Operator overview: Mizuki

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Mizuki is a 6★ Ambusher Specialist who specializes in DPS and Crowd-Control. As an Ambusher Specialist, Mizuki has a block count of 0, which means he cannot block enemies on his own, innately has Negative Taunt, can dodge both Physical and Arts attacks 50% of the time, and his attacks hit all enemies within a range of the surrounding eight tiles with a 1-tile extension in front of him, but with high attack interval and rather high DP cost.


  1. Traumatic Hysteria causes Mizuki's attacks to inflict an additional instance of Arts damage equal to a portion of his ATK towards the target with the lowest amount (not percentage) of HP.
  2. Countertransference buffs Mizuki's ATK if there is an enemy with less than 50% HP within his range.


  1. Awaken causes Mizuki's attack to deal more damage and increases the damage dealt by Traumatic Hysteria in said attack when charged, which can store multiple charges at higher levels.
  2. Prisoner's Dilemma shortens Mizuki's attack interval, somewhat buffs his ATK, and makes Traumatic Hysteria affect an additional target and momentarily Binds them while active.
    • With a good uptime and no drawbacks unlike Moon in the Water (see below) as well as solid DPS, Prisoner's Dilemma is especially useful for both stalling and inflicting consistent DPS.
  3. Moon in the Water expands Mizuki's range to an adjusted 3×4 tiles with 3-tile extensions to the sides and a 1-tile extension to the front, greatly buffs his ATK, and makes Traumatic Hysteria affect two additional targets and momentarily Stuns them, but Mizuki will lose a portion of his maximum HP (which can knock him out) after each attack if it does not hit at least three targets while active.
    • Moon in the Water allows Mizuki to inflict heavy damage to multiple enemies and interrupting them in one sweep, especially for those with low HP.
    • Be sure to place Mizuki on high-traffic areas to ensure that he can hit three or more enemies at once in each attack, avoiding its drawback.

Operator Modules

Mizuki's Operator Modules either further enhances his Crowd-Control specialization or compensates Moon in the Water's drawback.

  1. The AMB-X Module, Entreaty of the Herald, reduces the movement speed of enemies within Mizuki's range by 20% in addition to increasing his maximum HP and ATK. Once upgraded, Traumatic Hysteria's damage is increased and it now affects an additional target.
  2. The AMB-Y Module, Caerulorum Semina, increases the innate dodge's proc chance to 65% in addition to increasing Mizuki's ATK lower than Entreaty of the Herald and his ASPD. Once upgraded, Countertransference's ATK buff is increased and Mizuki restores a bit of HP whenever he defeats an enemy.

Base skills

Mizuki's base skills boost Factory productivity while he is assigned to one.

  1. Consciousness Agreement increases the productivity bonus of Standardization skills possessed by Operators in the same Factory as Mizuki by 5%.
  2. Standardization β increases productivity by 25%, which is affected by Mizuki's own Consciousness Agreement to effectively increase productivity by 30%.


Mizuki is an excellent Ambusher Specialist who calls forth his Seaborn essence to devastate masses of enemies with little to no fear of retaliation, especially should the enemy is too weak or are already injured, allowing him to literally came for you at the turn of the tide when used correctly.