Contingency Contract Barrenland intro

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Contingency Contract Barrenland Intro
Note: This interlude is played when the player enters the Contingency Contract Barrenland menu for the first time and cannot be replayed once completed.
RI Command Center
<Background 1>
Dobermann Is everyone here?
Amiya Mhm, all our Operators from the various departments are here. We're ready to begin.
Dobermann Let's get straight to the point then. Provence.
Provence Sure, I'll start.
As everyone can see, we've received new contacts from the Contingency Contract network.
Rhodes Island's performance in completing the last contract far exceeded everyone's expectations, and earned us the unanimous praise of the Contingency Contract agency.
The Doctor expertly selected multiple contracts and also completed extra objectives at each combat site, leaving a deep and favorable impression upon the agency.
Even we did not anticipate that properly assigning our Operators would produce such a dramatic increase in efficiency.
Amiya Due to the Doctor's superb work, not only did we receive a large amount of support in the form of resources, but we even quelled much of the turmoil across many areas.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor I just did what was expected of me.
Amiya You don't need to be too humble, Doctor. Everyone knows how hard you've been working!
Without your guidance, there's no way we would have been able to fulfill many of the contract requirements.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Oh, is that so?
Provence Doctor, did you really not even notice?
The razor-sharp judgment exhibited during the completion of the previous contract was nothing more than subconscious instinct?
As one would expect of the Doctor!
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I couldn't have done it without Amiya's help.
Amiya I was just doing what I can to help out. You worked the hardest out of all of us, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Dobermann ...Anyway, let's not toot our own horn excessively. I'll continue explaining the new contract we just got.
Provence Thanks to our performance last time, Rhodes Island has managed to once again reach a stable agreement with the Contingency Contract agency.
In the future, we will be able to receive a more steady influx of requests from the Contingency Contract network.
CC - Sites and Ratings.png
Provence Like the last one, this contract also has objectives distributed across multiple sites, and I've already marked the relevant documents for your convenience, Doctor.
Although each region has its own set of crises, they all urgently need help.
CC - Selecting Contracts 2.png
Provence Then, there are the specifics within each contract. Like last time, you and Amiya will need to decide on how to best distribute our forces.
I expect that by now, you are no stranger to the tasks of assessing the difficulty of the contract as well as making sure the right Operators are deployed to the right places.
CC - Unlocking Contracts.png
Provence With the increase in contract difficulty, we've adopted a new mechanism to assess the risk of a contract.
Through a special contract evaluation system, we will record and analyze the data from each combat operation.
In order to avoid unexpected incidents, we will gradually unlock higher-risk contracts only after increasing the number of contracts we've completed.
I trust that we will be able to complete this contract, one step at a time.
Dobermann If we want to obtain greater rewards, we will naturally also have to take on greater risk.
No matter how good our past performances have been, we can't afford to get sloppy with our work.
CC - Training Grounds.png
Dobermann On this point, Rhodes Island has set up new training grounds specifically to conduct combat exercises that simulate the various conditions we'd encounter while carrying out our contracts.
Feel free to make ample use of them if needed.
Preparation is always the first step of victory.
Provence Now then, I will be officially transferring this contingency contract to you, Doctor – Codename, Operation Barrenland.
Subsequently, PRTS will collate all the relevant materials, so please check the management interface if you are unsure about anything.
The operation has officially begun. I wish everyone the best of luck.
May we bring hope to this Catastrophe-stricken land.