Fire Within the Sand: The Liaison questline

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Transcripts of Fire Within the Sand's The Liaison questline.

Completing this questline does not influence the campaign's ending but will allow the player to procure better items from the Liaison himself in the Black Market.

Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Black Market Merchant
Part 1
Talk with the Liaison in the Black Market
Liaison Oh, so you've come to the black market too!
What are the odds?
So what are you here for? Buying something? Finding someone? Whatever it is, it must be–
Black Market Merchant Shut your trap! Can't you see we're still talking?
Liaison Huh? Huh...?
Black Market Merchant Now get out of my sight!
[Choose "Back to the topic. What happened to our goods?!" and "We didn't ask for this junk!"]
Black Market Merchant Good question. I don't know.
[Choose "You don't know?!"]
Black Market Merchant I heard from Venomfang that there was a batch of goods set aside for you.
It's been the same way for the last few transactions. He gives the tip-off, I tell you, you buy.
As for what those people are selling, that's out of my hands.
[Choose "Who the hell is Venomfang?!"]
Black Market Merchant ...You really don't know anything, do you?
When you first came here, you dug up three ore veins, got your ore, and went home happy. Those veins belonged to Venomfang.
Last week, you fought a bunch of mercs and took what they left behind. That stuff belonged to Venomfang.
Need I remind you what you did a few days ago?
You're lucky he only made you buy a bunch of crap, rather than hanging you out to dry into jerky.
Haven't you heard? A few years back, someone took his favorite son hostage to try to threaten him. He simply killed his own son, then took out each and every one who was part of the plot.
[Choose "We didn't know..."]
Black Market Merchant Of course you didn't, which is why you're still alive. We wouldn't be having this conversation if you did it on purpose.
Alright, so listen carefully.
Venomfang wants to become a guildmaster at Reefsteep, but his lieutenant has different ideas. The Lord Ameer and Sunvalley are negotiating a deal at Redhorn in a few days, and the lieutenant will be there too.
So help Venomfang get rid of his lieutenant and make the deal fall through. I can't guarantee who lives, but you get to keep the money, Venomfang will write off his grievances with you, and we can work together again.
Also, he sent you this gift.
[Choose "(Open the package)", "......", and "He knew who we were trading with..."]
Liaison Who was that? Guy had an attitude...
Anyway, now that that loudmouth is gone, why don't you take a look at my stuff? I'm sure that'll cheer you right up.
The latest products from Sunvalley Industries! Don't they look great?
...Did he not see that man threaten us just now?
The merchant mentioned a "Sunvalley." Is this liaison part of the deal? Doesn't look like he knows anything.
Maybe we could...
Liaison This one hasn't hit the market yet! Even its unique appearance is a Sunvalley trade secret.
But we're not strangers, partner. We can give you a special early-access offer!
[Choose "What's this? Is it legit?"]
Liaison Of course it is! It's the result of our researchers' blood, sweat, and tears. I can even thrown in a further discount... here!
How's that? Piqued your interest?
[Choose "Maybe if it was half that."]
Liaison Huh? Half? No, that's way too low...
But, let me think... profit, cost, sales targets, my pay...
O-Okay... it's a deal!
Wow, that was quick.
Real flexible, isn't he?
[Choose "Come to think of it, that's still a little expensive." and "Maybe another 50% off."]
Liaison What? No, absolutely not!
They'll cut my pay!
[Choose "Forget it then."]
Liaison Suit yourself!
How am I supposed to do business when you're being like this?
[Choose "(Turn around and leave)"]
Liaison ......
W-Wait, you're really leaving? Wait!
Alright, alright! Fine! Another 50% off!
The company wouldn't even pay for my burial if I starved to death here. At least this way I'll get to eat...
A pleasure doing business... No exchanges or refunds...
Well, er, have a nice day...
So not only is he flexible, he also has some clear weaknesses to exploit.
But he does seem quite familiar with the area.
The deal involves Sunvalley, and Venomfang seems to know us in and out. We have to do it.
Maybe he can help us complete Venomfang's request.
Part 2
Talk with the Liaison in the Black Market after entering the "Destroyed Homeland" Event
Liaison Hello there! We meet again!
I always seem to run into you guys. Is this what they call fate?
[Choose "Those goods you sold us last time were great!"]
Liaison R-Really?
W-Would you care to offer some feedback then?
[Choose "(Tell him your thoughts)"]
Liaison ......
I see! Thank you very much. This is really helpful!
We've been constantly improving our products, and just made a major breakthrough!
The newest version improves upon the previous one in many ways.
I guarantee that it's the best of the best! Check it out!
[Choose "You have a deal." and "To make up for last time, we'll pay extra."]
Liaison Wait, t-that much?
I, er...
[Choose "You can keep the change."]
Liaison A-Are you sure? Then I'll...
Thank you so much! You're lifesavers!
Here are the goods. I knew I could count on you!
Don't forget to leave your feedback! Have a nice–
[Choose "You have the receipt?", "Are the goods loaded?", and "Have you counted the cash?"]
Liaison W-Why so specific all of a sudden?
[Choose "Everyone! Look at this fraud!", "He's selling trinkets at ridiculous prices!", and "He cheated us! He–"]
Liaison Huh? Wait, no! That's not true!
Stop shouting, please!
You'll put me out of business!
Here's your money back!
Anything! Please, stop!
[Choose "Ahem! It's a misunderstanding!"]
Liaison All a misunderstanding!
Why would you do this to me? And here I thought we had a beautiful partnership...
So... what is it you want?
[Choose "(Tell him about Venomfang while withholding key information)"]
Liaison ...You'll really share half of the money with me?
I'm just a small-time salesman, but if I can really get half of it...
Er, no, maybe a little less... It scares me to be carrying so much cash... Just the proper price for my goods is enough!
Or maybe, er, a wee bit more than that...
[Choose "Sure, that works."]
Liaison Oh, but maybe just a teensy, tiny bit more...?
Fine, fine, don't shout! We have a deal!
Wait for your signal, lure him to the trap. Got it!
You're not killing anyone, right? Just teaching them a lesson?
A-Alright then, see you tomorrow!
Part 3
Talk with the Liaison in combat zones
Liaison Oh hey, you guys are hiding here too?
So what happened? I waited like you said, but then a bunch of folks came in... They were attacking even the Lord Ameer's people!
I'd be dead already if I hadn't kept my head down, waiting for the signal! I saw their bodies hit the ground!
We arrived on scene and laid an ambush. However, just as the liaison said, a group of unknown mercenaries showed up, attacking everyone indiscriminately.
Could it be that Venomfang didn't trust us, and chose another group to do his bidding?
Silencing us in the process...
Liaison Hey, say something!
The traps and cover that we laid beforehand had become our hiding spot. We huddle together, afraid that we would be next.
The liaison trembles in fear in a corner. What is happening here must seem even more incomprehensible and terrifying to him than it is to us.
I suppose we should tell him the truth.
[Choose "We were coerced by Venomfang." and "(Explain)"]
Liaison ......
So you were just being used...
If Venomfang ruined your fields, then he must also know that you came to me for help... It'd be one thing if we pulled it off, but we'd be dead if we failed.
Who are these people then? Do you have any ideas? We should also get our stories straight in case anyone comes asking!
[Choose "Did Venomfang send them himself?"]
Liaison What? Himself?
...You might be right. Not many people would have the nerve to pick a fight with the Lord Ameer.
What about us, then?! Why'd he have to drag you into this? And you tricked me too...
Why'd he need us to deal with this lieutenant of his, when there are so many mercenaries and assassins he could have hired off the black market?
Er... I'm not sure if this is the right time to bring this up, but are we still doing this? Because if we don't... won't we, well, you know, end up like... them?
Are we still going to find that lieutenant and– Bugger me dead, where is he?! I don't see him anywhere!
Come to think of it, we didn't see him either.
Other than the liaison and the Lord Ameer's men, there were only a few faces from the black market.
Why wasn't he there?
[Choose "(Say your suspicions)"]
Liaison Did Venomfang's men take him away already?
Bloody hell! They couldn't just take the lieutenant and be done with it? Why'd they have to kill innocent people?!
This is driving me crazy...
[Choose "Do you know the black market merchant who coerced us?"]
Liaison What? No....
[Choose "He's the one who told us about Venomfang.", "And apparently he was important enough to deliver his messages.", and "But you've never seen him, despite all the time you've spent here."]
Liaison So... what are you getting at?
[Choose "He tricked us from the very beginning!", "The one we thought was Venomfang was actually the lieutenant!", and "He was the one who gave us this job!"]
Liaison What? I'm not following...
[Choose "The lieutenant knew he was in trouble.", "So he pretended to be Venomfang and engaged us to kill him.", "Then, he found someone else to stop the deal.", "Meanwhile, he gets to disappear in the chaos.", "If we survive, all we know is that Venomfang is after him.", and "If we die, no one knows anything."]
Liaison Crikey! So he sent us running in circles, while he hides behind the scenes and nobody notices?!
But that means we don't need to kill anyone, right? Just hide here, wait for things to blow over, and pretend this never happened, right?
When they're satisfied that we'll take their secret to our graves... not to mention the money... they won't come for us anymore.
But wowie, this sure is a great hiding place... no one noticed us!
[Choose "......"]
Liaison ...You found this place beforehand? No wonder!
I've been in a lot of hiding places, but this one's in the top three, at least!
It's always great when you come prepared.
[Choose "If we make it, don't tell anyone."]
Liaison No need to tell me twice!
We've been through hell together, after all– Oh!
What happened?
[Choose "An explosion! Let's go have a look."]
Liaison ......
There's nobody here.
But they left the goods.
Like I said, the only way for us to make it through this is to take the money and lay low... Let the lieutenant know our lips are sealed.
If anyone asks, we're total strangers. No one will suspect a thing.
The place is in total disarray after the explosion.
Goods and gold coins are scattered about.
...Eh, who cares about the truth.
[Choose "Let's just divvy the loot and go our separate ways."]
(Received 30 Crude Gold, 25 Wood, 5 Puffball Tenderloin)
Liaison Remember, don't tell a soul!
It's not worth our heads!
Part 4
Talk with the Liaison in the Black Market after entering "The Liaison's Disappearance" Event in the previous campaign; entering the aforementioned Event causes the Liaison to disappear from the Black Market for the rest of the campaign
Liaison ......
Oh, it's you.
[Choose "Where have you been?!" and "And the black market feels different, for some reason."]
Liaison Of course.
We lost a bunch of people... not too long ago. Did you just realize that?
[Choose "What about you? Still doing your sales pitches?" and "What about your Sunvalley goods?"]
Liaison By all means, peruse my wares.
But why limit yourself when there are so many quality goods all around you?
[Choose "Those stands belong to other people, don't they?"]
Liaison Haha, don't worry about that, take your pick!
You can get anything here, whether from Columbia, Leithanien... and Sunvalley too, if you insist.
Thanks for keeping the secret, by the way. Please, take this.
[Choose "(Accept)"]
(Received persistent token <Sunvalley Business Card>)
What does this all mean? Something seems different with him.
And he's clearly dodging our questions.
We buy a few things and return to the settlement.
Venomfang, the lieutenant, the explosion, the threat... It's like none of it ever happened. No one came looking for us, although the Lord Ameer seems to have set his sights on us after his men died at the meeting.
Fortunately, we retrieved enough money to continue growing. Meanwhile, "Sand Soldier" seems to have taken an increased interest in us for whatever reason.
Many mysteries remain, however. Where did the familiar merchants in the black market go? Why has the liaison stopped peddling his company's goods? And if Venomfang never existed, who was it who coerced us into that absurd and terrifying mission?
Last but not least, why are all the merchants reporting to the liaison whenever we buy something?