Operation guide: A Date With Slugs

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One of the (Emergency) Operations in the 1st floor of Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, A Date With Slugs is identical in all but name and tileset to Roadside Robber in Ceobe's Fungimist, but features Roar Knightclub Trainees and Acid Originium Slugs in place of Casters and Crossbowmen, with the former being a tough nut to crack and the latter can weaken the defense line if left unchecked.

  • To deal with the Roar Trainees:
    • Four of them will spawn together at the beginning of the operation, but their increased DEF and RES only lasts for a while, and afterwards they're not much of a hassle, so wait until then to defeat them with your DPS Operators.
      • Before then, deploy your ranged Operators outside of their range or deploy Medics to ensure their survival. If both aren't doable, deploy melee Operators to attract their attacks.
    • Later at the operation, two of them will spawn at D2, one after another, and their defensive buffs can last until they reach B7, so it's recommended to deploy melee Operators to block them or stall them until they're vulnerable.
  • To deal with the Acid Originium Slugs:
    • Since they can reduce Operators' DEF without a limit, deploy other Operators to bait most of their attacks.
    • They have low HP, which combined with weak defensive stats means that they can be defeated easily with Specialists before they can even reach the defense line.