Operator dialogue: Qanipalaat

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Appointed as Assistant Doctor! Do you want these files here? A Liberi lady just taught me how to use a printer! Look, I even learned how to print on both sides! This needs to be single-sided? Uh-oh, sorry! I'll print it again!
Talk 1 My mother[note 1] has gotten a lot better. That time, even divination[note 2] showed a dark future. If not for the medical equipment we got from the explorers, she might have left us... Since then, I decided to go out into the world. I hope to bring more equipment like that back to the village[note 3].
Talk 2 I'm really grateful to Magallan. We've only met a few times during search and rescue operations, but she put me in touch with Rhodes Island after hearing my situation. And she's an incredible lady. Not many people dare to explore the ice fields[note 4] like her. Even people in our tribe[note 5] seldom set foot there. It's a place that's feared and revered.
Talk 3 I'm part of my tribe's[note 5] rescue team, helping people who accidentally wander into the bog[note 6], or get lost in the snowstorms[note 7]. That's how I met a lot of explorers from Columbia. Woah, Doctor, how did you know they always compliment my tail?
Talk after Promotion 1 I never thought I would leave the tribe[note 5] and come here. I was never interested in things from the outside world. But that shiny medical equipment blew me away. They went against our divination[note 2]. That's a miracle to me.
Talk after Promotion 2 The explorers told me things I've never heard before, about "corporations", "timetables", "entrepot"... we don't even have these words because we've never had a use for them. But I learned them quickly, thanks to my conversations with the explorers.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Can I see the future like Gitano? I suppose I could divine[note 8] your future, but I'm not great at it. If you really want me to tell your fortune for the day, let's see... Okay, it says... the stars will fall from the sky, and eggplant must go on top of rice.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, Accounting says my "reimbursement claim" has been delayed. What does "reimbursement claim" mean? Sorry, but there's still so much I don't understand about paperwork...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor! I'm back from my field mission! We delivered some equipment to my tribe[note 5] and taught them how to use it. Turns out aunt's[note 9] leg pains were caused by bone spurs. Now that we know how to treat it, she won't have to rely on my cousin's[note 10] Arts to relieve the pain.
Idle Oh[note 11], the phone is ringing![note 12] What did the Doctor say I should do in this situation... Okay... He-hello? Um, nice to hear you. This is the Doctor's office.
Onboard I forgot to ask the Perro man what I should call you. I only learned the word "company" from the Columbians. Do you have a name? Oh[note 13], just "Doctor"? I can do that!
Watching Battle Record Is this one of your technologies? How do you manage to record everything like that?
Promotion 1 Doctor, is this what you call a "contract"? It's very difficult to understand. Do I have to sign it? You say if I don't sign it, I'll be forced to work day and night by a cruel boss? But Doctor, you are not cruel... What? What do you mean don't be so sure?
Promotion 2 I won't make a fool of myself like before, Doctor! You've helped me so much. My mother's[note 1] getting better, and my tribe[note 5] is learning to use Rhodes Island medical equipment. I hope I can do even more for them in the future.
Added to Squad Don't worry, I've been on a lot of rescue operations.
Appointed as Squad Leader Everyone, follow my orders and don't run off on your own.
Depart Begin rescue operation!
Begin Operation Make sure you're well-prepared. That's the foundation of a successful rescue.
Selecting Operator 1 A new rescue objective?
Selecting Operator 2 I have the map here.
Deployment 1 Don't worry, help is on the way.
Deployment 2 Please save your strength, we will get you out!
In Battle 1 Rescue targets identified.
In Battle 2 Rescue location confirmed.
In Battle 3 Formulating a rescue plan.
In Battle 4 Don't worry. You're going to be fine!
4-star Result I was nervous, but my experience really came in handy!
3-star Result A well-planned and well-executed rescue operation, our target has been brought to safety.
Sub 3-star Result The victim was injured... Don't worry, I'll ease the pain for you.
Operation Failure Over here! We need backup!
Assigned to Facility Oh, so this is where I'm supposed to use that "access card."
Tap Oh!
Trust Tap Doctor, you don't really want me to divine[note 8] your future, do you?
Greeting Boo! Did that scare you? Not at all? Aw, I used to spook lots of people in the snow[note 14].
Title Arknights.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Spoken as "Ieddne" in the English dialogue; "mother" in Lule Sámi
  2. 2.0 2.1 Spoken as "Tsoavttsom" in the English dialogue; "prophecy" in Lule Sámi
  3. Spoken as "Sijddaj" in the English dialogue; "to the village/tribe" in Lule Sámi
  4. Spoken as "Jiegŋadievddamin" in the English dialogue; "ice fields" in Lule Sámi
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Spoken as "Sijdda" (plural: sijdan) in the English dialogue; "tribe" in Lule Sámi.
  6. Spoken as "Sæmssaj" in the English dialogue; "bog" in Lule Sámi
  7. Spoken as "Guolldo" (plural: guollduj) in the English dialogue; "snowstorm" in Lule Sámi
  8. 8.0 8.1 Spoken as "Tsoavttsot" in the English dialogue; "to prophesize" in Lule Sámi
  9. Spoken as "Smuohtá" in the English dialogue; "aunt" in Lule Sámi
  10. Spoken as "Oarbbenbiele" in the English dialogue; "cousin" in Lule Sámi
  11. Spoken as "Ohoj" in the English dialogue; Swedish for "ho!"
  12. Spoken in Lule Sámi ("Telefåvnnå skuollá!") in the English dialogue
  13. Spoken as "Oho" in the English dialogue; Finnish for "oh"
  14. Spoken as "Muohttagin" in the English dialogue; "snow" in Lule Sámi