Enemy trivia: Airborne Soldier

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  • Humorously, there is an Airborne Soldier in Lungmen Downtown who, instead of landing together with other Airborne Soldiers, lands on a hole in the lower-right corner of the map, promptly falling to his defeat. This is referenced in other operations:
    • An Airborne Soldier in Broken Path lands on the Heat Pump Passage cluster and walks around them instead of leaving, eventually burned to his defeat. This Airborne Soldier is also the only Reunion enemy who appears in the said operation.
      • It is possible to force the Airborne Soldier out of the Heat Pump Passages with Push Stroker/Hookmaster Specialists, but due to his pathing, he will always attempt to return to the Heat Pump Passages. However, with some clever positioning of the Specialists (as long as the Objective: Last Line of Defense contract is not used), it is possible to force the Airborne Soldier all the way into the Protection Objective.
    • Yet another Airborne Soldier in SV-1 (Children of Ursus) lands right on top of a hole on the upper-left corner of the map, plummeting to their doom, while the other three around them lands safely.
    • A Guerrilla Siegebreaker, the guerrilla counterpart of the Airborne Soldier, in Frozen Abandoned City lands on a hole, ending up in the same fate as the aforementioned Airborne Soldiers.
  • The aforementioned Airborne Soldier is confirmed to be Kevin in Ethan's Operator Record.