Operator story: Qiubai

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Once fueled by vengeance, Qiu is better to let it go and embrace her "whiteness."

Qiubai the Elafian girl hails from the northeastern Yanese city of Jiangqi who was born into a clan of river bandits harassing the Dingzhou region. As winter limits her clan's activities, her father, the clan's leader, gave her such name with a symbolic meaning: "to hate the snow's whiteness" and be emotionless. Despite detesting her father's job, she could only accept her fate quietly for the sake of survival. However, her clan's activities eventually caught the authorities' attention. Around ten years ago (Terran year 1092), soldiers were sent to her village under Chongyue's leadership to arrest them. Not only they cruelly ravaged her hometown, but also, they executed Qiu's father and then threw his body into the river where they live.[1]

Enraged by the devastating pillage, Qiu decided to seek vengeance from Chongyue. She embarked on a long journey from the freezing rivers in the east to the vast Gobi Desert in the west where Yumen is located. At first, she disguised herself as Chongyue's martial art disciple so that she could assassinate him whenever opportunity is given. Nevertheless, Qiu never made it as she was completely amazed by the grandmaster's century-old solitude and benevolence. She eventually gave up her hatred and faithfully followed his guidance for the next five years. In return, she was promoted to become the captain of Yumen's garrison soldiers.

Following the Yumen incident incited by the Shanhaizhong, Qiu believed that it was time for her to leave the city and find her own meaning in her life as revenge is no longer her goal. She bade Chongyue her farewell and then continued her solo journey across Yan to execute her own justice as a true "xiake." Nevertheless, her name has been widely heard among many Rhodes Island operators, and she eventually enlisted herself as part of its members after their formal encounter in a bizarre incident in Kou-wu. Many R.I. members are amazed by her tales and wishes to learn more about the Yanese wuxia culture, but to her, all is just a brief memories in her that fade away like melting frost.

Qiubai first appeared in Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow before being introduced as an Operator with the release of A Death in Chunfen.


Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow

A Death in Chunfen
