Faction branches: Sargon

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Vouivre Alliance

The Vouivre Alliance, sometimes known as Vouivre, is an independent union of the namesake race who controlled the lands where they came from, located in the Northern border of Sargon. The Alliance's origins can be traced back to the "Aslanian Conquest" many years before the common era, when the Aslan Padishahs defeated the Vouivre tribes. Impressed by their strenght, the Aslans decided to reward them with vasts fertile land to settle. Once entering modern times, the Vouivres also united to build small-scale Nomadic Cities.[1]

At one point, the Vouivres revolted against the Sargonian lords who tried to annex the region. Although they received military support from the Rangers, the weak Alliance was overran by Sargon's imperial forces.[2] Although the Vouivre tribes' chiefs enjoy a certain degree of autonomy, they failed multiple times at breaking away from Sargon's control.

Currently, the Alliance's territory is in a state of anarchy where violence and robberies break out everyday.[3][4]

Liskarm and Vanilla were born in the territories controlled by the Vouivre Alliance.

The Rangers

The Rangers were a guerrilla band that once roamed across the Sargonian deserts. Founded by some hot-blooded young warriors who wished to protect their hometowns, the Rangers slowly grew in size and started to become a threat to the Sargonian lords. Although most of the time, all they did were some daily chores like hunting and rebuilding villages, their stories became so exaggerated that they were feared by the Sargonian military and even some bandit tribes.

The Rangers also provided their military support to the Vouivre Alliance during their war with Sargon. However, ever since the successful annexation of Vouivre, the Rangers started to decline as Sargon decided to end its toleration on them. By the time of the Main Theme, they have been disbanded. However, their stories are still widespread and are admired by later generations.[2]

Rangers is the only surviving member of the namesake group.
