Operation guide: TR-11

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TR-11 guide.png

The eleventh tutorial operation of Arknights, TR-11 gives an insight on how to combine Casters and Supporters to great effect against enemies with high DEF.

After Dobermann finishes talking, deploy Fang on F7 and Hibiscus on E7, both facing left, to dispatch the incoming Originium Slugs α. Not long after, a Heavy Defender spawns from D4; Dobermann notes that the Heavy Defender have high ATK and very high DEF which would mean that Fang wouldn't stand a chance. However, the Heavy Defender has to take a longer path to the objective, so it is best to use slower Supporters whose attacks temporarily slow enemies struck to hamper his advance and single-target/ST Casters to deal with him; both of them deals Arts damage, so they are also effective against the Heavy Defender.

Do as Dobermann instructs by deploying Durin and Orchid, who were just available for deployment, on C5 and C4, respectively. As mentioned above, Orchid will slow the Heavy Defender down, allowing Durin to damage (and eventually kill) him, preventing him from endangering Fang.