Operator overview: Pozëmka

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Pozëmka is a 6★ Heavyshooter Sniper who specializes in DPS. As a Heavyshooter Sniper, Pozëmka has a high ATK and short range of 2×3 tiles with a 1-tile extension up front (forming a turret-like shape) which is improved to 3×3 tiles at Elite 1, in return for an above-average attack interval and DP cost, the latter of which increases in each promotion.


  1. Automatic Typewriter allows her "Typewriter" to be deployed while Pozëmka is deployed, lasting a short time (that increases in each promotion) and can be redeployed after 40 seconds upon leaving the map.
    • The Typewriter is an invulnerable automated crossbow turret with a linear range of three tiles ahead of it and has lower ATK than Pozëmka, but while her skill is active, the Typewriter will benefit from it as well.
  2. Stenographer of Weaknesses makes the Typewriter's attacks reduce the target's DEF for a short time, which is increased if the Typewriter is deployed adjacent to Pozëmka herself.


  1. Iamb has offensive SP recovery, which permanently buffs the ATK of Pozëmka and the Typewriter, and gives them a chance to deal more damage in each attack once charged.
  2. Précis passively reduces the Typewriter's redeployment time. When activated, Pozëmka and the Typewriter launch three attacks on enemies in an extended range of 3×3 tiles with a 1-tile extension up front, each dealing a higher portion of their ATK, and can store multiple charges at higher levels. Notably, this skill can't be activated if no enemies are in Pozëmka's range, even if there are enemies that need killing in the Typewriter's range.
  3. Opprobrium extends Pozëmka's range to 3×3 tiles with a 1-tile extension up front and the Typewriter's range to 4 tiles, reduces their attack interval, and causes their attacks to deal more damage especially against targets in the three tiles ahead of them while active.
    • Opprobrium is considered Pozëmka's go-to skill, as its DPS is extremely high with both her and the Typewriter active, has a decent duration and SP cost, and the Typewriter can even be deployed deep behind enemy lines to take out dangerous enemies easily.

Operator Module

The ARC-Y Module, Typewriter Ribbon, causes Pozëmka's attacks to deal 1.05× damage and never proc the target's Physical dodge against enemies right ahead of her in addition to increasing her maximum HP and ATK. Once upgraded, the Typewriter's ATK is increased. Ironically, dodge-ignoring is especially useful against Durins during her introductory event.

Base skills

Pozëmka's base skills improve Trading Post efficiency while she is assigned to one.

  1. Sales Promotion increases order acquisition rate by 5% for every Pure Gold Production Line.
  2. Zeruertza Resident increases the Pure Gold Production Line by 1 for every Durin Operator in Trading Posts.


Pozëmka offers high lethality and especially high versatility as a Heavyshooter Sniper: she essentially comes bundled with a DP-efficient, invulnerable, deployment limit-ignoring, fast-redeploy sniper. Her volleys of high-damage shots coupled with her Typewriter, deployable anywhere to provide ranged fire support, doubles her damage output and makes her rival Schwarz as the best Heavyshooter Sniper.

Avdotya may be like Snow White, but she knows very well that "if you wanted peace, prepare for war."