Operator file: Broca

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Broca, former Siracusan mafioso, later became a member of Chiave's gang.

After a certain incident, he joined Rhodes Island along with the leader, Chiave, and now serves as a frontline attacker.

Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Broca
Imaging tests reveal blurry outlines of this operator's internal organs, clouded with abnormal dark spots. His circulatory system shows an abnormally high rate of Originium particulate matter, with other signs of Oripathy infection, we can confirm that the Operator is Infected.

;[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 7%
Originium crystals are visible across the surface of his body, but not to a great extent. Symptoms have been effectively controlled.
[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.26u/L
Although the current situation is relatively stable, due to the late treatment time, his condition may deteriorate.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Broca
A Feline male of few words.
His expressions are always menacing and make him seem unapproachable to most. However, if you communicate with him in-depth, you will find that he is a very honest person.
The reason for his expression seems to be that he was conditioned to do this during his time as a mafioso.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Broca
Even after joining Rhodes Island, Broca did not conceal his animus towards Rhodes Island, which caused some dissatisfaction among other Operators. However, this was not without reason.
To be more precise, his animus is not directed specifically at Rhodes Island, but towards all large organizations in general. According to Operator Aosta, who detailed his past experiences in the gang, the mafia family to which he originally belonged betrayed him, after which he was rescued by Chiave and Aosta.
It is not difficult to understand his loyalty to Operator Chiave and Operator Aosta, as well as his aversion to large organizations.
While Rhodes Island by no means is an organization that easily abandons its members for immediate benefit, it may take some time for him to understand this.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Broca
Though he displayed remarkable prowess on the battlefield, even more surprising about Operator Broca is his talent for handicrafts.
Unlike Aosta, who is skilled at sewing, he is adept at crafting. As long as suitable materials are available, he can make all kinds of tools and equipment according to requirements.
After this was discovered and circulated by other Operators, Broca quickly became a star among his colleagues, taking jobs ranging from making costumes for certain holidays to more important operation requests.
More importantly, he gradually found his position at Rhodes Island by doing these things. Some Operators in Logistics Department even hoped that he could lay down his weapons in favor of a full-time production job.
In the end, upper management approved the purchase of a workstation for him, as well as other supporting facilities, in the hopes that he can continue to develop his specialty.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Broca
As Operator Broca himself stated, "I have nothing against taking orders, but I don't like fighting without knowing why I'm doing it." After learning to be less defensive towards Rhodes Island and gradually finding a sense of belonging, one can clearly feel the change in his attitude.
The enemies of Rhodes Island are now his enemies, the partners of Rhodes Island are now his partners, his relationship with the Doctor changed from that of suspicion to one of watchfulness, and he has also demonstrated his reliability to other Operators. As far as anyone can tell, he has completely integrated as a member of Rhodes Island.
Though every new recruit to Rhodes Island agrees with our core philosophy and, as of right now, our ranks consist mostly of new members added over the last two years, few have truly come to regard Rhodes Island as "home." Of course, we do not require this of all our Operators. In principle, we do not mind becoming a springboard for our Operators, provided that they do not damage the interests of Rhodes Island in the process. However, because many of the old soldiers who truly loved Rhodes Island have been taken away by the flames of wars past, we do have a need to cultivate the next generation of those who can become our bedrock.
Of course, this means that Rhodes Island will have to live up to its tenets, or do even better. Only this way can talents like Broca live in peace here. Only this way can we further traverse this bumpy road.

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