'm doing much better now.
Grani I wouldn't have been able to rescue you without everyone's help.
Villager Don't worry, Carol!
We've been helping out this young knight here! She promised that she'd save our village!
Carol Huh? She?
Grani Ah, that's right. I'm a girl.
Carol Huh?
Grani Aww, come on! I might not look it, but I'm a proper maiden on the inside!
Carol Ah, um, sorry...
Carol It's hard to tell from your outfit, but...
Excuse me, are you... the knight of Kazimierz... who was recently anointed?
After you save our village... Will you make us pay tribute?
Grani No, no. I'm not actually a knight, nor am I even from Kazimierz.
Even though Victoria does have knights, I was actually just a member of the Mounted Police!
Unlike the knights, our only job is to maintain public security. We don't ask for any payment in our line of duty, so of course we wouldn't tax you!
Carol Victoria?
Grani It's the land that lies beyond Kazimierz. My ancestors were actually all Kurantas who moved there from Kazimierz.
I came after receiving your village's request for aid. I also wanted to see what my parents' homeland was like, but... I didn't expect the situation to be so dire.
Carol ... Sending those pleas for help... felt like leaving messages in the bottle.
We're used to most non-governmental organizations ignoring us because we're in such a remote location.
Grani I wonder, why didn't the Kazimierz government send out any assistance?
Carol Hmph... Why would those high-end-mighty knights even bother coming all the way out here?
Even without their help, we've lived here peacefully for many years. The hustle and bustle of the city simply has no appeal for us.
Dewville History.png
Carol For generations, the people of Dewville have lived by these mountains.
We might not be wealthy, but we do have a self-sufficient way of life.
And though we've sometimes had to evacuate to escape from Catastrophes, this is still our home.
Carol That's why... We can't give up this land...
<Background 2>
Grani But now, the bounty hunters have brought destruction in their wake...
Carol ... All because of those "Knights' Treasures".
The Knights' Treasure.png
Carol Over the last few years, the villages around here have become the bounty hunters' stomping grounds.
I heard that a region in the northern part of Kazimierz has been in turmoil, and that has attracted hordes of bounty hunter looking to strike it rich. Apparently, the only way to get up north runs right by our village.
Carol In the past, plenty of bounty hunters used to pass through, but they never caused any problems.
But about a month ago, some bounty hunters dug up a knight's sarcophagus from these mountains. They even found a small chest of gold coins...
<Background 2>
Grani Gold coins with the Kazimierz crest on them, like these?
Bounty Hunter Coin.png
Grani Those bounty hunters tried to pick a fight with me as soon as I arrived. I relieved them of these coins as compensation for their rudeness.
Carol Mhm... These are the same coins. Our troubles began when a certain saying began to circulate among the bounty hunters.
"The ancient Knight of Kazimierz were all buried with their riches near the lands they once called home. Their souls protect these unmarked graves for all of eternity."
Carol "Only those who fear not sacrifice and possess the truth, dauntless bloodline of Kazimierz may open the path."
Rumors such as these keep spreading, and more and more bounty hunters have been drawn here.
Carol At first, all they used to do was discuss where to look for the next big find. But for some reason, they soon started spreading the idea that the villagers knew where the treasures were buried...
Grani —Shh! Everyone quiet!
[More bounty hunters appear.]
Bounty Hunter What do you mean, you couldn't find them? Double back and search harder this time.
Grani It's not safe to stay here. We can't let any more innocents get dragged into this.
Anyway, let's get out of here first.
Villager Stay safe out there, Miss Knight... I mean, Officer! Please take care of our Chief!
Grani Don't worry, Mister. I'll be sure to protect—
Huh? Chief?
Carol ... I've only been on the job for about half a year, but that'd be me... I might not look it, but I'm a proper Chief on the inside~

During operation

Bounty Hunter I see the kid and the village chief! Don't let them escape!
Carol I know a place where we can hide.
Grani That'll have to wait until we take out these guys!
[If a Rioter that spawns later on managed to scout the area and flees to an Incursion Point...]
Bounty Hunter Things aren't looking great! We need backup!

After operation

Carol and Grani discusses information about the treasure in detail while hiding from their pursuers in the attic, but Carol didn't disclose the entire story. Suddenly, someone flies by the window?!
<Background black>
Grani It's so dark in this corridor... And there's barely any space!
Carol S-sorry... It's still just a tiny attic after all, but at least it's easy to hidden here!
The bounty hunters destroyed the mills, the warehouses, and even the electrical room. They probably won't bother looking in this tiny place.

The bounty hunters destroyed the mills, the warehouses, and even the electrical room. They probably won't bother looking in this tiny place.

Grani Hope you're right... Ugh, looks like the two of us can just barely squeeze into this crevice? !
Carol, don't you think your face is a bit too close to mine?
Carol Sorry... Um, Officer?
Grani Don't worry about the "officer" stuff, just call me Grani.
<Background 3>
Carol Um, Grani, you said earlier that you found our village's request for aid...
Grani Yes, and in that request, you mentioned that you actually do have information regarding some treasure?
Carol The location of the treasure as well as the key required to open it are secretly passed from chieftain to chieftain, from one generation to the next.
I can't tell you anything more specific though... Sorry, I'm not trying to hide anything from you.
Grani Don't worry. We can talk about it after I've fully earned your trust.
Carol Those bounty hunters have been threatening us ever since they found out about this.
They destroyed our farmland, stole our winter rations, and have been harassing the villagers... If I didn't offer myself up, the village would've been done for.
As long as they knew that I held the key to the treasure, they wouldn't hurt the villagers anymore.
Grani But you had to suffer like that...
Carol ...Mm, I'm aware that it was just a short-term solution.
I'm glad you made it.
Grani Aw, Miss Carol...
Carol We may have asked you to help us find the treasure in our message, but what we really wanted was to get rid of those pesky bounty hunters and restore peace to our village.
For us, mentioning that treasure was the only solution we had.
Gold coins or whatever... those will be spent one day. But this land is the only home we have, and we plan to stay here forever.
Grani Using the treasure to hire someone else to throw out the bounty hunters is another option.
If there's enough funds in there, you could even hire a small army of mercenaries!
Carol Mhm.
Grani Now that we have a plan, we need to find some way of slipping past these hooligans and leaving the village.
You can see outside from this window– Ngh... it seems a bit high.
Miss Carol, can you try looking outside the window and seeing if the bounty hunters are still looking for us?
Carol I... I can't reach it either. The window's too high up...
Grani I'll hold you up then...
<Background fades out and in>
Grani Hup! Can you see better now?
Carol Okay, I can see—
Eek? !
Grani Miss Carol! Stop wriggling around so much!
Carol B-but... What was that...
Just now, someone flew right by the window...?