Operator dialogue: Broca

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Appointed as Assistant Stand guard? ...Tch, fine.
Talk 1 That Amiya girl is one of this place's leaders? What a black-hearted organization Rhodes Island is.
Talk 2 I have no intent on being a freeloader. If you need any manual labor done, just let me know.
Talk 3 I have nothing against taking orders, but I don't like fighting without knowing why I'm doing it.
Talk after Promotion 1 My hobbies? I have no reason to tell you, do I? ...Good grief, stop making that face. You'll leave me alone if I tell you, right... I like modifying various things.
Talk after Promotion 2 Back then, had it not been for Chiave and Aosta, I would've been dead in that alley. So, my life belongs to them. No matter what they want me to do, I will do it without hesitation.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I don't hate you, but... I find it difficult to fully trust you.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Work hard, make money, and continue surviving. I used to think that was all there was to life. However, Aosta was right. In a country like Siracusa, something like that is nothing more than a pipe dream.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I acknowledge your right to lead... However, Aosta once said that corruption begins to seep into an organization the moment you let your guard down. To prevent that from happening, I'll be keeping a close eye on you.
Idle Asleep? Good grief, what a carefree fellow... Tch, where'd the blanket go...
Onboard Since Chiave decided for me to join you, I don't have much else to say. You can call me Broca. I will listen to your orders, but don't count on me to do anything extra. I have no love for large organizations like yours.
Watching Battle Record ...Thanks.
Promotion 1 A raise? ...Don't particularly need it.
Promotion 2 Maybe Aosta was right, maybe Rhodes Island is trustworthy. If that's the case, I...
Added to Squad Sure.
Appointed as Squad Leader ...I'm not good at leading.
Depart I'm going.
Begin Operation Well then, time to fight.
Selecting Operator 1 Don't try to micromanage me.
Selecting Operator 2 Tch... Got it.
Deployment 1 Are those the enemies?
Deployment 2 I'll figure something out.
In Battle 1 This won't hurt for long.
In Battle 2 Let's get this over with.
In Battle 3 Drop dead.
In Battle 4 Shut it.
4-star Result You... aren't half bad.
3-star Result They've all been taken care of.
Sub 3-star Result Need me to go after them?
Operation Failure No need to panic. You did what you could. Even Aosta makes mistakes.
Assigned to Facility I'll take a look around.
Tap Oy...!
Trust Tap You're rather rude.
Greeting Morning.
Title Arknights.