Operation guide: WR-TR-1

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WR-TR-1 guide.png

A special tutorial operation in the Who is Real event, WR-TR-1, titled Sleep Talking, gives an insight on how to exploit the Hui and Ming mechanic in WR operations.

At first Melantha is deployed on G2 just as an Angry spawns from G11, but she is able to barely kill it. However, a total of eight Angries spawn from D11, F11, and G11; more than what Melantha could handle with some also out of her reach. Note the the six Angries in the upper part have a white swirl above them while the two Angries below have a black swirl; Nian then pointed out that they have the "Hui" or "Ming" attribute, and suggests deploying an Operator on a white Mark of Hui and Ming ahead of Melantha to give them the said attribute. Beagle is deployed on G3 for this purpose, and note that a white swirl now appears above her, indicating that she now have the Ming attribute. Kroos is then deployed on a black Mark of Hui and Ming on F4 and a black swirl appears above her, indicating that she have the Hui attribute.

Nian then explains that "Hui and Ming" is principally similar to Yin and Yang (i.e. like attracts but opposite repels), which translates to units with the same attribute dealing/taking less damage to/from each other and units with different attributes dealing/taking more damage to/from each other; some WR enemies also have abilities that interacts with attributes, like Smarties and Blindeys (which do not appear in this operation) only blockable by units with the same attribute. Three of the six Angries on the upper part charges towards Beagle, whose attacks only scratch her (who in turn barely harms them) while Kroos noticeably deals more damage against the Angries and easily kills them.

After the charging Angries are killed, two Biteys spawn from C11, who have the Hui attribute, and Cardigan and Jessica will be available for deployment. To counter the Angries and Biteys on the lower part, deploy Cardigan on B5 (giving her the Hui attribute) and Jessica on C5 (giving her the Ming attribute), both facing right, so that the former can hold off the Hui enemies without taking any noticeable damage while the latter easily dispatches them.