Operator story: Phantom

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Lucian the Victorian Feline hails from the former Gallic territory of Calais-Blason. Following the destruction of his hometown by a disastrous flood, he and other orphans including Shalem were taken in by the passing Crimson Troupe to be trained to be its members. His inborn talent and quick mastery of acting made him a favored student, with the enigmatic Troupe Master personally tutoring him to become the Troupe's "Solitaire." However, such lessons were also a means of brainwashing utilized to make him into the Leader's masterpiece: a person who was both a brilliant master of the arts, and also a soul stained with the crimson shades of madness. Throughout his training, he also had at least three other teachers who influenced his life alongside the Leader: "Shadow," who taught him darkness-related Originium Arts: "Whiteflower," who taught him dance and social skills, and "Bladedance," who taught him his combat prowess with twin blades.

Lucian eventually discovered the Troupe's illicit activities and the true nature of the Leader. But at the same time, he accidentally contracted Oripathy during his training. While the disease altered the nature of his voice, it also allowed him to utilize it as his Arts that could cause severe psychological and nerve damage to anyone who is around to listen. So, on his debut night, he killed most of the Troupe's members, including his mentors, in a fit of insanity and fled amidst the chaos.

For the next nine years, Lucian wandered around Victoria as an independent assassin who eliminated the remnants of the Troupe that followed after him. Being a lone wanderer, his only soulmate is Miss Christine, a mysterious black "kitten." He eventually joined Rhodes Island under the codename "Phantom" after hearing a mysterious calling in his mind, and as R.I. personnel, he is notable for being his stealth and quietness who could perform quick assassinations onto his enemies. However, R.I. remains cautious on him due to his vague past, and the shadow of Lucian's past is still haunting him. Worst of all, the Crimson Troupe is still keeping an eye on him as the Leader does not give up on bringing him back. The day will come when Lucian has to return to the performing stage and kill his deepest "phantom" in his heart.


Rewinding Breeze

Phantom: Cooperation

Phantom & Crimson Solitaire