Operator dialogue: Fartooth

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Appointed as Assistant It's done. The battle plans, reports, and mission schedules have all been sorted... Eh... Is this not the right way? Sorry, I'm not used to this yet...
Talk 1 Iwona and Ashlock can make quite a ruckus together. I can't hear the wind when they do that. It's a pain.
Talk 2 Hm? Who's that in the training grounds...? The Radiant Knight? Doctor, is it okay if I go check it out up close?
Talk 3 It's really close. When I sit here and look outside, I can see the crops in the distant ripening as the farmers harvest their fields. It's just like my hometown.
Talk after Promotion 1 It's actually not very hard to become a knight in Kazimierz if you're healthy. All you have to do is sign up at the arena. But to become a real "knight" is difficult. Real difficult, even for those who are healthy.
Talk after Promotion 2 I agree with Sona's ideas, and I'm willing to fight for them... Though, I guess I might just be afraid of losing the one place where I belong. Doctor, do you also see Rhodes Island as a place you will protect no matter what it takes?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Thank you for treating us. Sona, Iwona, and Ashlock asked me to bring you these as thanks. And here's one that I picked. It's a small token of my appreciation.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I used to dream of becoming a knight, but on the way to the Grand Knight Territory, I got infected in an accident. I still remember how it felt. The numbness spread from my palm to my fingertips... That was the first time I couldn't hold my sword.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Here's a grass whistle... Want to listen to me use it? I used to whistle with it whenever I had some free time back home. The wind back then is not like it is now. It was clear as crystal, and it wasn't dangerous at all... It was calming.
Idle Finally awake? Here, the files are sorted... Should be right this time.
Onboard "Fartooth" Justyna, Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub. You can call me Fartooth. I've heard about Rhodes Island and you in particular, Doctor.
Watching Battle Record They're going to lose. If they don't take a proper defense stance, they won't be able to block this one. You've got them.
Promotion 1 A promotion? Is that something like advancing to the next round?
Promotion 2 There's not much that I want, and I don't have much either. That's why... as long as I'm still standing here, nobody can hope to take anything from me!
Added to Squad ...I'll do as you say. You are my commander, and I'll follow your orders.
Appointed as Squad Leader A team battle? Understood.
Depart Ready. Line up... Sortie!
Begin Operation Wait, the winds have shifted... Everyone, stay alert!
Selecting Operator 1 Yeah, I'm ready whenever.
Selecting Operator 2 One-on-one, or one-on-many?
Deployment 1 I hope we can win this match fair and square.
Deployment 2 I, "Fartooth" Justyna, will be your opponent.
In Battle 1 The winds are stirring. I can tell.
In Battle 2 I've locked onto you.
In Battle 3 There's no need to talk in battle.
In Battle 4 Let's put an end to this... You can't beat me; accept your defeat.
4-star Result You've done well, Doctor. This is a glorious victory.
3-star Result I fended them off just as you instructed... I'm being too solemn? Really...?
Sub 3-star Result I won't attack those who leave the arena.
Operation Failure Go on ahead...! I'll hold them here, Doctor! Lead the others away!
Assigned to Facility Not bad. The airflow here feels refreshing... Thank you.
Tap Hm? What is it? Want an autograph?
Trust Tap Doctor...? Yeah, I can tell it's you without listening to your footsteps. The winds around you aren't like the others.
Greeting Don't move... Your hair's sticking out. That's right. Stay still. I'll fix it for you.
Title Arknights.