Operator trivia: Suzuran

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  • Her name means "lily of the valley" (Convallaria majalis) in Japanese (鈴蘭すずらん). This is referenced by her banner's name which also includes her real name, "Lisa of the Valley".
  • Suzuran is the only Siracusan Operator who is not native to the country (she was born in Higashi).
  • A kitsune under a torii is present in Suzuran's Elite 2 artwork.
  • Suzuran's Lostlands Flowering outfit replaces the blue flame effects of her attacks and skills with sand. This fits the fact that her fox ears resemble those of fennec foxes (Vulpes zerda), which is native to the deserts of North Africa.
    • Some fanarts compare Suzuran with Erwin Rommel, who are nicknamed "the Desert Fox".
  • Suzuran became the butt of jokes and memes during her appearance in TW-4 as she becomes a deliberate victim of Aak's Stimpack skills (which can indeed be abused to remove pre-deployed Operators).
  • Suzuran's coat of arms on her module is based on the Firefox browser logo.