Fire Within the Sand: Main questline

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Transcripts of Fire Within the Sand's main questline.

Male Sargonian B icon.png
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Black Market Merchant A
Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Black Market Merchant B
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Villager A
Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Villager B
Part 1
Talk with the Liaison in combat zones
Liaison Hey guys, we meet again!
What are the odds?
So what are you here for? Hunting? Mining? Must be a tough job.
Anyway, remember me? I'm the local liaison from Sunvalley Industries.
Just give me a shout if there's anything you don't understand, or if you run into any trouble!
And hey, might as well browse our company catalogue while you're at it, am I right?
So, what do you need?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "Where do we find development resources?]
Liaison Well, obviously your best choice would be Sunvalley Industries.
Our products are tried and true, not to mention constantly improving. They're also reasonably priced, high-quality, provide comprehensive after-sales service, and are guaranteed to meet your every need here.
What do you think?
<Dialogue branch>
[Choose "Great, help us out!"]
Liaison Man, they were really in a hurry.
Don't worry, our company's special massage chair can remove your fatigue. Everything goes smoother when you're not tired!
Why don't we sit down and have a little chat?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
[Choose "(Communicate your difficulties)"]
Liaison ...I see!
We're really a great match, huh? It's like we've known each other for years!
Tell you what! From here on out, we're partners! How's that?
Let me tell you about the Reefsteep Black Market, the one in Ibut. It lies northwest of your Headquarters, and you can get just about anything there–if you have the cash.
Hey, I've seen you around the settlement before. You sure look like you're in a hurry. What's the matter?
Basil *Pant* *pant* Damned weather...
I'm back! We found quite a few places around here where we can hunt and gather. Let's go and collect some resources later.
Anything you need me to do?
[Choose "Not for the moment" and then "The liaison mentioned the black market."]
Basil Black market... I think I saw it on the way over.
The soil here isn't great, but it's enough for us to survive on for a little while.
Still, we're in Sargon, and it's only a matter of time before the tax collectors find us. And we can't afford to pay taxes.
...In the long run, the black market could be an option.
Liaison Exactly! It's the place to go, whether there's something you need, or you just want to make a quick buck.
Complete a few commissions or make a few deliveries, and you'll have enough to last you for a while.
(Whispers) Especially if you could earn the support of a certain someone behind the black market...
They call him the "Sand Soldier," and he effectively controls the entire black market. Sadly, a lowly liaison like me has no chance of getting an audience though...
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "The black market... thanks for telling us."]
Liaison Anything for you, partner.
Sorry for keeping you. I'll let you get settled in and come back later.
Don't forget! The black market's northwest of your Headquarters. My company has a little outpost there, too. Sunvalley awaits your business!
<Dialogue branch>
[Choose "Alright, we'll check it out!"]
Liaison No, wait, hold on! Check out our new goods! Great prices on all of them! Like this–
Hey, they really left?
Er, well–don't forget that the black market is northwest of your Headquarters! My company has a little outpost there–have a beautiful day!
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Part 2
Talk with Old Isin in the Black Market
Old Isin ......
Ah... guests, rare guests. Old Isin sees a new flame.
Were you also guided here by enticing words?
Basil ...What a strange man. I can't tell if he's even talking to us.
Let's find some merchants. Maybe they'll have useful information.
Black Market Merchant A Leithanian Arts Units, modified by Columbian merchants! You won't find anything better!
Check it out! Blacksteel's very own Originium weapons–
Black Market Merchant B ...That's not nearly enough crude gold. Don't you try to swindle me with the homebrew stuff.
This is the black market the liaison told us about.
We should find "Sand Soldier" and maybe take some commissions.
Let's ask around.
Black Market Merchant A (Hm, new faces in town.)
Black Market Merchant B (Newcomers? Or somebody's informants? I should probe a little, see if they're working for "Unicorn" or "Black Scorpion." Can't afford to lose any more men.)
[Choose "An engraved medal? Why did he throw this?" or "Hey, stop throwing your junk at people!"]
Black Market Merchant B (Looks like they really don't recognize it... So they're legit newcomers.)
...Sorry, folks. My hand slipped.
Would you care to check out my wares? I'll give you a discount to make up for it.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "We want to find the 'Sand Soldier.' Do you know anything?"]
Black Market Merchant B "Sand Soldier"?
Black Market Merchant A Listen, newcomer, a fair trade means both sides can offer something of equal value. Not even a lord ameer can get something for nothing, and I can tell you've got nothing.
So get lost!
Basil Hey!
<Dialogue branch>
[Choose "We want to make some money. Where's your boss?"]
Black Market Merchant A ......
(They just asked, straight up? What are they here for?)
Black Market Merchant B (Never seen them before. Doesn't seem like they know anything. Just wait and see. It's their funeral.
Basil Was that too direct? They just walked away without answering...
<Dialogue branch ends here>
These people don't look friendly. We should ask somewhere else.
You spend a lot of time asking around, but to no avail.
Basil The people here are looking down on us.
We're not established enough to do business with them, or even for them to be interested in hiring us.
Hey, that strange cloaked man is coming towards us...
[Choose "It's surprising that someone as shabbily dressed as him can get along with the people here." and then "There must be more to him than meets the eye."]
Old Isin ......
Old Isin sees it... Brave youths step into the sands, only to become buried beneath them. Old Isin has seen many.
You wish to find a great tree to shelter you from the sandstorm, but passion alone leads nowhere. You must first survive.
Perhaps next time, you'll find the grain of sand in the sandstorm, and "Sand Soldier" will come to your aid.
Basil Did he just say "Sand Soldier"?
The cloaked old man wobbles away. He is dressed like a soothsayer.
He may be strange, but he is also the only one here who has shown anything resembling friendliness.
And more importantly, he seems to know about this "Sand Soldier."
Basil Doesn't look like we'll get any more from sticking around here. Let's head back and make some basic preparations.
Also, that old man might have known we were looking for the "Sand Soldier" and chosen to give us that hint.
We should ask him again next time we meet.
Part 3
Talk with Old Isin in combat zones
Old Isin Old Isin has been looking for one who can cover the yellow sands in verdant life.
And Old Isin sees that you've built the beginnings of a home.
Villager A Keep at it! We can build another kitchen with these supplies. Maybe we'll really be able to make a living here!
Villager B Work, work, work... I was out hunting the whole day... We're just not efficient enough!
I fell into a mine shaft yesterday!
Villager A Keep your chin up! There's so much waiting in store for us!
Basil Heave–ho! Heave–ho! Another batch of ore! And along with it, a better tomorrow!
[Choose "(Cheers)"]
Old Isin Old Isin knows that a tiny stream may water a small patch of grass, but will eventually be swallowed by the sea of sand.
The stream needs more strength.
You must study, learn... Filling one's stomach is not enough to bring lasting prosperity. Only wisdom is eternal.
Old Isin will help you.
[Choose "(Accept supplies)"]
(Received 15 Wood, 5 Stone)
Basil We can overcome anything as long as we keep growing like this!
And thank you very much for the supplies, sir. It's a big help!
Old Isin All things start from the foundation...
[Choose "(Express gratitude)"]
Old Isin Old Isin will accept your gratitude, but needs no compensation.
Old Isin came to deliver a message.
"Sand Soldier"... yes. "Sand Soldier" wants you to succeed here. A crisis is coming, and you'll need... a sharp sword.
Basil A... sharp sword?
This old man knows something!
We've never met this mysterious "Sand Soldier," but he seems to know everything that happens here.
So far he seems friendly, at least.
It's worth a shot. Having a strong ally here can only help us.
Part 4
Talk with the Liaison in the Black Market
Liaison Hey, stop daydreaming, guys!
The Lord Ameer is angry that you've encroached on a stream in his territory! He's sending over troops!
You're wondering how I know that?
Well, last month, two lords ameer fought three days and nights over a territorial dispute. They finally came to an agreement that sorted it out down to the last fruit hanging on a tree by the border.
And you haven't paid your taxes, have you? Of course they'll be coming for you.
[Choose "Can't we talk our way out of this?" or "I, I thought the stream was a public resource..."]
Liaison Is this really the time for that? The troops are already on their way! It might take a little while though...
I ran over as soon as I heard, so stay sharp! Just a few days ago, another settlement was annexed for running too close to a wall.
You need money and resources to get a firm footing here. Speaking of which, I have just the product for you right here! Ta-da!
Sunvalley Industries' latest...
[Choose "(Interrupt him)"]
Liaison I-I see.
What a shame that our product can't meet your needs...
But surely you were ready for something like this when you settled in Sargon? Use what time you have to build up your defenses!
I heard that the Reefsteep Black Market sells base stations that can communicate across regions. With that, you could even contact mercenaries from outside and evacuate!
Best of all, you could escape with the loot! You know, make the best of a bad situation.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "Got it, we'll prepare."]
Liaison Alright then, no time to chat! You guys need to get ready. I'll be cheering for you!
<Dialogue branch>
[Choose "We can just run away?"]
Liaison Of course! How do you think I do busi-
Er, survive here!
Always analyze the situation and have an exit plan.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Liaison Anyway, you'll need to reinforce the blocks that they'll pass through. Research is important, too. And more buildings, of course...
Basil Understood. I'll get our supplies inventoried, and have everyone prepare for the attack.
Guess conflict has a way of finding you no matter where you are. But I think we have the experience to fend this off.
Afterward, we should talk about what to do going forward.
[Choose "And we have taxes to think about..."]
Basil We should be getting ready for that too. I wonder how much we'll have to pay...
Liaison You think war is all fun and games? If you need our products to make it through, this is no time to pinch pennies!
Just remember, I'm rooting for you!
Old Isin Old Isin sees your courage... A settlement full of youth and vitality is growing on the yellow sands.
You will endure.
Hey, when did the old man show up?
Old Isin What are you thinking? Old Isin cannot tell. He only came to fulfill his promise.
Saplings that survive the sandstorms grow deeper roots and gather more water.
Come to the black market when you have earned victory. 'Sand Soldier' will see you.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "Can we really survive out here?"]
Old Isin It's not Old Isin's place to influence your decision.
You will find your own answer.
<Dialogue branch>
[Choose "We won't be bullied!"]
Old Isin ...Old Isin was right.
Accept this. It will help you see your future through the whirling sands...
[Choose "(Accept)"]
(Received persistent token <Crystal Ball of Fate>)
Old Isin ...Good luck.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Part 4-1
Talk with Old Isin in combat zones if the player choose "Can we really survive out here?" in Part 4
Old Isin These sands will never be free from conflict.
Have you changed your mind?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "Sorry, just passing through."]
Old Isin What a shame...
<Dialogue branch>
[Choose "We'll find 'Sand Soldier' at Reefsteep."]
Old Isin Old Isin was right...
Accept this. It will help you see your future through the whirling sands...
[Choose (Accept)]
(Received persistent token <Crystal Ball of Fate>)
Old Isin Good luck.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Part 5
Talk with the Sand Soldier in combat zones
"Sand Soldier" You're from that settlement Old Isin was talking about?
It's an honor to provide you assistance.
We got an audience with the "Sand Soldier" so easily?
Looks like that old man wasn't just messing with us.
But to meet the overlord of the black market so easily...
"Sand Soldier" No need to be nervous. The Reefsteep Black Market is simply a channel for goods and services. I'm a businessman myself.
You pay money to get help, and I take my cut.
That's why I was happy to get in touch with you. There's plenty of business for us to do.
No need to be impatient, either. We've only just met.
[Choose "(Accept)"]
(Received 4 Urban Style Barrier I)
"Sand Soldier" To commemorate our meeting, so to speak.
But it seems you have questions?
Go ahead. I wouldn't want to leave you with doubt in your hearts.
[Choose "Why did you choose us?"]
"Sand Soldier" ...How direct.
What if I told you that I'd had my eyes on you for a while?
Ah, I see that some of you are getting jittery. Lower your weapons. You lack the capital to fight me on my home turf.
Simply put, the Reefsteep Black Market wants to do business.
Any settlement that establishes a foothold in the sands is worth my attention. I see potential profit in you.
Is that a satisfactory answer?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "Yes."]
"Sand Soldier" Well then, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership.
<Dialogue branch>
[Choose "No."]
"Sand Soldier" Hm.
You're just a newly-established settlement. But now you've piqued my interest.
You're few in number, but every life is precious. Aside from that, though, what do you have to offer me?
[Choose "Anger."]
"Sand Soldier" A new tribe settles down, and the local chieftain fires a warning shot, all over a plot of barren land by a stream.
That's why you're angry.
Still, not bad for a first introduction.
As always, I'm happy to provide assistance.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Sand Soldier Though, while we're here, have you decided on what your next goal is, after you return?
And on a related note, I have a bit of information you might find interesting.
The Lord Ameer is highly interested in everything going on in his territory, and you are no exception. The stream itself is proof enough.
This has nothing to do with my personal interests, mind you, just some friendly advice for someone trying to get established here.
Part 6
Talk with the Sand Soldier in combat zones
The following story is played when the operation starts.
??? ...Return to dust.
We followed the advice of the "Sand Soldier" and avoided infringing on the Lord Ameer's interests.
But the Lord Ameer's guards found us nonetheless.
We are forced to take up arms and react. We can only hope that life can go back to the way it was.
Basil Look! Someone's started fighting the Lord Ameer's guards.
Not any of our guys, though. Is there someone else in conflict with them?
It's too far to make out who they are from here...
The following story is played when the player talks with the "Sand Soldier" after ensuring his survival.
"Sand Soldier" Hm.
"Sand Soldier"? What's he doing here?
"Sand Soldier" Oh, it's you.
Don't worry, they were just some soldiers hired by the Lord Ameer. A previous transaction has caught my attention, though.
I appreciate your assistance. It's no easy thing to triumph over a group like this.
But I'm curious. Did you know who was behind these people before you did what you did?
[Choose "We knew they were the Lord Ameer's troops." or "We're not sure..."]
"Sand Soldier" Ah, then you are truly brave.
It was a regiment under Ibut's Lord Ameer. You haven't stopped him, only delayed his progress in exploring this land.
Oh, but no need to worry, they don't know who you are. No doubt they assumed you were mercenaries under my command.
"Sand Soldier" And they don't know who I am either.
Still, there are things that you should be aware of.
As a rising faction in Ibut, one strong enough to defeat a regiment, you are drawing the attention of the Lord Ameer.
If you feel that you're strong enough, and you want to fight the lord head on...
Then, maybe, we can discuss it.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Choose "We don't want to cower and grovel anymore."]
"Sand Soldier" A brave choice.
I'll await you at the Reefsteep Black Market.
[Choose "Declare war on the Lord Ameer? Why?"]
"Sand Soldier" ......
A natural response. There's no need for you to go that far.
But there's also no need to deny yourselves the joy of today's hard-won victory.
A fledging young faction defeated the Lord Ameer's regiment. You should go back to your settlement and celebrate.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Basil *Pant* *pant* ... thank you!
We could really use a celebration right about now...