Operator dialogue: Tsukinogi

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Appointed as Assistant You should take a little break. It's good for you. Of course that is true, aren't you glad to hear that?
Talk 1 "Those who chase Catastrophes." "Catastrophe Patrols." Or as they say here, "Catastrophe Messengers." The job is bitter and tiring, and we are often ridiculed by ordinary civilians and bureaucrats alike. Will my lot improve as an operator? No? Haha, such is life.
Talk 2 Tomorrow... Ah, um, I see. My dear boss, remember to bring an umbrella with you when you leave tomorrow.
Talk 3 If I could have stayed in Higashi, I would not have come all the way here. But... with these things planted inside my flesh, how could I consider anywhere my "home?"
Talk after Promotion 1 It is better to give your salary to those in need than to store it inside your abode. Considering how little there is, if you put it within the hands of someone in need, just seeing their smile and hearing the words of appreciation is enough to warm my heart.
Talk after Promotion 2 I often wonder if the strange words that occasionally come from my mouth are born of my own consciousness, or if they are bestowed upon me by the Great Spirit who I have never met. The ritual verses of my relatives are all drawn from ancient scriptures, but I've always blurted mine out. It is quite distressing.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Again and again we prance, posture, sing, and pray, with no tolerance for the slightest discrepancies. Some people find joy in filling their lives with these things, and tell others that it will bring joy to the high heavens. How truly sinful.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 My clan and I lived in the mountains, not far from a Shinto shrine. At the foot of the mountain was a Buddhist temple, where the monks would return to at night. Now for the question, Doctor. What do you think would happen? Hehe, I shall leave the answer on your table, feel free to take a look when you have time.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Up so late? Do you still have something on your mind? Being thoughtful and eloquent is your strong suit, but just don't let it get in the way of your sleep. Here, I have some incense from Higashi for you, what do you think of the scent? —Oh my, the effect seems to be a bit too strong? Heh, I suppose I shall stand guard for you tonight.
Idle Close your eyes, and calm your mind. Good~
Onboard Pleased to meet you. It simply would not do if I was to forget my introduction, yes? I am Tsukinogi, formerly part of a small "Catastrophe Patrol" in Higashi. It is an honor to be able to work under you.
Watching Battle Record Different communication methods? Interesting...
Promotion 1 Oh, a reward? Now, now, how should I use this?
Promotion 2 The white night is a raging fire, through which a dark haze lingers. I asketh thee, where dost thy steps cease? Take things one step at a time, and do not stray off the path.
Added to Squad I will not fall short of your expectations.
Appointed as Squad Leader Great is the responsibility of leading others.
Depart The time has come. Let us go.
Begin Operation There are more important things to do than pray.
Selecting Operator 1 Yes.
Selecting Operator 2 Very well.
Deployment 1 Impurity be purged.
Deployment 2 Soul be cleansed.
In Battle 1 Rising haze, sunder the body.
In Battle 2 Drown in the gloaming, and never return.
In Battle 3 Wander through this vast land, blind and ignorant.
In Battle 4 O exalted brilliance, separate us from harm!
4-star Result I was not able to help at all, but that is a cause for celebration.
3-star Result Congratulations. A perfect conclusion to this mission.
Sub 3-star Result The small issues that besmirch our results can be left to me. You may take your leave.
Operation Failure The consequences of our recklessness have been unsatisfactory. Let us reflect upon them once more.
Assigned to Facility I have no requests for my accommodations, so please assign me as you wish.
Tap Oh my?
Trust Tap If there is anything displeasing to you, please let me know. Yes, anything at all.
Greeting I trust you've been well?
Title Arknights.