Operation guide: East Armory

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East Armory guide.png
#1 (Pyrite) Rotating Site (Day 1, 2, and 9)
#2 (Blade) Rotating Site (Day 8 and 14)
#3 (Cinder) Rotating Site (Day 8 and 14)
#4 (Lead Seal) Rotating Site (Day 4)
#5 (Spectrum) Rotating Site (Day 1 and 2)

With a wide-open area and five left-facing Turrets at B10, C9, D9, E9, and F10 that can be made stronger with the Objective: Deadly Ballista contracts, East Armory is a step further from Abandoned High-rise, especially since it features Arts Masters A1 and A2 – basically flyers whose attacks deal Arts damage that can be problematic for Operators lacking RES, especially with the Objective: Arts Control contracts which buffs their HP, ATK, and (at Level 3) ASPD, making them hit harder and more durable; fortunately, the player have two Jammers at their disposal to make the Arts Masters not as threatening when deployed properly (though the player can't use them if the Originium Zone: Low Power contract is taken). The ground enemies are nothing special aside of two Senior Casters which can pose a problem if the player deploys their Operators close to each other.