Operation guide: TR-6

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TR-6 guide.png

The sixth tutorial operation of Arknights, TR-6 gives an insight on how to combine both Defender and AoE Caster Operators to good effect when dealing with large swarms of enemies.

At first Durin will be already deployed on F7 facing down. She can handle the initial waves of Originium Slugs α without much trouble, but a group of four Originium Slugs α will follow, which Durin can't dispatch in time before they leave her range. Dobermann and Jessica then points about using Defenders who can block three enemies to make them a sitting duck for AoE Casters who inflicts splash damage in each attack, and 12F and Beagle will be available for deployment.

Do exactly as Dobermann and Jessica elaborates; deploy Beagle on D5 facing right followed by 12F on F6 facing down. This way, Beagle will block the Originium Slugs α to be pummeled by 12F and Durin, and the former's AoE attacks will easily clear them out.