Operation guide: New Tribe

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One of the possible Dreadful Foes in the 3rd floor of Expeditioner's Joklumarkar, New Tribe pits the player against the Fallen Snowpriest, one of the namesake who had fallen into the Andskotarnir taint and proves to be a troublesome foe due to their attacks that both inflicts Cold and jumps between multiple targets if they are close enough to each other (but each jump deals less damage), like that of Sarkaz Heirbearer Chain Casters from Episode 10. Furthermore, the Fallen Snowpriest can bestow Unnatural Gift on other enemies by actually attacking them every so often (that also jumps between multiple targets like its normal attacks), which causes those affected to have their ASPD and speed boosted significantly for a short time; fortunately, the Fallen Snowpriest will never be affected by its own Unnatural Gift, but the enemies' boosted alacrity can be difficult to deal with anyway.
