Tutorial: NL-TR-2

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<Game paused>
Nearl These rogue knights aren't the friendliest, so try not to disturb them if possible.
<Game unpaused>
[A Knight Territory Wanderer is seen close to Nearl, sleeping inside tiles without visibility. Not long after, the tiles ahead of Nearl, including where the Wanderer is on, becomes visible, waking him up.]
<Game paused>
Nearl <The Wanderer is highlighted> Beware, when you have visibility over an area, the enemies there will be alerted, regardless of whether they were illuminated or seen by the naked eye.
<Game unpaused>
[The Wanderer moves and engages Nearl, who proved to be a tough opponent with the Radiant Knight having trouble defending herself even with support from Firewatch and Melantha. Two Armorless Union Assassins show up, with one on the right side; away from Nearl and the others.]
<Game paused>
Nearl The fighting is getting attention, and enemies have appeared on the other side.
Beagle But we can't see what's going on over there. What do we do...?
Nearl My Arts should help.
This is a Knight Crest condensed from Originium Arts. It can be used to cast a faint aura of light, allowing you to gain visibility over the terrain.
<Game unpaused>
[A Knight Crest is deployed on the right side, making the tile on it visible. Beagle is then deployed there to stop the A.U. Assassins on the right side.]
<Game paused>
Nearl <The Knight Crest where Beagle is on are highlighted> Deploy the Knight Crest on any tile, and you will be able to deploy Operators on that tile.
The Knight Crest lasts for a long time. Even if the Operator on it retreats, its aura will still persist.
<Game unpaused>
[(The player deploy Knight Crests on the ranged tiles behind Beagle, followed by Ansel and Steward to support her) The Wanderer is eventually defeated and the R.I. operators managed to hold off the A.U. Assassins.]