Operator story: Touch

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The Leithanian Caprinae codenamed "Touch" was previously a botanist who masters a rare Arts that could revert anything into its primitive form. However, her career came to a bottleneck, and an experimental incident that caused her Oripathy immediately disqualified her from becoming a lecturer of a Leithanian Spire. In the midst of her misery, she shifted her interest to Columbia's development of life science and became an Oripathy researcher under the sponsorship of Maylander. After accepting Kal'tsit's invitation to Rhodes Island, she has since become both an Elite Operator and a skilled medic who continues her research.


Near Light

Touch appeared in one of the unlockable Epilogues once the reputation for Armorless Union has been maxed out. She appeared when Platinum, Gravel, Hibiscus and the Doctor were targeted by Monique, angered by her actions of trying to target Hibiscus. Using her unique Arts, she destroyed one of Monique's arrows before it can strike anyone resulting in Monique being intimidated by her presence. She then continues battling Monique alongside Gravel and managed to stay toe on toe with her long enough until Monique was forcibly pulled out by her superiors. After the confrontation, she then proceeded to treat Gravel's and Platinum's injuries with Hibiscus then leaves to report to Amiya.