Fire Within the Sand: Ending 3 questline

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Transcripts of Fire Within the Sand's Ending 3 questline, which requires the main and Manticore Killer questlines to be completed first.

Dialogues spoken by "You" represents the player's choice.

Male Sargonian B icon.png
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Black Market Merchant A
Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Black Market Merchant B
Female Tiacauh B icon.png
Busy Villager
Female Sargonian icon.png
Blank icon.svg
Injured Child
Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Injured Villager
Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Lord Ameer's Officer
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Villager A
Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Villager B
Female Tiacauh A icon.png
Villager C
Part 1
Talk with the Manticore Killer in the Black Market

Manticore Killer ......
What do you want with me...?
You Our people believe that you betrayed us.
They tore down your house and threw everything out.
But what the "Sand Soldier" described is very different from what you said.
Manticore Killer ......
Assassins are hired to perform dangerous missions... Trust is paramount... I must prove myself valuable in order to stay...
I wanted to be noticed... but not like that...
An assassin who is distrusted is a dead assassin... I just want to live...
Run away, and I might live... but you found me...
I won't do anything that harms your settlement...
I'm just afraid...
And "Sand Soldier" holds you in high regard...
Basil Wait, you're running away again? Where to?
What the–?! Where'd she go? What kind of Originium Arts was that?
Did she take the medicine with her when she left? Couldn't she have just explained things? The settlement had accepted her!
Why would she get scared and leave when we've shown her kindness and trust?
If she betrayed us, why would she tell us what she did?
Part 2
Talk with the Sand Soldier in combat zones

"Sand Soldier" I apologize for any misunderstanding that my help may have caused between you and the girl.
I can tell you her whereabouts, if you like.
Regardless, I'm glad to have allies like you. Take this.
You (Accept)
(Received persistent token <Sand Coin>)
"Sand Soldier" Of course, I didn't enter into a partnership with you as an apology.
Many people get angry, but few take action.
You're ready. You don't need any more words from me.
Part 3
Talk with the Sand Soldier in the Black Market

"Sand Soldier" They were just a few settlements and mercenary bands that harassed you. No need to personally come thank me.
There may not be many of them, but it's in my interest that you're able to live in peace.
I've heard rumors about the girl. A good assassin can always find employment. Her next target seems to be a Lord Ameer camp.
It could be... dangerous.
The manticore killer never returned. We have long since lost track of her.
Our cooperation with "Sand Soldier" goes well. Things in the settlement are peaceful, and we continue to grow.
We return to the settlement with intel from "Sand Soldier" to make our plans.
Basil ...Head back! We need to head back!
The Lord Ameer's troops attacked our Headquarters!
You What happened?
Basil The Lord Ameer attacked our camp because we didn't pay him all our money, even though there's no law saying we have to!
But it's not just a warning this time! They want us gone! The settlement is... we tried to protect our homes and children, but...
How could they treat our lives so cheaply?
I'm going back first! Don't take too long!
Part 4
Talk with Old Isin in combat zones; an elite Raid will appear on the zone this conversation takes place afterwards

Note: The following story is played when the operation starts.
Old Isin ......
It's been years since Old Isin saw something so terrible...
Note: The following story is played when the player talks with Old Isin.
Old Isin I can help no more, children...
You (Pull out an injured child from the embers)
Injured Child My mom! My mom's gone...
Mom's gone...
You (Work together to lift a collapsed wall)
Injured Villager No, it's too late for her...
Let's help the people still alive...
You (Look inside a temporary tent)
Busy Villager Hang in there, just hang in there...
We lost our medicine too... bite down on this towel for now...
How could this be... why did we come back so late?
The remaining villagers are here. But what about the ones who brought us the news and headed back first?
...Where are they?
Emilia Who are you looking for? The ones who came back earlier?
Dead. Trying to shield a group of children. My love among them...
They're over there. I covered them with straw mats.
You (Go to the place she indicated)
Emilia What are you doing? What good can you do there now?
Stop wasting your time with the dead when there are people waiting for help! My love... Basil gave everything for the settlement, and finally even his life...
Follow me! We can't let their deaths be in vain.
Part 5A
Talk with the Manticore Killer in combat zones after entering the "Flames of Rage" Event

Note: The following story is played when the operation starts.
??? Good... no traces left... no one noticed...
Why am I such a coward...? Why do I keep hiding? All they did was ask whether I did those things... Why did I run away...?
I want to do something... No one would notice if I took another document, and it'll help them out...
Just a little further...
A little further...
You This is the Lord Ameer's camp that "Sand Soldier" told us about!
Throw explosives!
3, 2, 1!
??? What? An explosion...?
Why? Was I discovered... No, no one noticed me...
It's... It's them?
What happened...? I have to get outside!
You For our dead friends and families!
??? ...Huh?!
M-My tail... It's caught under the rubble... I can't move...
Lord Ameer's Officer Who's there?!
Manticore Killer ...They found me!
Lord Ameer's Officer There's a spy inside! Get her first!
Manticore Killer It's always like this...
Lord Ameer's Officer There! Get her!
The rest of you, deal with the attackers!
You Miss Manticore? Why did she...
Note: The following story is played when the player talks with the Manticore Killer after ensuring her survival.
Manticore Killer Thank you for saving me...
I'm fine... this is for you...
You (Accept)
(Received 1 Firm Platform II, 1 Fortification II)
Manticore Killer I discovered the weakness of their weapons... This will help you...
That's why I told you to build them... I wasn't lying...
You You came for this?!
Manticore Killer I didn't want to be a coward anymore...
You trusted me...
I could have stayed there with you... Sorry for running away...
Emilia Stop talking. You're hurt. We'll carry you back.
I'll owe you one if this really helps us get back at the Lord Ameer.
We all will.
Manticore Killer I've seen you before... but what about the other one...?
Emilia ...He's dead.
Manticore Killer ......
This was originally a mission from my current employer...
The Lord Ameer will pass through here in a few days...
You We understand.
Part 5B
Talk with the Manticore Killer in combat zones after entering the "Flames of Rage" Event

Note: The following story is played when the operation starts.
Manticore Killer *cough* *cough*...
Note: The following story is played when the player talks with the Manticore Killer after ensuring her survival.
Manticore Killer Where... am I?
Emilia She's awake! We... we can still save people from the Lord Ameer! We managed to save someone!
What were you doing in there? You're an assassin, right?
I rescued you. You must have been on a mission. Did you get something related to the Lord Ameer? This camp has been burned to the ground. You're only one left...
Manticore Killer ......
Emilia What was that? I couldn't quite hear you.
Manticore Killer Inner... layer...
Emilia ......
You What's this?
Emilia A blueprint?
Manticore Killer I discovered the weakness of their weapons... This will help you...
That's why I told you to build them... I wasn't lying...
I didn't want to be a coward anymore...
You trusted me...
I could have stayed there with you... Sorry for running away...
Emilia ...Alright, don't talk anymore. You're still weak.
I'll owe you one if this really helps us get back at the Lord Ameer.
We all will.
Manticore Killer I've seen you before... but what about the other one...?
Emilia ...He's dead.
Manticore Killer ......
This was originally a mission from my current employer...
The Lord Ameer will pass through here in a few days...
You We understand.
Part 6
Talk with the Manticore Killer in combat zones after obtaining the Reefstep Ring from "The Promise of The 'Sand Soldier'" Event.

Note: The following story is played when the operation starts.
Manticore Killer This... was where I lived?
Wasn't this...?
Note: The following story is played when the player talks with the Manticore Killer.
Manticore Killer Did you rebuild this house for me...?
Emilia Your presence here reminds me... reminds us of how things used to be.
It was peaceful, happy. We didn't have much, and the people in the black market looked down on us, but we were all here.
Nothing had happened yet when you first arrived. We built this house for you, hoping you'd give up the assassin's life and stay.
It's a good thing you came back... I think...
You Everyone understands why you left.
Manticore Killer ...I won't leave ever again.
I'll stay here with you... You gave me a house, a home...
I hated doing all that... killing people...
I want to stay here...
Nothing happens for a while. We rebuilt our homes on this land.
There are less of us, and less houses too, just a little plot of farmland to tend to. We and Manticore seem to have accepted one another.
Most of us have turned our gaze to the present, but some could not let it go. They went off to find "Sand Soldier" and brought back mercenaries of unknown origin, causing a rift in the clan.
We begin to doubt... Was working with "Sand Soldier" really the right choice?
Part 7
Talk with the Manticore Killer in combat zones after entering "The Disappearance of The 'Sand Soldier" and "Old Isin's Departure" Events, in that order.

Note: The following story is played when the operation starts.
Manticore Killer ...Who are you?
Stay away... or I won't stay my hand...
Note: The following story is played when the player talks with the Manticore Killer.
Manticore Killer It's you!
Black Market Merchant A No need to be scared, we're just here to do business.
You've gotten all the good stuff up till now. But now that "Sand Soldier" is gone, it's time you returned it.
You ...And how do we do that?
Manticore Killer They're not merchants... they're here to kill us!
Black Market Merchant B Like I said, this is just business.
It's simple. You leave the stuff behind, and we'll tell you a route.
Walk away, and you get to keep your lives. It's a good deal.
Fight? Or flee?
The arguments in the settlement have not stopped. Some continue to search for the "Sand Soldier," including Emilia, who took up her beloved's mantle and seeks to avenge him, day after day.
But most of the inhabitants have gotten tired of fighting. They just want to live in peace.
Now is not the time for hesitation though.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
You (Hand over the resources)
Black Market Merchant A I see, you're handing them over.
Then we'll be going. You'll see us again... soon.
Black Market Merchant B The Lord Ameer will be delighted.
Emilia ......
Because there are only a few of us left. Because we don't have the resources and strength we once had.
Most of the people look relieved.
They feel that as long as they have a home, there is a future. As long as they have their friends and family.
<Dialogue branch>
You Not a chance!
Black Market Merchant A Did you really think you could fight us?
A settlement with only the weak and elderly?
And weapons that no one would take, even if you offered them for free?
Black Market Merchant B Get 'em, boys!
We'll show them!
Manticore Killer ......
Black Market Merchant A W-What? Behind us...
Manticore Killer ......
Black Market Merchant B Argh!
Manticore Killer Stop... bothering... us...
Emilia Get them! The Manticore has taken out the most dangerous ones!
It was a costly victory. We defeated the merchants, but we cannot afford another victory like this.
Is it joy or grief on everyone's faces? They put down their weapons and embrace their wounded kin.
Emilia *Sargon expletive*... And I'd do it again!
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Emilia The Lord Ameer... He'll pass through in a few days.
I've had enough. If those merchants show their faces here again, I'll spill their blood on the sands.
Villager A ...Count me in.
Villager B Can't we just leave and find another place to live?
Villager C ...Stop fighting!
Manticore Killer We... need to prepare...
We don't have enough to survive...
We'll all be dead... if we don't build enough defenses...
Part 8
Talk with the Manticore Killer in combat zones; an elite Raid will appear on the zone this conversation takes place afterwards if "(Take revenge and assassinate the Lord Ameer)" is chosen

Note: The following story is played when the operation starts.
Manticore Killer ...Stop fighting!
Why can't we just live here... Why do we have to assassinate the Lord Ameer?
You're mad... you'll die!
Note: The following story is played when the player talks with the Manticore Killer.
Manticore Killer We'll find another place, hide, survive... just like we did before...
Emilia You don't have to go. None of you have to. Just the few of us who made the choice.
You can continue to live here as though you never heard anything. Like I said, this has nothing to do with you. It's our decision, and ours alone.
This is your home. You have your friends and family. There's hope for you. There's no need for you to take the same risks.
Manticore Killer ......
Does it really have to be this way...?
We can hand this over... the Lord Ameer will leave us alone for a while...
None of us will die... can't we do that?
Emilia He'll pass through in a few days.
I've... waited for this for a long time.
The people are split into two camps.
It's time to make a choice.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
You (Survival over revenge)
Emilia Haha...
Very well.
You What are you gonna do?
Emilia Nothing. I'll follow the collective decision of the group.
I won't do a thing.
We'll hand over the stuff. In a few days, the Lord Ameer will have forgotten all about our little settlement.
You (Hand over the supplies)
Manticore Killer We're all alive here... that's what counts...
We'll pay the taxes... survive... things will get better!
<Dialogue branch>
You (Take revenge and assassinate the Lord Ameer)
Emilia Haha...
You We don't have anything to lose.
The Lord Ameer will know our wrath, if it's the last thing we do!
We'll take up arms and get our revenge!
We will not let our roars be unheard!
Manticore Killer ......
So this is your choice...
<Dialogue branch ends here>