ISW-SP: Signal Lights

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Signal Lights
Encounter: 不请自来
Signal Lights map.png
<Static Roadblocks> that can block the enemy's route and can be attacked by our units are present on the field


Condition: More enemies will appear, and enemies have increased ATK, DEF, and HP; Static Roadblocks have greatly increased HP
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 0 Varies 36
Static devices Static Roadblock ×1
The Static Roadblock has its HP multiplied by 11.


Allies Monastery Inhabitant ×10
Normal Elite Famiglia Soldier, Elite Famiglia Crossbowman ×3, Famiglia Terrorizer ×7, Elite Famiglia Caster ×3
Elite Duck Lord, Gopnik, Famiglia Luxury Limo ×7, "Sand Voyager" ×4
  • All enemies (including the Duck Lord and Gopnik) have their HP, ATK, and DEF increased by 40%; the Duck Lord has his HP and DEF increased by 82% and 96%, respectively instead.
  • Sand Voyagers have 0.55 MSPD.
  • Elite Famiglia Soldiers are spawned from Famiglia Limos and excluded from the enemy counter.