Operator dialogue: Totter

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Appointed as Assistant You keep the place so messy but find what you need anyway? *sigh* Well, that's also a talent, I guess.
Talk 1 Doctor, am I able to file for exemption from paperwork? I have a bad case of farsightedness. It's a lot of strain to read, and fatigue strikes easily.
Talk 2 I'm a repressed sort, not talkative. If you're not entertained, you can head out for now. No, I don't mean to drive you off, I just...
Talk 3 I don't need to be issued a scope. In my crossbow's killing range, my naked eye sees clearly enough.
Talk after Promotion 1 My bolt points are a custom make. They pierce armor and cause massive blood loss in a short time. They're based on what Sargon hunters specially use to hunt big beasts, then I made modifications after coming to Victoria. Now they fly lighter, and kill harder.
Talk after Promotion 2 The merc business is tough, absolutely. Sometimes I'd be in the snow and an entire day would pass on my watch, and my feet would be frostbitten by the end. I appreciate your look of concern, but it was fine. Even lucky. My left foot hurt less when it was frozen.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Why I like snow, you wonder? Let me think... Does never seeing it in Sargon count? Heh, it's not really that deep. People always have their inexplicable fancies.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 ...If it's alright for me to ask, could you read the poem in this book to me, Doctor? I borrowed it from Istina. She says it's a fine poem, about winter in Deity Grypherburg.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Do you know what's most precious? Someone to peacefully watch the snow with. Maybe I've met one at some point before, but who knows? Once the snow descends, it covers all traces of anything, including the fading footprints.
Idle How about a mug of hot water? You seem a little pale.
Onboard Hello, Doctor, I'm Totter. Long-range sniping's my specialty. You can leave any task to me as long as it's a workday.
Watching Battle Record Hold on, Doctor, it's too close. Let me put on my glasses and try again.
Promotion 1 If you're pleased with my work, then I couldn't ask for more.
Promotion 2 Thank you, Doctor, but your appreciation actually leaves me at a loss. Err. If I'm being honest, I don't have big dreams for my work.
Added to Squad Orders ASAP, please.
Appointed as Squad Leader Everyone, please coordinate. Thanks in advance.
Depart Let's move. Time waits for nobody.
Begin Operation They're fast on the move, but I can still read their tracks.
Selecting Operator 1 Foggy today. Bad luck.
Selecting Operator 2 Great luck. Got a tail wind today.
Deployment 1 I see clouds rising. Probable hostiles in the snow.
Deployment 2 I see fowl taking off. Probable ambush in the grass.
In Battle 1 Come out. Stop hiding!
In Battle 2 I see you.
In Battle 3 Stop moving.
In Battle 4 It won't be any use.
4-star Result The best kills are one-shot. Less pain for them.
3-star Result Target down. Mission clear, no setbacks.
Sub 3-star Result *Tut*, not my best shot.
Operation Failure Sorry, Doctor, target's out of range. I can't hit them.
Assigned to Facility Nice. Luxurious compared to my safehouse.
Tap Speak. I'm all ears.
Trust Tap Doctor, is that you? You're blurry, but you've got distinct footsteps. I can tell them apart.
Greeting Hello.
Title Arknights.