Operation story: DH-3

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DWC Player A icon.png
DWC Player B icon.png
Dossoles Tourist Male icon.png
Impatient Male Tourist
Dossoles Tourist Female icon.png
Sluggish Female Tourist
Dossoles Beach B
Dossoles Street

Before operation

The competition gradually intensifies. Lin Yühsia finds the trail of something dodgy, but she doesn't investigate much deeper.
Elsewhere, Ch'en gets into a back alley brawl to aid a contestant named Mizuki.
<Background 1>
D.D.D. We're already thirty minutes into the contest, and what's shocking is, not a single team who's picked up some gold has chosen to end it yet.
I can't help but see wild, wild ambition in these championship contestants!
Mr. Pancho, what's your perspective?
Pancho Looks to be a fierce championship, this one. One for the ages. Got great expectations for it.
D.D.D. No arguments here, I'm sure all of you in the audience feel just the same.
Each of our stages will keep following each team's action, so we guarantee you won't miss a single bedazzling fight.
And you'd better not relax just yet. We're gonna turn this pressure, this urgency into a force for voting, and give the contestants you love your precious ballot!
Once you spend for them, that's when you truly love them!
<Background 1>
Sluggish Female Tourist My dear, save me!
Impatient Male Tourist Don't be afraid, my darling, I'll come rescue you!
[The female tourist's lover quickly comes to her aid and punches the other contestant out of the way.]
Irritated Contestant Tsk! I thought the whole lover act was a joke! How do they have so much fight?!
Impatient Male Tourist Darling, how fortuitous, I almost thought I'd lose you. (Whisper) Can't you come up with a plan of your own?!
Sluggish Female Tourist Ohh, how fearsome they were. (Whisper) My CHARACTER'S a frail girl, huevón![note 1]
Impatient Male Tourist It's alright, it's all okay now. Watch me teach them a lesson! (Whisper) Tch! Start trying, okay, Miss?
Sluggish Female Tourist Oh, my dear, you're the best~ (Whisper) Are you messing with me?!
Lin Yühsia (Those two have no uncertainty of skill. And military temperaments on top of it. Perhaps they served in the past.)
(As for being sweethearts, I presume that's a ploy of sorts, for winning the audience over.)
(Very aggrandizing, but still a means nonetheless.)
(Though, still, very aggrandizing.)
(If that Swire saw this, I'm sure she'd waste no time gushing how she'd like to play a similar role in such a contest.)
(We're better off not letting her find out.)
(All in all, this couple has a secure win. Nothing to see there, no gold after a sweep of the area. Time to leave.)
(Twenty ingots of pure gold. I worry more than a few are in conspicuous places–on top of all the landmarks and such. Those areas will be hotly contested.)
(Nothing really calls for fighting over those ingots.)
(I should be searching for the ones left behind in hidden corners.)
(But... if there are ruffians out to cause chaos under this contest, I'm sure they'd at least find blind spots in the cameras and drones before they do their work.)
(Both need addressing... I ought to bring it up with Hui-chieh first. Tsk, too quick.)
(Forget it. I have no desire to discuss anything with that juvenile woman anyway. I'll handle things as they come.)
<Background fades out and in>
Ernesto Miss Ch'en, can I ask something?
Ch'en What?
Ernesto You and Miss Lin are old friends, right?
Ch'en What makes you think so?
Ernesto You certainly don't feel like enemies, there's not that much intensity. But suppose something went down between you two–you still seem pretty well aware of each other.
Ch'en You could say that...
We went to the same primary school, and we had a common acquaintance.
So your guess is fairly close.
But I won't be telling you why she and I don't get along.
Ernesto That's alright. I can't imagine it's anything minor if it happened between people like you, and I don't plan on asking details. I was just throwing up a topic.
You know, though, it's like you never imagined she'd show up here.
Slice it any way you want, it's like it was fated. Have you ever thought about making up with her before?
Ch'en Do you care that much about this?
Ernesto I don't really... or maybe I do. This city is all just money, money, money 'til the sun goes down. Things like friendship are a huge luxury.
Ch'en This isn't something we can just fix... even if either of us wanted to.
Ernesto Wait a second. Miss Ch'en, look at that alley there.
Mizuki Hm... this is kind of a bind.
With all these cameras, going too heavy-handed isn't gonna be a good look.
Irritated Contestant Rgh, I don't know what it is, but I can't land a good hit on this runt. Something's not right!
Angered Contestant He just thinks he can piss around with us. Let's take him together!
Ernesto Look at that. It's the solo contestant, stuck in an ambush.
What's your call, Miss Ch'en? Wait until they finish fighting?
Ch'en ...No.
Ernesto You're going to help him?
There's no real benefit to it. The championship isn't about helping your fellow contestants–the disciplined approach doesn't fly here.
Ch'en I know. Just stay here and wait for me a moment.
And as promptly as that, Ch'en has already dashed out.
Ernesto ......
Ernesto is silent for a moment, and doesn't follow.
<Background fades out and in>
Lin Yühsia (They've even installed cameras in crevices like this. These can't have been just for the competition.)
(But even so, the residential housing ought not to have surveillance in it. I'm guessing drones will only film interiors if they capture contestants going in.)
(In other words, as long as you're not physically filmed entering, there's a high chance officials won't notice you.)
(If you exploit that fact... hm?)
[Yühsia notices one of the contestants is acting suspiciously.]
Lin Yühsia (...Heh. Speak and it shall come.)
<Background fades out and in>
[The contestant appeared much earlier meets Rafaela.]
Rafaela What's the status?
Contestant? Bombs are all set on our end, Rafaela.
Rafaela Good. I'm done here too.
Let's move to the next location.
Contestant? Hold on, I just got a distress from C-team. Seems like they're really struggling with an opponent there.
Rafaela Who is it?
Contestant? It's Ch'en from the LUNG wRATh team.
Rafaela Hermano[note 2] told us not to take on what we can't handle.
Move a nearby team to them, don't stand out too much. Give it up if it's a losing battle, don't keep fighting out of obligation. Our actual job takes priority.
Contestant? Got it.
[Rafaela leaves.]
After Rafaela parts with the stranger, Lin Yühsia noiselessly drops down from a beam in the roof, and lands where they stood just a moment ago.
With her proficiency, it takes little effort to find the bomb Rafaela mentioned.
Lin Yühsia (...She was being serious.)
(I never imagined the girl would be one of them.)
(I imagine, by "actual job," they mean more of these bombs, and it sounds as if there are several teams on it.)
(The officials might have prohibited comms equipment, but all signs indicate they have their own way of keeping in touch, under the radar.)
(And there's no knowing if they have a plan B. I'm worried there won't be much meaning in keeping on their trail, and there's the risk of being found.)
(Two things stood out: "Bombs", "Hermano". They can play into our knowledge. Having these few keywords should be sufficient for now.)
(...It's about time to rendezvous, too. Perfect chance to see how Hui-chieh's done.)
<Background black>
Though not cleared out for the competition, it's an ordinarily lonely alleyway, but right this moment it's host to sheer hubbub.
It's a Fair Fight.png
From roofs, windowsills, balconies, fencetops, ill-meaning contestants are all icily fixed on the figure stood in the dead center–Ch'en.
She is completely unshaken. She simply grips her water gun tight.
At the entrance, together with Ernesto stands Mizuki, who has just been saved by Ch'en. Mizuki's face tells of happy surprise, but Ernesto wears hesitance.
However, in this moment, they are beyond anyone's attention.
Silent throughout the alley, it's as if the air is just as frozen.
Only one sole scrap of proof that the wet air blows through the tips of their hair, that this charged scene isn't just a still image.
Somewhere unknown, a loosely shut faucet drips water, the droplets striking the basin, the noise minute. The noise, nevertheless, is like a stone breaking a placid lake's surface.
In a split-second, the contestants around her all swarm in, and Ch'en takes her opening steps.
<Background 1>
Atop a roof, Lin Yühsia calmly confirms the situation surrounding.
Lin Yühsia (There she is, playing at the hero again.)
(She'll spend eternity without learning to behave. I'm not bothered to help her.)
(That said, the commotion's audible enough for some teams in the vicinity to make for here.)
(...I suppose I'll hold them off. Drawing too many people's attention won't do any good.)
Lin Yühsia loosens her wrists, hops down from the roof, and lands squarely at the alley entrance.
<Background white>
Not far away, figures are already coming into sight. She takes in a tiny breath, and assumes her stance.

After operation

Mizuki gives his own gold ingot to Ch'en, in a show of thanks.
Then, Ch'en and Lin Yühsia continue searching for leads with no success, and ultimately advance without a hitch.
<Background 1>
D.D.D. This is phenomenal work! Ch'en snuck into an alley to save the trapped Mizuki, and followed it by directly confronting all the other competitors there.
It seems the other teams have determined LUNG wRATh is too dangerous to keep around, and have all silently accorded to work together.
But even so, Ch'en isn't cowed one bit, choosing to take up the fight.
A battle to absolutely revel in!
But we can't forget about the other side of the alley, where Lin battles too!
Unlike Ch'en's teeth-gritting clash in the alleyway, Lin's spared only a few moves to hold down the entrance, and deter any team who dares come.
Is there anyone in this whole championship who can overcome this combination's mere presence?!
Hoshiguma Ha ha, goes to show they do work when they each fight their own.
Hey, Missy, if Ch'en and Miss Lin fought, who do you think'd win?
Swire Why?
Hoshiguma I'm interested, y'know. Put two really powerful guys together, and who wouldn't wanna know who the stronger is.
Swire Only you'd think like that!
I wouldn't know anyway. It's the first time I've seen this woman fight in years.
Hoshiguma Huh? Weren't you and Miss Lin buddy-buddy? Weird you never got to see this.
Swire Who's buddies with who? She plays at that mystery, 24/7. There's times she doesn't even answer the phone.
And who says you've seen someone fight just 'cause you know them?
Hoshiguma That's fair enough, I guess that's just me being used to Ch'en. If she wanted to win now, I'd be out of luck banking on just her swordplay.
Swire Not everyone's got the same dynamic as you two.
Besides, it's a good thing I haven't seen it. I worry the day I do, I'll be trying to arrest her.
Hoshiguma Makes sense. She's the Rat King's daughter, after all.
Eh, still can't say so, though. He's not a bad egg or anything.
When I was a fresh dumbass in Lungmen...
Swire Save it. I've met the Rat King before, you know. I don't need you telling me.
Hoshiguma Hey, as long as you get it.
Swire Forget that, you just used the word "dumbass," didn't you?
Hoshiguma Look at me, using vulgar language in front of Milady. Oughta slap me.
Swire Hmph.
So you and Ch'en have seen how she takes fights?
Hoshiguma C'mon, I'm here because I haven't. Neither has Ch'en, I reckon.
You're right about one thing, though. It's a good thing we've never seen her fight before. That'd put us in the tough position, we'd have to take her in.
Swire As long as you get it.
Hoshiguma Never thought there'd be a day when she and Ch'en work together, though.
You really do see everything as you get older.
So in the end, who do you think would win, then?
Swire Don't feel like guessing.
Hoshiguma Heh, then I'll guess on my own.
In my opinion, if Ch'en had her sword, it'd be hard for Lin Yühsia to ever get near her.
But, if she does let Miss Lin get near, then Ch'en's lost.
Swire Ch'en sure sucks.
Hoshiguma You can't say that either. Ch'en's solid with her kickboxing. Joint locks and grapples and whatever. She's amazing with all our normal training, too.
You saw how decent her accuracy was too, just now.
But in the end, Ch'en's best with a sword.
Swire So you're implying Lin Yühsia's as good in close-quarters as Ch'en is with her sword.
Hoshiguma More or less.
<Background 2>
Lin Yühsia Having fun acting the hero, Hui-chieh?
Ch'en Not really, but I don't need you worrying.
Ernesto Sorry, Miss Ch'en, I...
Ch'en I told you, you could've just waited over there for me. You did fine.
Mizuki Thank you for helping me out.
Ch'en You're welcome.
Mizuki But, um, why did you do it?
Ch'en No reason. I saw you, so I helped.
Mizuki I see. You're a nice person, Miss.
And since you're nice, here.
Ernesto Is this... pure gold?
Mizuki Mhm, they were only after me because I had this.
Ernesto And you're fine giving it to us?
Mizuki It's alright, I can go look for some more.
Besides, I never really cared about the competition anyway. Getting to know someone as nice as Miss Ch'en is enough for me already.
Lin Yühsia I'll give you a heads-up. Quite a few teams are on high alert–you can chat all you want, but you'd better not stay here too long.
Mizuki I'm heading off, then. Bye-bye~
[Mizuki leaves.]
Ch'en We'd better move too.
Lin Yühsia Can I just ask, did you get anything out of that other than playing hero?
Ch'en Does gold not count?
Lin Yühsia I guess.
Ch'en What about you?
Lin Yühsia Nothing in particular.
So, continue? Or hand in?
Ch'en We'll continue.
Lin Yühsia Alright.
<Background 1>
D.D.D. Alright, dear audience. I've just gotten word that all twenty pure gold ingots have been handed in.
Which means, Round 1 has reached a consummate close.
Now, then, we'll move to the voting phase.
Voting will last several hours, and once it closes, we'll be here on stage announcing the teams that made it out of Round 1! Don't miss it!
Ch'en ...It's over.
Ernesto There's still Round 1 voting, but with your popularity, I'm sure we'll be fine.
Lin Yühsia Yes.
Ernesto That said, it seems you haven't gotten leads on any dangerous terrorists, Miss Lin?
Lin Yühsia Not on my end.
Ernesto Then maybe there really isn't anything to worry about.
Lin Yühsia Possibly.
Hui-chieh, do you have a moment?
Ch'en For what?
Lin Yühsia I need you for something.


  1. "Dumbass!" in Spanish
  2. "Brother" in Spanish