Operator dialogue: Quercus

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Appointed as Assistant Last time I was an assistant, I think I was still thirteen or fourteen, treating people with my mum. Of course, I can do much more than hand out herbals and sing well-wishing verses now. If you need my help, ask away! Don't be shy.
Talk 1 I think I've seen a few new faces, now I'm back at Rhodes Island again. How has it been, Dr. {nickname}, having more and more people under you? Do you feel the vitality, brimming and bursting? We always say back home, rage against death with new life.
Talk 2 Rhodes Island Bridge-Climbing Competition? Dr. Kal'tsit shut that down midway, didn't she? Citing lack of safety ropes for all the contestants and so on. Well, I wasn't that likely to win it, and Dr. Kal'tsit's face was a much greater sight to see anyway.
Talk 3 You look put out with all these reports on your desk. Don't worry, if there's any danger, I'll know it by the scent. But! If you just don't want to work, I can't help you there.
Talk after Promotion 1 Of course it's much easier to harvest info when you're a lone operator. But every time I'm in the country, I pick a bag full of berries while I'm free, and I think to myself, maybe I want someone to share with after all. Otherwise, I've got no one to tell me how great I am at picking.
Talk after Promotion 2 You get the sense I served from how I work? You only got that impression from seeing my files. Service members come in all shapes and sizes, too. Some only like to read and research their comms tech, some spend all day dreaming about going on holidays in the city to see idol concerts...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Dr. {nickname}, you might be covering your face, but I can tell you've perked up a lot more compared to when you came back from Chernobog. But if you spend the whole time under this low of a ceiling, your mind'll get dull. Head out onto the deck every now and then. It's good for you, the wind.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 When I looked after the ill back home, I ran across a couple Infected calling themselves "Reunion"... and then I got into a fight with them. I can't stand it, seeing those children with firelight in their eyes lost in all the pointless violence, about to burn themselves through.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Those who depart us receive the land's forgiveness, and rest in her embrace... but some people go too quickly, the roots of the forests of their homes unable to hold onto their hands. Was that not like me, being so serious? You really should've seen me when I worked back home.
Idle I wonder how lightly the Doctor sleeps... let's stand watch quietly.
Onboard Nice to meet you, Doctor. Call me Quercus. It's the first time we've met, but the intel on your desk about northern Victoria is straight from me... What, even you're going to tell me my reports aren't standard?
Watching Battle Record I wish I'd learned all this a little earlier.
Promotion 1 What's this promotion come out of nowhere for? My candied fruit must make a strong impression.
Promotion 2 In my hometown, you had to make a choice with Originium Arts. Whether to terrorize others, or to aid them... The result of my greed was that I couldn't commit properly to either. Even so, would you still have faith in me?
Added to Squad As long as it's your decision, I'll have no objections.
Appointed as Squad Leader It's a major responsibility.
Depart Shouldn't we consider marching routes other than on the ground?
Begin Operation The more defined a battle's goal is, the clearer tactics become.
Selecting Operator 1 Will the land shake with fury, or display her mercy?
Selecting Operator 2 If you're still hesitating, I can give some advice.
Deployment 1 I will stand guard here.
Deployment 2 Beginning collection of battlefield information.
In Battle 1 The land will forgive all in the end, but now is not that time.
In Battle 2 The wind blows through; the leaves tell stories of those who sleep.
In Battle 3 Arbor,[note 1] reach your hands to me.
In Battle 4 I remember your face as well, now.
4-star Result Wow, incredible! I've got the urge to snap a formal salute just to show my respect.
3-star Result That was a perfect operation! Once we're back, dinner will taste even better.
Sub 3-star Result They can't be running far, but do you plan to pursue?
Operation Failure It's alright, let me organize the retreat. I leave our next counterattack to you.
Assigned to Facility It always feels a little hard to catch my breath when I'm shut in here for long.
Tap Oh? Are you as much of a prank-lover as all those kids?
Trust Tap You want to hear me sing? Do you know who our songs are sung for? Usually, it's for the gravely ill.
Greeting You're back here in your office again, Dr. {nickname}. Have you refreshed your body and mind well?
Title Arknights.


  1. "Groves" or "Forests" in Latin