Operator interactions: Team Rainbow

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A list of in-game interactions involving Team Rainbow Operators.

Base skills

Operator Base skill Interaction
Ash icon.png
Skill-ctrl r6.png
Team Rainbow
While Ash is in the Control Center, all Operators in it restores 0.5 morale/hour for every Team Rainbow Operator in the Control Center (including Ash herself).
Skill-ctrl ash.png
Intelligence Reserve
While Ash is in the Control Center, receives 1 Intelligence Reserve for every Team Rainbow Operator in it (including Ash herself).
Blitz icon.png
Skill-ctrl r6.png
Team Rainbow
While Blitz is in the Control Center, all Operators in it restores 0.5 morale/hour for every Team Rainbow Operator in the Control Center (including Blitz himself).
Skill-hire blitz.png
While Blitz is in the HR Office, further increases recruitment tag refresh generation rate by 5% for every Intelligence Reserve and Ursus Specialty Beverage provided by Ash and Tachanka's namesake base skills.
Frost icon.png
Skill-ctrl r6.png
Team Rainbow
While Frost is in the Control Center, all Operators in it restores 0.5 morale/hour for every Team Rainbow Operator in the Control Center (including Frost herself).
Skill-ws frost.png
Mechanical Engineering
While Frost is in the Workshop:
  • Further increases the byproduct rate by 5% for every Intelligence Reserve provided by Ash's namesake base skill.
  • Further increases the byproduct rate by 15% if there are at least 4 Ursus Specialty Beverages provided by Tachanka's namesake base skill.
Tachanka icon.png
Skill-ctrl r6.png
Team Rainbow
While Tachanka is in the Control Center, all Operators in it restores 0.5 morale/hour for every Team Rainbow Operator in the Control Center (including Tachanka himself).
Skill-ctrl tachanka.png
Ursus Specialty Beverage
While Tachanka is in the Control Center, receives 1 Ursus Specialty Beverage for every Ursus Student Self-Governing Group Operator in it.