Contingency Contract Beta intro

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Contingency Contract Beta Intro

NOTE: This interlude is played when the player enters the Contingency Contract Beta menu for the first time and cannot be replayed once completed.
RI Bridge
RI Corridor
Command Center
Catastrophe Imminent.png
Nobody knows when they started occurring, but their ever-increasing frequency tore the land asunder.
People took refuge within the wisdom of their predecessors, constructing havens of concrete and steel known as "nomadic cities" to escape annihilation.
However, Catastrophes continued to relentlessly hunt all life above surface, creating suffering that greatly eclipsed the impact of the actual Catastrophes.
Someone has to take on the task of stopping the spread of Catastrophes, and of bringing equilibrium to the various city-states that held only contempt and hatred for one another.
<Background black>
Otherwise, we will be powerless to defend ourselves, long before the Catastrophes tear us apart.
<Background 1>
Dobermann ...You made it, albeit slightly later than the time we agreed upon.
Angelina S-sorry, we ended up taking a detour.
Luckily Provence was here; otherwise, things might have gotten pretty messy...
Provence The extent of the rioting that Reunion has been inciting is far greater than what we expected... Well, at least we made it here safely.
Dobermann As expected, we at Rhodes Island now have a much greater problem on our hands.
In any case, good work, both of you. Hopefully the fulfillment of this contract will ease some of our pressure.
Angelina We're not the only ones having trouble securing our supplies... Our contingency contract partners are having a rough time as well.
Everyone is praying that someone can rise up to the occasion and revive this stagnating contract system...
Provence The whole way here, you were going on and on about how you wished you could do something to ease the burden on the Doctor~
Angelina Th-that's part of every Rhodes Island Operator's obligations!
Provence Sure, sure.
...In any case, it's not like this would instantly solve all our problems. As a matter of fact, it's probably closer to the opposite.
Chernobog's destruction triggered a chain reaction around the world, and the sheer volume of this contract is a testimony to the scope of the problem.
Even if it's for the sake of securing necessary aid for Rhodes Island in a timely manner... the sheer danger of these missions is enough to burn out our already exhausted Operators...
Dobermann ...I understand your concerns, but Rhodes Island has never had the luxury of being able to take the safest route forward.
Furthermore, we aren't even the ones who get to call the shots on these matters.
[The Doctor enters the R.I. landship's bridge alongside Amiya.]
Doctor Sorry for interrupting, Dobermann.
Dobermann Oh, Doctor, and Amiya. You two came at a good time.
Amiya Ah, Instructor! And Angelina and Provence!
Thanks for your hard work. Since you two are back at Rhodes Island, that must mean...
Provence That's right, we've successfully renegotiated the terms of the contract, and we've brought back basically all the contents relevant to the contract as well.
Amiya ...! Great, thanks a ton, both of you!
Angelina Don't mention it. It's part of a messenger's job description.
Provence Now that we've successfully handed all the documents over to Dobermann, we have something for the Doctor as well.
Assuming the Doctor has been entrusted with this task... right?
Angelina Mhm, we have full confidence in you.
It's just that... don't feel a need to push yourself too hard, okay?
Doctor Erm, sure?
Amiya Ah... Doctor, you might not understand the full extent of the situation yet, right?
Dobermann ...We know there are a lot of things you still can't remember, but please understand, we also don't have the time to walk you through everything step-by-step.
Provence, Angelina, thanks again. You two should try to get some rest while you still can.
Doctor, Amiya, come with me. I'll explain contingency contracts to you as we go.
[The Doctor and Amiya leaves the bridge together with Dobermann.]
<Background 2>
Doctor Contingency contracts? What is that?
Dobermann ...Where should I start? All right, long story short.
The Contingency Contract.png
Dobermann Contingency Contracts are a system independent from any political entity as far as we know. The easiest way to understand it is as an independent intelligence exchange mechanism.
The system allows various organizations or individuals to request various tasks, and then forwards them to those who are able to complete these tasks.
In the past, completing these contingency contracts has provided Rhodes Island with enough supplies to sustain our operations. In other words, they are our important partners.
Due to the conflicts stirred up by Reunion, we were cut off from the Contingency Contract network, but we've finally managed to re-establish an exchange channel thanks to the work of our messengers.
As for the current situation Rhodes Island is in, I'm sure you understand that as well as anyone else. We must carefully consider any benefit that these contingency contracts can bring, no matter how minor.
<Background 2>
Doctor What do the other parties get out of this?
Amiya To reduce the impact of Catastrophes... that was the original objective.
After all, the Contingency Contract system was originally established by Catastrophe Messengers.
...Even though we only take what we need, the Contingency Contract system does come with a consistent creed.
Dobermann "Everything for the benefit of more lives." They always tout something along these lines.
I already know what you're thinking – empty platitudes do nothing but plant doubt and suspicion, but there is nothing empty about the cooperation we've had in the past. Now, it is Rhodes Island that needs a helping hand.
Amiya ...Instructor Dobermann is right. We don't have many options left at this point.
Doctor, these tasks will be extremely difficult. However, this is the only chance we have at breaking through the deadlock facing Rhodes Island.
Doctor I understand. I'll do everything I can.
Amiya Thank you, Doctor!
Then, I'll explain the specific process of taking a contract. Instructor, if you don't mind...
Contingency Contracts.png
Amiya Doctor, please look here. These are all the contracts that we can currently take.
Based upon the specific terms set in each task, Contingency Contract will provide "optional contracts" for you to choose from.
For example, if we are asked to eliminate certain targets, we may encounter enemies with different abilities than normal and thus have to adapt our tactics to accomplish our goals.
There will be a lot of contracts like that, although of course not all of them will necessarily increase the difficulty of the mission.
Occasionally, we will receive additional support from the Contingency Contract network, which will make the task easier!
Dobermann Using support when appropriate is a good thing, but make sure not to lose sight of our objective. Be aware that when we call upon support, Rhodes Island will leave empty-handed.
<Background 3>
CC - Selecting Contracts.png
Dobermann Furthermore, we have a certain degree of autonomy when completing contingency contracts. But this does not mean that we have absolute freedom.
Our Operators are active across many widespread combat fronts, which means that we can take multiple contingency contracts at the same time.
However, you should know what that logically means, right? Certain contracts will cause conflicts with others.
And if we try to take on both at the same time, we actually will jeopardize our chances of completing either contract. We must avoid this situation.
Of course, carrying out multiple contracts at the same time means that the difficulty of the operation will gradually increase. If our coordination and commanding fall short, the consequences could be disastrous.
Amiya Don't worry though, I know you can do it!
Dobermann ...I won't question your abilities, because I've witnessed them countless times. However, I need to stress this once again.
CC - Risk and Difficulty.png
Dobermann Missions will have two different difficulty classifications based upon the contents of their contracts: "Normal," and "Hard."
When the combined risk assessment of the selected contracts, also known as "Contingency Level" is 4 or lower, the mission is assessed as "Normal" difficulty.
When the Contingency Level is 7 or higher, the mission is assessed as "Hard."
In some particularly noteworthy operation zones, the Contingency Level will be even higher.
Amiya These various classifications exist to prevent Rhodes Island from taking on unnecessary losses when fulfilling contracts.
We... can't afford to lose any more people.
Dobermann Indeed. However, all of these ratings and levels are products of our most basic data prediction models, and live combat rarely follows the textbook. Anything can happen, and when it does... your leadership is the only thing we can count on.
Doctor Piece of cake, just leave it to me. / We won't suffer any more losses. / ...
Amiya Doctor...
Dobermann ...I see that you've already decided on your course of action.
Provence and Angelina already took all of the files for our current contracts with them, so you should take a look at what's left.
Doctor, Rhodes Island has been in better shape before, but our trump card... is in your hands.
I'm expecting great things from you.
Welcome to Contingency Contract.png
"Contingency Contract."
We don't care about who you are or where you're from, whether you're a force of good or evil – all that matters is what you're capable of. Survive, get the job done, and get paid.
Take on more dangerous challenges, and earn bigger bounties. That is, if you survive.
No matter what disasters await this world, the "Contingency Contract" network will always continue to weave the web that never sees the light of day.
Everything for the benefit of more lives.