Operator dialogue: Dagda

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Appointed as Assistant Siege's ordered me to serve as your assistant. I'll be a harsh supervisor for you, if it's called for.
Talk 1 Huh? Do you have a problem with my metal claws? They're totally brill! ...I mean... They're very... Wieldy. Please don't get the wrong idea about my taste.
Talk 2 Morgan picked this outfit. Obviously, something with a knightly air would definitely suit me more. Although this street style... is just a little bit... wicked.
Talk 3 Indra's a mess, both the way she lives and fights. That said, she'll go through hell and high water for her mates, and she'll fight to her last breath for Siege–maybe, she's more knight than some knights out there, and she's never even had to try.
Talk after Promotion 1 Most of Victoria's people live out their whole lives in their own cities, while everyone aboard Rhodes Island has left their homes to drift around this land. It just bowls me over.
Talk after Promotion 2 The Montague name and the title of Knight of the Tower used to be more precious to me than anything. But gradually, I came to see how change for Victoria was unavoidable, and it doesn't just stem from the flames of war before us. I may have to abandon my past to follow Siege, but I'll follow through, unto the very end.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Bound to uphold Victoria's dignity, the Knights of the Tower never once shrank back in the face of the Sarkaz's blades. I was the only one who escaped, protected by my brothers and sisters in arms... I often think to myself–if... just if... I could've fought to the end with them...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Siege said I should choose the life I truly want to live when the war is over. Once that day arrives, how will Victoria turn out to be? And how will I turn out to be? I... I can't imagine it. All I hope is I'm still able to stay by their sides.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Dr. {nickname}... From here onwards, my blade belongs to both Victoria, and you. You can call me either Dagda or the "Dark Blade." Isa? T-Too frivolous! But if you've got to... then keep your voice down!
Idle It's a Knight of the Tower's duty to stand night watch. May you rest well, Doctor.
Onboard Knight of the Tower Isabella Montague. On behalf of Siege and our little alliance, I express our sincerest gratitude... What do you mean I don't dress like a knight? L-Looks can be bloody deceiving!
Watching Battle Record Umm...I'm seeing a wide gap between these tactics and my old training.
Promotion 1 A medal? I can't accept any that's not Victorian... hmm, but you are the Doctor of Rhodes Island. Okay, I'm making an exception just this once.
Promotion 2 Ever since we left Londinium, I've trained up a million more techniques than just knightly combat! Now you're going to see my true strength!
Added to Squad I've got no need to hide my identity if I'm fighting for Rhodes Island, yeah?
Appointed as Squad Leader What style of command do you want from me? The knight type, or the gang type?
Depart A fight? Wicked, bring it on... Ahem, as a Knight of the Tower, I accept your challenge.
Begin Operation These punks are nothing compared to the foes Victoria's surmounted!
Selecting Operator 1 Is this an order?
Selecting Operator 2 I await your word.
Deployment 1 To the death I go.
Deployment 2 As you bid.
In Battle 1 Forward, back, forward. Got ya!
In Battle 2 For Victoria!
In Battle 3 Even without a blade, I can run you through!
In Battle 4 Any soldier's will is worthy of respect.
4-star Result Be of firm enough conviction, and it won't matter what difficulties you face. You'll have nothing to be afraid of.
3-star Result Is that it? I didn't get to show off my real skills yet... If there is a next time, permit I continue to stand by your side.
Sub 3-star Result You can't reach perfection without pushing yourself to the limit. I must do better.
Operation Failure If only I had a blade on me, I could... No, I can't give up now. Doctor, I'm ready to enter the next battle.
Assigned to Facility I'll assume guard duties for this room.
Tap Where do ya need me?
Trust Tap Stop calling me Isa...
Greeting Good day, Doctor.
Title Arknights.