Operation story: 9-3

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Victorian Boy icon.png
RI Guard icon.png
Operator Oliver
Reserve Operator - Sniper icon.png
Operator Shredder
Reserve Operator - Melee icon.png
Operator Will
Anxious Child A
Victoria RI Office
Victoria Square

After operation

Outcast arrives at County Hillock. At the Rhodes Island branch office, she gets to know the barracks' guard of honor, Jane.
<Background 1>
7:11 A.M. \ Overcast
Rhodes Island County Hillock Branch Office
[Someone knocks the door and enters the R.I. office, who turns out to be a female Vouivre ceremonial guard.]
Janie Morning, everyone! The weather's not bad at all today, wouldn't you say, Uncle Oliver?
Operator Oliver Oh, it's you. I was just asking, who else could it be knocking at the crack of dawn? But it's a gloomy day today no matter where you look. What's to appreciate?
Janie Any time it's not raining is good weather. That's what you get in County Hillock. For that matter, how do you know the day's not going to turn clear skies?
Operator Oliver Fine, you've got me there. Shredder, you stop dilly-dallying. We haven't got anyone dropping in, it's just Janie, daily ditcher.
Janie You're one to talk. Shredder, you come over here with us.
I brought you a yuccoffee pie today, and some shortbread. Da sent me some tea last week, so I've brought that too. Uncle Oliver, is there any evaporated milk left?
Operator Shredder Leftovers started molding ages ago. That bloody man–never remembers to go buy any.
Operator Oliver Isn't it your turn on the shopping? Or am I hallucinating, somehow?
Fred! Will! We need your thoughts too!
Janie Alright, alright, it's not worth crying over this little spilled milk. Look, what's this? Fresh new evaporated, and some cheese too. Picked them up along the way from the morning market. Here, you can have them.
Hee-hee, I've wanted to try making milk tea for forever now. I think you'll like it at least, Uncle Oliver.
Operator Oliver Ah, still no one more considerate than you, Janie. Will, you'd better learn well. At least don't start acting like that man next to you with Shredder for a codename.
Operator Will This shortbread tastes delicious... ooh, right, Miss Willow, isn't your senior officer going to get on your case for running here every day to bring us breakfast?
Operator Shredder The Victorian Army's rules are a fair deal strict, if I recall.
Janie Ah... you don't need to worry about that. I'm a guard of honor, I'm only good for big events or recruitment drives. They don't have much use to put me to–the Sergeant Major wouldn't even think about me most of the time.
Besides, it's not like I don't do anything proper.
Every morning when I get up, the first thing I do is pull this banner off its support.
While I wait for the flour to ferment and the coffee to brew, I'll straighten out the creases bit by bit.
Once the shortbread's done, that means I have to wash the flour off me. It takes time for my hair to dry naturally, and that's the perfect time to care for the flagpole, and let it shine like brand new.
[Janie stops Oliver from drinking his tea.]
Janie Uncle Oliver, don't rush to pick up your tea yet–it's still too hot.
For a complete morning, everything needs to glow gorgeous, no exceptions. Only then can I bring joy to you all–that's my life's creed.
What's the pie like today, Shredder? Want any more?
Operator Shredder Perfect... Just like every day before.
Janie Really? Let me try some too... seems I put a little too much sugar in. I'll make sure to watch out for that tomorrow.
Operator Will Well, I'm not going to tell you off for being lazy like they do now, Miss Willow.
Janie –Janie. That's what everyone calls me.
Operator Will Alright, er... Miss Jane. My honest fear's that they'll want me spending every morning as amply as you do.
Janie No need for that. I'm not like any of you, there's only so much I can do for the people here. Hm... I think the tea's about the right temperature now. Just make sure to stir it a little before you drink–
[Suddenly, a ball flies through the windows, shattering it and hitting Janie.]
Janie Yagh!
<Background 2>
Anxious Child A You sent the ball flyin' again, Craig!
Craig ......
I'll go get it.
Anxious Child A Oh, poo... it went in the building.
If you actually hit any of the grown-ups, then, then you're in for it! Last time, didn't Carol get...
*Huff*, *huff*... Someone's come out, let's run!
Craig Uh...
[The other children try to run and leave Craig behind as Janie leaves the office and walks toward him.]
Janie Whose ball is this?
Craig Um...
Janie Is it yours?
Anxious Child A Craig... Craig, come on, run! Forget the ball...
Craig No... that ball's left by my da...
[Craig tries to reach out to the ball, but she moves it away.]
Janie If you're too shy about it, I won't hand it back. Come on, hold your hand out.
Craig ......
Are... Are you gonna beat me?
Janie Why would I beat you, now?
Craig Your clothes got dirty.
Janie Eh, that's just me being careless. It's no matter.
Craig All the other grown-ups like you, they don't care if it wasn't me who got them dirty.
They always beat us. But not with their hands, they kick us instead. And they shout all loud, to scare us off.
Janie *Sigh*.
That means they're definitely not your friends.
Do you live around here? I think I've spotted you before. Doesn't your ma sell apples at the crack of every dawn, down the alley in District Seventeen nearby?
Your family's apples are scrumptious. Not too crisp, but still very, very sweet. Perfect for making apple butter and spreading onto bread.
How about this? I'll put the ball on the windowsill here, and you come pick it up, okay?
[Before Janie could put the ball...]
Janie Eh?
[...Craig tries to get it back from her.]
Janie Hold on, slow down, I've got tea on my hands, it's gotten your hair all wet. Let me wipe that for you.
Craig Um...
[Janie cleans the tea from Craig's hairs.]
Janie I'm Janie. What's your name?
Craig I'm...
Anxious Child A Craig! It's your ma lookin' for you. Quick, you've gotta go!
<Background 1>
Operator Oliver Got into a commotion outside?
Janie Children playing ball.
Operator Oliver Those bunch of rotters, all higgledy-piggledly in the street first thing in the morning. I bet it was them who broke that last windowpane, too.
Janie Haha... children, you know? I broke the man next door's flowerpots when I was young, and my da really gave me a talking-to for that.
Operator Shredder You laid hands on that boy.
Janie Just now? Yeah, if I didn't wipe his hair clean, it'd be sticky all day.
Operator Shredder His father passed away, half a year ago. Poor bloke, caught Oripathy.
There's a lot–'cause of that–won't dare touch him.
Janie Oh...
Operator Shredder Workers, fairly strapped for cash. That Oriron byproduct processing plant has a partnership, with Aneca. But they don't give the full amount of prophylactics.
It's normal for you–to hesitate. In their neighborhood, it's about one in five houses, turning out to have Oripathy patients.
They care for another, in a sense. If those soldiers weren't here...
Operator Oliver Shredder! You've lost track.
Janie It's alright... you're just stating the facts. I've heard how... my coworkers treat the Oripathy-sick... no, not just the sick, they've got the wrong idea about all of the residents.
I... I don't think the same way. We're all Victorians, aren't we? Their days might be hard on them, I–I understand full well. But I hope for them to live a little happier too.
What do you think... Should I have been even better to that child?
Operator Shredder ...Don't force yourself.
Operator Will What's the long faces for? I'll bring the playing cards out. Wasn't it you who suggested a spot of tea with cards, Miss Jane?
Janie Yes. Will's right, the sun's poking out for once in a while. Let's not waste the good weather.
Take a seat, everyone. I'll pour you all some more tea; there's still plenty left in the pot.
<Background fades out and in>
Operator Will Is that me who's won again?
Operator Oliver It's too early to be full of yourself. You're on shift tonight.
Operator Will What? How's it me again?!
Operator Oliver Not clicking? That was our stakes! Whoever won at cards is on broom duty, file sorting, buying us all afternoon tea...
Operator Will Can I get a redeal?
Janie Uncle Oliver, your jokes are putting Will in tears again.
Operator Oliver Isn't that the fun of a game of cards? Ha-ha-ha-ha!
??? One small tip–next time you try second dealing, remember to watch behind you.
[Oliver is spooked by the one talking behind him...]
Operator Oliver What–?! Who's talking?
[...who is revealed to be none other than Outcast.]
Outcast And on a side note, the tea's an excellent brew.
Janie H–Hello! Who might you be?
(She came in suddenly, and none of us noticed her...)
Outcast They call me Outcast, my young Vouivran beauty.
I'm sorry I tasted your tea without asking. Seeing as I rushed all the way over here, I hope you won't mind too much.
Janie I...
F... Feel–feel free. If you haven't eaten breakfast yet, would you like to try some pie I baked? It might be a little sweet...
Outcast I'd love to. Everybody who knows me knows I love sweets–especially the Victorian kind. You got it baked like this to fancy, adorable perfection.
Janie Haha... Thank you for the encouragement, Lady Outcast.
Outcast –Outcast. Nobody calls me a Lady, really. I'm more of that "Lass" type.
Operator Oliver –!
I–I know who you are! I remember now... Will! C-Clean the table up, quick–
Operator Shredder I thought you'd be here two days later... Last message, you said you'd just passed the border.
Outcast Couldn't help it, I haven't been to Victoria in a decade. Some parts are a bit more crowded, but just like me, the years are starting to show in a few places.
If I hadn't hitched a ride the wrong way in County Peninsula, we would've met last night.
Operator Oliver *cough* Ahem, your understanding, please. County Hillock's not the biggest spot on the map, and we rarely get elite operators at our branch office here.
Last time I was out near Minos on field work, I met Stormeye–that was two years ago, already.
Janie Elite operator? Just the name sounds like a force to be reckoned with.
Outcast –Rhodes Island gives different work to different people, that's all. Besides, I'm pretty much just a civil servant now. I only came to County Hillock to fetch some data.
Operator Oliver You're too modest.
On the topic of data, did you want to see our finance forms first, or the ledger for our inventory in/out and stock this half... (Hints to Will)
Outcast Hold your beasties.
We're not THAT pressed for time. No need to hurl a starving girl like me straight into work. It's only fair to let me steal a breather here and there, right?
Janie Haha... I can sympathize greatly.
Outcast Hope I haven't disrupted your little R&R here.
Outcast casually picks up a card. Thin, no more than paper, it spins three times and a half at her fingertips, then is gone in a swish.
A Game of Cards.png
Janie Wow! Where'd that card just go?
Outcast Right here.
Janie It's back! What kind of marvelous spatial Arts is this?
Outcast Just a little sleight of hand. I've got this gloomy-looking friend who taught me. Whenever I want you concentrating on my fingertips, this method works wonders.
All a little more relaxed now? Please, sit down, Oliver, and Shredder, Will, plus you there, kiddo, standing in the corner–you must be Fred.
Put that folder down, and enjoy a little break with us. A chance like this doesn't come every day.
Operator Fred A... Are you sure this is okay?
Outcast Or would you like to see a magic trick where in ten minutes, this haggard stranger from out of town dies of boredom?
Operator Oliver *cough* Let's sit.
Outcast Please, continue.
As for me, I still want a proper taste of this fine black tea with evaporated milk, and that sweet, scrumptious pie.
Janie Ah, there's more shortbread left here, if you still feel hungry, that is...
Outcast Thank you.
Ahh, now this dessert hit the spot. My stomach hasn't been this happy in a while. My tongue was beginning to really miss flavor.
Now, you, cute little miss–
Janie I–I'm Jane, Jane Willow.
Outcast That's a lovely name. I'm gonna guess you're old enough to drink?
Janie I've long since been of age, La... Lass.. Outcast. I'm serving, after all.
Outcast Oh? That gray Victorian military uniform sure falls flat under your shimmering blonde hair. Oliver, count yourself lucky. No matter how dull and cloudy it gets, you've always got your sunshine indoors.
Operator Oliver Haha... true, true. Little Janie's brought us a mound of happy days.
Janie Listen to you, Uncle Oliver. You're the ones all kindly letting me in while I've snuck off from the barracks.
Outcast I was actually a tiny bit surprised, seeing you get along as well as you do–
Jane, if all Victorian soldiers were as lovable as you, we'd lose at least half of those awful rumors making their way across our world.
Janie Thank you, if I haven't misunderstood. I assume those are compliments...
Outcast Even on my way here, I saw some not-so-pretty sights. But anyhow, that's not gonna dampen the joy of meeting all of you here.
Janie I'm very glad... I could meet you too!
Outcast Well, then, a toast to our encounter?
I came here in kind of a hurry, so I could only bring some regular old gin, with way too much lemon because that's how I like it. You folks might find it too sour–
Operator Shredder We don't really drink... on work hours.
Operator Oliver You killjoy!
Outcast Alright, that's on me for being sloppy. As a Rhodes Island Operator, I can't be an exception. Let's just have some tea.
A Game of Cards.png
[Outcast plays a game of cards alongside Janie and the R.I. operators.]
Outcast So–who's dealing next?
Operator Will M–Me.
Need a little blessing from a Sankta?