Operator dialogue: Texas

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Appointed as Assistant My next mission is to protect you, Doctor.
Talk 1 I don't say much? That's because I'd rather avoid thinking about most things.
Talk 2 Our job is to deliver life and death.
Talk 3 I usually listen to Sora's songs when I'm driving.
Talk after Promotion 1 Cigarette? Oh, no, this is chocolate. You've gotta replenish your energy regularly. Which reminds me... do you want some coffee?
Talk after Promotion 2 How long have I worked for Penguin Logistics? When did I start...? I don't even know how long it's been.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Watch out for the Red Wolf. She's not evil, but... she's not like us.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 No matter how hard I run, my past will catch up to me one day.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 My independent lifestyle and rowdy friends have brought me a lot of trouble... but I kind of like it this way.
Idle Is it time for a break?
Onboard Code name Texas. I'm responsible for driving, moving cargo, and keeping our people safe. Try to get the mission briefings as concise as possible, please.
Watching Battle Record Thanks.
Promotion 1 This will work as payment.
Promotion 2 Thanks for trusting me, Doctor.
Added to Squad What do you need?
Appointed as Squad Leader I'm not good at barking orders.
Depart Let's go.
Begin Operation Exusiai, cover me.
Selecting Operator 1 Awaiting orders.
Selecting Operator 2 Got it.
Deployment 1 Draw swords!
Deployment 2 Let's begin.
In Battle 1 Hah!
In Battle 2 You can't stop me.
In Battle 3 Cut them to pieces!
In Battle 4 Shut up.
4-star Result Whew... No problem.
3-star Result Weaklings.
Sub 3-star Result A few of them got through.
Operation Failure I may have underestimated this operation.
Assigned to Facility Do you need any supplies? Just let me know.
Tap Oh...!
Trust Tap What is it, Doctor?
Greeting Morning.
Title Arknights.