Operation story: DH-7

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Dossoles Guard A icon.png
Dossoles Tourist Female icon.png
Female Tourist
Dossoles Tourist Male icon.png
Male Tourist
DWC Staff icon.png
Staff Worker
Dossoles Thug A icon.png
Tourist A?
Dossoles Thug B icon.png
Tourist B?
Dossoles Beach B
Dossoles Cruise Ship Room

Before operation

Pancho, the true mastermind, takes over the ship and announces his intention to take over the city.
On the beach, Hoshiguma and the gang find a group attempting to assassinate the mayor. So they immediately rush to her aid.
<Background 1>
Staff Worker Huh? What's wrong? I can't connect to the program's internal feed.
It's... being hijacked?
Dossoles Warrior Champion.png
[Somehow, Pancho hijacks the city-wide broadcast and makes a televised statement before the people of Dossoles.]
Pancho Ten years ago, I thought Bolívar would find true peace if we chased the Coalition and the Singas out of the country.
I risked my life to fight for True Bolívarians.
In the end, three thousand of my brothers fought to their deaths. If it wasn't for my own brother risking his life to save mine, I would've been shot that day.
And that was the day when I finally realized.
The Coalition, the Singas dynasty's nobles, and True Bolívarians. Not one of them truly wants to save Bolívar. All they are doing is fighting a war.
And no matter how long this war lasts, Bolívar will never see salvation.
To escape the turmoil, I made my way to this city.
In a hopeless country, I found this hopeless city.
And then we have Candela Sanchez, who's the most hopeless of us all.
On this hopeless swath of land, she built a city far more corrupt than all Bolívarian cities combined.
And not only is she enjoying this herself, she is even dragging all those around her into her cesspit of enjoyment.
All of them think they lead a proper life.
They have no idea just how much blood lies underneath them, in the city's sewers and how many scavenging beasts the place is feeding.
She is feeding on the flesh and blood of all those who live in these lands, never to care about their lives.
This city must die, and all of you who indulge in the pleasures this place has to offer must die with it!
The championship's over.
Now, I will take back this city.
If no one else will save this country, I will.
<Background 2>
Ch'en ........
So your father is the one behind all this.
When you realized we were starting to piece it all together, you chose to divert our attention toward you.
That way, even if we actually figured it out, you would get to buy time for the one pulling the strings.
Ernesto That's right. I'm not going to say I won, Miss Ch'en. This was never a fair fight to begin with.
You came too late, and you took on Ms. Candela's mission too hastily.
This is the final bit of generosity I have to offer, Miss Ch'en. Surrender, along with Miss Lin.
If you give up without a fight, I can guarantee that no one will lay a finger on you.
You have nothing to do with this. There is no reason for you to jump into our morally gray mess.
Ch'en I can't do that.
Ernesto This ship has been taken over by our men. If you resist, you and Miss Lin will die.
Ch'en An old friend once told me, I have to take a beating before I can learn, like a young her, that being a stubborn ass is just a stupid impulse.
And even now, I've got no idea what kind of stubbornness I'm supposed to stick to and what counts as an unrealistic, stupid impulse.
But my guess is she probably knows that's not enough to stop me, or my name isn't Ch'en Hui-chieh.
Do what you're gonna do. I'm in a hurry.
<Background 1>
Startled Male Tourist Hey, isn't that Mr. Pancho? What is he talking about?
Startled Female Tourist I don't know. Is this some kind of special performance?
[Suddenly, there is an explosion from a distance.]
Terrified Male Tourist Was that an explosion?! Where was it?!
Terrified Female Tourist I think it came from the place where the first round took place! Look, there's smoke in that direction!
Terrified Male Tourist Hey, hey, hey! You're kidding! Is old man Pancho serious?!
Bodyguard Lady Candela, there are numerous unknown forces sowing chaos in the city and the surrounding countryside.
Candela Tsk tsk... So that's your move, Pancho?
Bodyguard Lady Candela, please, we need to move you somewhere safe.
Candela Evacuate? Don't be absurd. I have the front row seat here. I'm not going anywhere.
Don't worry about the ruffians on the streets; deal with them as you see fit. My guess is that I am their ultimate objective anyway.
Oh, don't forget to clear the crowds too. Be sure to close the city's gates first, though. Send everyone home.
After that, secure the staff.
Make sure they make preparations for the banquet, and definitely make sure the championship's live broadcast goes uninterrupted.
Protect them, but don't ruin my championship. Is that understood?
Bodyguard Roger.
Candela Right, and get me some new drones. They probably wrecked all the ones on the ship. We mustn't miss out on all this fun.
<Background fades out and in>
Hoshiguma Hey, you're kidding. We're here on holiday. How did this happen?
Though I guess this is what Bolívar is supposed to feel like.
Swire Enough. Let's figure out what to do with this.
Hoshiguma Missy, we're tourists. This is nothing we should poke our heads into.
Swire Would you say that to Ch'en Hui-chieh if she was standing right here?
Hoshiguma Of course, but I'm sure you know what she'd say.
Swire Then my answer's the same.
Hoshiguma Alright. All I'll say is I'm not against this.
Rhodes Island... Ugh, Sideroca's getting drinks. Let me go check on her.
Swire And, besides, the two of them are on the ship too. How am I not supposed to worry?
Hoshiguma I'm not all that worried about them.
What's more, we are outsiders. It's not like we've got a side here. Though with all this ruckus going on, I very much doubt Ch'en and Lin are oblivious.
I don't know what's going on on the ship, and it's not very realistic for us to get on board to help them, so let's stick to the things we know we can do.
<Background fades out and in>
Tourist A? ......
Tourist B? ......
Sideroca Tsk, how dare you ambush me while I have drinks in my hands.
(I didn't expect to see something like this happen here.)
(Looks like they are organized. The beach has fallen into chaos.)
(I don't have a weapon on me either, so it's hard for me to do anything. Maybe I should regroup with Hoshiguma first...)
Tourist A? Let's get her.
Tourist B? Alright.
Sideroca Gah!
[The armed tourists charge at Sideroca, but Hoshiguma rushes in...]
Hoshiguma Sideroca!
[...and protects the Forte from her attackers, knocking them out in the process. Hoshiguma then checks on Sideroca.]
Sideroca Thanks, Hoshiguma!
Hoshiguma No need to thank me. That reminds me, you're like the captain of this mission. You heard that just now, didn't you? What will Rhodes Island do about this?
Sideroca I'm on vacation myself. Just a passerby helping with what she can won't be a problem, right?
Hoshiguma Ha, I knew you would say that. Let's go, then.
Sideroca Oh, right.
[Sideroca calls Projekt Red.]
Sideroca Red, where are you?
Projekt Red No idea, Sideroca. Lots of people. Stench of blood.
Sideroca Yeah, I know. Come to the beach.
I need you to protect Eyjafjalla and Sussurro.
Projekt Red Okay.
Hoshiguma Hm?
Sideroca What's up?
Hoshiguma There's a group over there. They aren't running...
Sideroca Are they heading toward... the mayor?!
Hoshiguma Come, Sideroca, let's stop them!