Operator trivia: Folinic

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  • She is named after folinic acid, also known as leucovorin, a substance used in medication for colorectal cancer, anemia, and methanol poisoning.
  • Folinic is the first Medic capable of attacking enemies (but only when Compound Drug Shell is active), an archetype that would consistently recur among medic operators.
  • Folinic has the traits of a mongoose, making her the only Feline who is not a felid. A mongoose, likely an Indian grey mongoose (Herpestes edwardsi), can be seen on Folinic's left shoulder in her Elite 2 artwork.
    • The artwork also features a king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), which might refer to the fact that Indian grey mongooses are able to fight and kill venomous snakes, including king cobras.
  • In the Arknights Official Artworks Vol.2, her artist m9nokuro mentioned that her creation happened during her time watching the Taiwanese medical drama The Hospital.[1]
