Operator file: La Pluma

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The daughter of a True Bolívarians lieutenant. After her father's death, she was adopted by her father's comrade-in-arms, Pancho, became his adopted daughter, and moved to Dossoles with him.
After the Dossoles incident, she came to Rhodes Island along with Tequila. Due to her special identity, she was finally allowed to join Rhodes Island following a review.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with La Pluma
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator La Pluma shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.16u/L
Operator La Pluma rarely comes into contact with Originium.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with La Pluma
A Liberi woman who seems rather spaced out.
She rarely expresses her wants, seldom takes the initiative to talk to others, and through her daily interactions, gives off the impression of being rather air-headed. As such, when she first joined, some operators assumed that HR had made a mistake, but this misunderstanding will generally be dispelled after seeing her in battle.
In combat, La Pluma displays a concentration that seems completely at odds with her normal air-headedness, carries out the commander's orders on the battlefield absolutely and without fail, and successfully achieves them most of the time. The stark contrast between this side of her and her normal demeanor has left a deep impression upon many a squad leader who had taken her on a mission.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with La Pluma
La Pluma's real name is Rafaela Silva, and her father was Pancho's comrade-in-arms. Due to her mother's early death and the lax discipline of the True Bolívarians, she followed her father and grew up in the military. Because of her docile and charming personality, many of the soldiers saw her as their shining jewel.
The True Bolívarans is an independent government established by the locals to resist the coalition government and the Singas government. From Dobermann's perspective, their army is extremely rugged, but lacks clear organization and discipline. La Pluma grew up in this environment that emphasized the values of loyalty and rapport, and setting aside the big picture, she should've been quite happy – if not for the battle that claimed the lives of her father as well as three thousand other soldiers.
In regards to the specific details surrounding that battle, Pancho did not want to mention any more about it to La Pluma and Tequila, as they were not firsthand witnesses. Furthermore, Dobermann was still a part of the coalition government at the time. The three concurrent governments of Bolívar were not unified in their intelligence and they all regulated the relevant information as it could easily be used to discredit them. Therefore, it is difficult for us to collect accurate information. From the accounts of two individuals in tandem with the intelligence gathered by Tequila, we suspect that this episode was carried out to persecute Pancho, one of the heads of the True Bolívarians's hawkish faction at the time, and this persecution cost the lives of three thousand innocent soldiers.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with La Pluma
We were surprised that someone as young as La Pluma would enlist in such a plan when she has virtually no knowledge of Bolívar's domestic affairs. This inevitably reflects poorly upon Tequila as well as her surrogate father, Pancho.
Of course, this is hardly true in reality.
From the beginning, both Tequila and Pancho believed that La Pluma should be kept away from the conflict, so at least after they came to Dossoles, they chose to conduct their activities without La Pluma. However, as the three of them were still family, La Pluma would eventually discover all of these activities.
According to La Pluma's own account, she gave them the cold shoulder for two weeks until they agreed to let her join. According to Tequila, this outcome was the result of his deliberation, followed by days of pleading Pancho.
After all, as La Pluma's sworn brother, he knew that although his sister was obedient, her obedience was built on what she perceived as a mutually trusting relationship. She is willing to obey the words of those she relies on, but at the same time, she is unwilling to accept being excluded even if the other party was acting out of good intentions; even moreso if they were acting on good intentions, she would reject that even more. For her, sharing both happiness and hardship are most important than anything else, a mindset that may also be related to her childhood and her experiences becoming Pancho's adopted daughter.
Of course, since she chose to join the plan, we can't ignore her status as a rebel against the Dossoles City government. Setting aside the fact that ignorance is no justification for her actions, if she simply sees her family ties as the sole criteria for the actions she takes, then she is perhaps even more terrifying than Tequila, who has full knowledge of what he is doing.
La Pluma is aware of this, and though she is kind-hearted, she has even stronger convictions in her views of Pancho's actions than Tequila. As a youth who grew up amidst the flames of war, she has not seen fewer wars than Tequila, and her views of war may not even necessarily be shallower than his. In fact, even Dobermann said that the youth of Bolívar notwithstanding, even she did not know how to stop war except with more war, until she left Bolívar.
For a young woman like La Pluma, the way Pancho did things was perfectly normal. Rather, we should see Tequila's ideology, which has become shaky as a result of Candela's influence, as an outlier.
Rhodes Island has no right or authority to weigh in on the political situation of Bolívar, nor does it intend to judge whether Candela or Pancho is correct. We can only learn what is truly happening in that land from the people of Bolívar.
Perhaps nobody can cast that judgment, and only time will provide an answer.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with La Pluma
The Pancho described by La Pluma is quite different from the person in the records obtained from local areas by the Dossoles City Office, as well as from Ch'en's and Tequila's accounts.
It portrays the image of an elderly father who cares deeply about his son and daughter, but does not know how to express it.
With no outsiders around, La Pluma likes to snuggle up to Pancho's side and ask him many questions. At these times, Pancho will pat her head while slowly explaining that she may not yet understand these things. She is willing to listen nevertheless, and these moments have become some of her most treasured.
Furthermore, in conversations with the Doctor, La Pluma has mentioned more than once Pancho's disappointment as well as pride in both Tequila and himself.
He is disappointed that as his son continues to work under Mayor Candela, his ideals inevitably become tainted, and he can see his son wavering.
However, he is proud that his son has undoubtedly matured and is doing well in all aspects, and feels happy from the bottom of his heart when others mention how his son is doing.
He even said that he actually hoped for Tequila and La Pluma to leave Dossoles before he began his plan, so that no matter what happened to Dossoles, his two children would have nothing to do with it.
Of course, he may have never said these words to Tequila, or Tequila might have not taken such words seriously. Such is the nature of the father-and-son relationship. Inadvertently, they've become strangers who know each other better than anyone else.
Originally, La Pluma didn't plan to leave Dossoles with Tequila, wanting to stay behind to look after Pancho. Only when Pancho told her to leave did she decide to go with Tequila, though the relationship between the two siblings has become strained as a result of Pancho's affairs.
There's not much we can do about this, since family affairs tend to be complicated and peoples' rationales can be convoluted. However, her closeness with the Doctor may yet be a good first step. After all, since we accepted her as one of her own here at Rhodes Island, she also hopes to find a new life as well as her own path.
Promotion Record
Promote La Pluma to Elite 2
When not on a mission, La Pluma often heads to the ship's bar – but she goes there not to indulge in drinks, but to mix them.
While in Dossoles, La Pluma worked as a bartender at a small bar, and she brought her craft over to Rhodes Island.
As the intersection between the three cultures of Bolívar, Leithanien, and Columbia, Dossoles has provided a variety of rich experiences for La Pluma as she honed her craft, and her bartending has reached quite a high level.
Furthermore, La Pluma's taciturn nature may normally seem like a character flaw, but as a bartender, the same trait unexpectedly makes her become a good listener. After all, people who want someone to talk to often aren't looking for answer, but sometimes just want to listen to themselves.
All of this has gradually made La Pluma more popular with the aficionados and drunkards among operators. Whenever she takes on her role behind the bar, the evening at Rhodes Island is guaranteed to be livelier.

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