Tutorial: NL-TR-1

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[Kroos is deployed to the left of a City Neon. Note that nearly all tiles on the map are darkened due to lack of visibility.]
<Game paused>
Kroos It's way too dark, and I can't see clearly.
Nearl <The Undertide Gloompincer is highlighted> Those gloompincers are lurking in the darkness. They will gain invisibility in areas where you have no visibility.
Kroos We won't be able to shoot them anyway if we can't see them, so let's wait until we have visibility over that area.
<Game unpaused>
[Another Gloompincer shows up and moves in right as the tiles ahead of Kroos becomes visible.]
<Game paused>
Nearl Operators cannot be deployed on areas with no visibility.
<The City Neon next to Kroos is highlighted> Fortunately, City Neon provides a certain range of visibility, and you can deploy your Operators in the vicinity of City Neon.
<Game unpaused>
[Midnight is deployed to the right of the City Neon before the moving Gloompincer can reach it and engages it, as well as revealing the tile ahead of him.]
<Game paused>
Nearl <Midnight is highlighted> Operators will have a certain range of visibility when they are initially deployed.
<Game unpaused>
[As a third Gloompincer joins in, more tiles ahead of Midnight becomes visible.]
<Game paused>
Nearl After getting accustomed to the darkness, the Operator's field of visibility will increase.
Beagle I see them now! Let me handle this!
<Game unpaused>
[Beagle is deployed several tiles ahead of Midnight facing left. She blocked the second Gloompincer, allowing Midnight to dispatch it...]
<Game paused>
Kroos Thank you, Beagle, I can see the target within the area of visibility now. Taking aim––
<Game unpaused>
[...and made the tiles ahead of her visible after a while, allowing Kroos to open fire on the first Gloompincer just as more Gloompincers enter the fray, with Kroos weakening some of them as they stops within her range for Beagle and Midnight to take care of.]
<Game paused>
Nearl <Another City Neon on the upper-right side is highlighted> After spending DP to activate City Neon, it will continuously provide visibility to surrounding tiles.
Melantha We'll hold down this side!
<Game unpaused>
[(The player activates the upper-right City Neon to reveal a deployable tile two tiles below it, and deploys Melantha followed by Hibiscus to her right) A Nameless Independent Knight appears and moves in from the upper-right side, but Melantha intercepts him and takes him out.]