Enemy story: Pompeii

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Pompeii, as it appears before Ceylon, Provence, and Skyfire in the Siesta Volcano

"Pompeii" was the nickname given to the queen of an Originium Slug colony living in the Siesta Volcano. The slugs, which feeds on the volcano's obsidian deposits, suffers from a food shortage when the obsidian deposits are illegally mined, forcing the slugs to dig deeper into the volcano's core. This greatly heightens the Siesta Volcano's activity to the point that by the time the annual Obsidian Festival takes place in Terran Year 1097, an eruption is only a matter of time.[1]

The extreme conditions of the Siesta Volcano had caused Pompeii to grow into a gigantic size which towers over other known types of Originium Slugs and gains the ability to manipulate geothermal energies which is strong enough to destroy whole squads and even trigger the volcano's eruption if given the opportunity, earning it the appropriate moniker "a moving volcano".

Side Stories

Heart of Surging Flame

Ceylon Doykos, the daughter of the mayor of Siesta Herman Doykos, encountered an unusually large number of Originium Slugs in the Siesta Volcano's foothills during her investigation to the volcano's rising activity, and after meeting Provence and Skyfire amidst her investigation, speculates that an environmental change had agitated the slugs.[2]

After dealing with the conspiracy involving Siesta's corrupt Catastrophe Messenger Cronin, who are covering up the illegal obsidian mining which explains the change of the Originium Slugs' behavior, Ceylon aids Provence and Skyfire to stop the Siesta Volcano's eruption by pacifying Pompeii. Encountering the gargantuan, molten Originium Slug as the ladies traverse the volcanic caverns, they managed to repel Pompeii from the volcano's core after a fight, preventing the eruption at least for the time being.[3]
