Operator dialogue: Nightingale
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Appointed as Assistant I apologize... It's my job to attend to you, but my body simply won't move like I want it to...
Talk 1
Talk 2 This little blue bird often comes over and chats with me. Sometimes, I dream about turning into a bird myself... flying free in the skies, without a care...
Talk 3 Once upon a time, I was imprisoned in an empty room. I only saw another human being when they needed my healing...
Talk after Promotion 1 With this staff in my hand, I can heal as many as I will. Is this... really an ability I was born with?
Talk after Promotion 2 Shining told me that the sins we carry... the guilt of starting the war, as devils... will one day catch up to us and we will have to face judgment. Those people who imprisoned me said the same thing. But...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Amiya... I feel a sense of deja vu whenever I see her. Perhaps we met sometime in the past?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 The memories I have are mere fragments. My people... Originium... my mission, the rebellion, the war... but tell me, why are you in one of my memories too?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 How did I end up like this? Why must I suffer all that I do? Doctor, do you have the answers?
Idle Do you too dream of flying freely through the skies like a bird?
Onboard Liz... that's my real name. Everything else is just cloudy, indistinct memories...
Watching Battle Record Why is there a need for me to grow stronger?
Promotion 1 A promotion? I see. It sounds like something to rejoice over. But... I apologize, I don't feel any joy within...
Promotion 2 Thank you for personally informing me of my promotion, Doctor. But... to me, it doesn't matter as much as the story of the world outside that this little bird is telling me right now.
Added to Squad Is this the rendezvous point?
Appointed as Squad Leader I shall do anything you command me to.
Depart I need only do as the manual said, yes?
Begin Operation The battlefield... a place where lives are taken...
Selecting Operator 1 Doctor...
Selecting Operator 2 Who will you choose?
Deployment 1 This is... the battlefield...
Deployment 2 It's not my wish to take lives.
In Battle 1 My power is all yours now.
In Battle 2 Take flight.
In Battle 3 You will not come to harm.
In Battle 4 I shall protect you.
4-star Result No matter how difficult the battle gets, I will always…
3-star Result To fight to the very end... that's our destiny.
Sub 3-star Result Perhaps they've already escaped this cage called fate...
Operation Failure Is this how despair feels?
Assigned to Facility Rooms... They too are a type of cage.
Tap Yes? What is it?
Trust Tap Doctor... is this... what is known as "intimacy"?
Greeting Good day, Doctor.